منحة في وثيقة رسميّة: T-S Ar.7.38
وثيقة رسميّة T-S Ar.7.38- الاقتباس المرجعي
- Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
- Location in source
- Doc. 70
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
- الترجمة
- الطبعة
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.7.38 1v

[جميـ]ـع ما فيها من فضة ونحاس والات خشب
ورخام يساوى ذلك جملة كبيرة فنقضها
وبنا بقبضها دارا فبعضها معصرة وحوانيت
يستغلها جميع ذلك ويحصل له من اجرتها شي كبير
ولما خرجت الامر العالية والسجلات المعظمة
برد سائر الكنائس الى اربابها تعزرعليهم
بالحكم ومنعهم منها بيد القدرة وبقيت بيده
الى هذه الغاية على الحال التي شرحها العبد
وعبد مولانا صلوات الله عليه يرغب الى خروج
التوقيع العالي الى ديوان الإقطاعات المرتجعة
بجعل المبلغ المذكور على العبد لاربع سنين
أولهن سنة احدى وعشرين واربع مائة الخراجية
باربعة وعشرين دينارا حساب ستة دنانير في كل [سنة]
او إعادتها الى نصارى الناحية ولمولانا
صلوات الله عليه الراى العالي فيما سال فيه العبد
انجز الله لمولانا وعده وخلد ملكه ونصر جنده وصلى
على محمد النبي جده وسلم تسليما
All the silver, copper, wooden vessels
and marble that are in it. All of this amounts to a large quantity. He broke them down
and with their proceeds built an enclosure designed to contain a press and shops.
He is enjoying income from them and in addition to all this he is receiving large sums from their rent.
When the exalted command and mighty documents were issued (enjoining)
the return of the remaining churches to their owners, constraining them
by law and disallowing them (to have any claims on) them by the hand of authority, (he did not heed the decree) and it has remained in his possession
until now, as the slave has explained.
The slave of our master, the benedictions of God be upon him, would like
an exalted rescript to be issued to the office of the reclaimed fiefs,
(instructing) the aforementioned sum to be paid to the slave within four years,
the first (instalment) being (paid in) the kharājī year four-hundred and twenty-one,
amounting to twenty-four dinārs, at a rate of six dinārs in every [year]
or its return to the Christians of the district. To our master,
the benedictions of God be upon him, belongs the exalted resolution regarding what the slave has requested.
May God fulfil his promise for our master, may he cause his reign to be eternaland his army to be victorious. May he praise
Muḥammad the prophet, his ancestor, and save him.
T-S Ar.7.38 1r