ثيقة شرعيّة: T-S Ar.38.85
ثيقة شرعيّة T-S Ar.38.85What's in the PGP
- صورة
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Acknowledgment of a debt of 300 dinars contracted by the husband of Amat al-Qādir with his wife in Jumādā II of the year 463 AH (= March-April 1071 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.38.85 1r
- [ بسم اللّه الرّحمـ]ـن [الرّحيم]
- أقرّ ...... [ ] [ ]ى عند شهود هذا الكتاب و[أشهد على نفسه ]
- [في] صحّة منه وجواز أمر وشهوده له مثبتون وبه عارفون أنّ عليه وعنده وقبله [و] في ذمّته وخالص ماله بحقّ واجب [ ]
- في عصمته وحكم الزّوجة [ ]. مثاقيل ذهبا عينا وازنة جيادا [ ]
- قبضها منها فصارت دينا لها عليه ثابتا وحقّا واجبا لازما حال ذلك لها عليه جميعه تأخذه به وبما شاءت منه شاءت ***
- [شا]ت ورأت من ليل أو نهار صباح أو مساء بغير مدافعة بذلك ولا احتجاج ولا تأوّل ولا تعقّب ولا رجعة ولا مـ[ ]
- [ بـ]ـغير يمين يتوجّه له عليها في ذلك ولا في شيء منه ولا محاكمة بوجه ولا سبب وهو ملي بهذا الدّين المذكور فيه وهو ثلثمـ[ـائة دينار ]
- [ا]ضعاف ذلك فما بيده لنفسه من العين والعرض فما بقي بذلك وأكثر منه ومتى ادّعى عليها في ذلك دعوى يحاول بها أنف[ـاقه]
- [أو] إنفاق شيء منه أو التمس منها عليه يمينا أو محاكمة فدعواه بذلك باطلة لا أصل لها ولا حقيقة بعلمه وبمعرفته أنّ الباطن فيما
- [ا]قرّ به فيه مثل ظاهره وجميعه حقّ وصدق على ما ذكر ووصف فيه لا شبهة فيه ولا علّة به وبأمر حقّ واجب لازم عرفه ولـ[ـرمه]
- لها به الإقرار المذكور فيه فأقرّ بذلك بعد وجوبه وقبلت منه زوجته أمة القادر هذه المقرّ لها جميع ذلك كلّه قبولا صحيحا وصـ[ـدقت ]
- [ ذ]كر فيه من ملأ وخلول تصديقا ماضيا بمخاطلة جرت عليه بينهما شهد على إقرار المقرّ بالدّين وزوجته المقرّ لها المسمـ[ـون ]
- [بما قيه بـ]ـعد قراءته عليهما من أوّله إلى آخره حرفا حرفا في صحّة منهما وجواز أمر طوعا وقد كتب هذا الكتاب على مجرى يوم (؟) واحد ثقة في ذلك وحجّة [له]
- [في] جمدى الآخرة من سنة ثلث وستّين وأربع مائة صحّ
[In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate]
[ … ] acknowledged in the presence of witnesses of this document and [called people to be his witnesses,]
[in] sound health, his acts being legal, his witnesses confirming this with regard to him and recognizing him, (he acknowledged) that he owes, has in his possession, is in debt and under obligation for, with his clear property, as a right with legal force ... [ … ]
in his protection, with the status of a wife [ … ] standard weight, gold, in minted coin, full weight, of good alloy [ … ]
he received them from her and they became an established debt owed by him to her, and a binding right with legal force, the payment of all of it by him to her being due. She may claim payment of it, or of whatever part of it she wishes, from him, she wishes ... [ whenever]
she wishes and sees fit, night or day, morning or evening, without any postponement of this, protesting, malicious interpretation, finding faults, appeal, .. [ … ]
without an oath concerning this, or any part of it, taken by him against her, or litigation, in any way whatsoever. He is solvent to the amount of this aforementioned debt, this being three [hundred dīnārs … ]
more than this by [ … ]fold, this being what is in his possession to his credit, in cash or on account, and what remains by this and more than it. Whenever he makes a claim against her for that, by which he tries to [spend it]
[or] part of it or seeks from her an oath upon it or litigation, his claim regarding that is void, with no foundation or truth. He recognizes and is aware that the recto, [with regard to what]
he has acknowledged, is like the verso. All of it is true and veracious, according to what has been stated and described in it, without error or fault, and by virtue of a binding right, which he has recognized and which
the aforementioned acknowledgement has made binding [upon him with regard to her]. He acknowledged that after it had come into force. His wife, this Amat aI-Qādir, the one to whom the acknowledgement was made, accepted all of that with a valid acceptance, and ratified every
detail that was stated in it, with an effective ratification, in a dialogue that took place between them concerning it. The acknowledgement of the acknowledger of the debt and of his wife, the one to whom the acknowledgement was made, who are named [ ] was witnessed,
after it had been read to them from beginning to end, word for word, while they were in sound health, their acts were legal and they were acting voluntarily. This document was written as corroboration for that and proof in the course of one day (?) [ … ]
[in] Jumādā. II of the year four-hundred and sixty-three. Valid.