Credit instrument or private receipt: ENA 3957.11

Credit instrument or private receipt ENA 3957.11



Commercial receipt in Arabic script. The layout resembles a state document. Same genre: T-S Ar.35.269 (PGPID 36162) and T-S AS 184.265 (PGPID 35432). Dated: 18 Ramaḍān 438 = 18 March 1047 CE. Headed by a basmala, next to which appears the name al-Faḍl b. Sahl (= Ḥesed b. Yashar al-Tustarī, presumably the issuer of this document). Begins: "Owed by Nahray (b. Nissim) the associate of the son of Barhūn al-Tāhartī: two loads of brazilwood (ʿadlayn baqqam), 820 raṭls; vinegar (khall), 10 raṭls...." Sums are given in dinars further down. Similar entries with weights follow on verso with numbers (sums of money) at the bottom. There are several other documents from the 1040s CE concerning business between Ḥesed al-Tustarī, Nahray b. Nissim, and the Tāhartī family (e.g., Bodl. MS heb. b 3/19–20 = PGPID 5595 and Moss. IV,1 = PGPID 5761). YU. ASE.

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النصوص المفرّغة


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بيان أذونات الصورة
  • ENA 3957.11: Images provided by the Jewish Theological Seminary Library (JTSL)