رسالة: ENA 3961.9
رسالة ENA 3961.9What's in the PGP
- صورة
Beginning of a petition -tarjama, basmala, formulae, on the right side 4 lines diagonally- from a Jewish woman (al-mamlūka [...] Abū l-Majd Ibn al-Ḥaver). In Arabic script. She seems to be trying to fend off a man who wants to marry her but who already has a wife and children. In the margin, she quotes from the Torah "the son of my sister took my right...". The tarjama is legible but the name is hard to make out. Dating: Mamluk era. Needs examination.
النصوص المفرّغة
ENA 3961.9 recto

ENA 3961.9 verso