ثيقة شرعيّة: ENA 2556.2b

ثيقة شرعيّة ENA 2556.2b


Recto: Deed of sale in Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Elul 1308 Seleucid = August/September 997 CE. “A bride's mother wrote in an interesting detailed Hebrew deed issued at Fustat... for the transfer of one half a house in Ramla, Egypt, to her daughter, stating that ‘this half a house is what I wrote for her in her ketubba’“ (Friedman, Jewish Marriage in Palestine 1:302n53). Names mentioned: Ḥisān bt. Yosef Ibn al-Zāmir ("the flute player"); Sirwa bt. ʿImrān. Note that this document is misdated in the Danzig Catalog (evidently the year was read as ושמונים instead of ושמנה). NB: This shelfmark has been cited numerous different ways; prior shelfmarks include but are not limited to ENA 2556.2b and ENA 2557.1. AA On verso there is a letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Qayrawān to Yosef Ibn ʿAwkal, published by Gil, Kingdom of Ishmael, 2:581–586 (see separate record).