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Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter, probably from Yehuda Ibn al-ʿAmmāni to Me'ir b. Yakhin, mentioning the latter's brothers Hilāl and Saʿīd. Dating: early 13th century. …
אין רשומות קשורות
Verso with the address on recto: Letter from Faraḥ b. Nuʿmān to the Mumḥe who lives in Damsīs (الممحا المقيم بدمسيس). In Arabic script. A …
דיון אחד
Letter from Natan b. Shelomo the hazzan b. Ya'ir to the Nagid. Fragment mentions conflict over prerogative to circumcise.
2 תעתוקים דיון אחד
Letter addressed to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllūn b. [...]. In Arabic script. Refers to a circumcision on the upcoming Sabbath and someone named Mūsā. Needs further …
Lefthand fragment: Blessing for the circumcision of a boy. In Hebrew. Gives several names. But it is quite faded.
Letter from a merchant from Sunbat demonstrating his dedication to the community by relating how he had once traveled at a time of cold and …
תעתוק אחד דיון אחד
Two poems, celebrating a circumcision.
תעתוק אחד
A magnificent illuminated certificate/amulet for a circumcision. Assuming we're meant to add up all the red numbers at the bottom to find the year, it …
Letter in which the judge Avraham b. Natan Av apologizes for being unable to attend a circumcision ceremony in Fustat because he had been scheduled …
Note from the cantor Yedutun ha-Levi, Fustat, to his brother Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, Qalyub. Yedutun requests an update on the circumcised boy and the …
ולא שלחתה ואמך בלסאעה תחב תכרג אליך לאגל עאקה כתבך ועמך …
2 תעתוקים
The cantor Abu al-Majd (Meir b. Yakhin) asks a father when he wants to celebrate his son's circumcision. Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 475. …
Letter sent by the cantor Sheerith to Maimonides, in which the writer excuses himself for being unable to do a certain service for the recipient, …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד דיון אחד
Commentary in Ladino on the section of the Guide for the Perplexed dealing with the reasons for circumcision makes up the main text. The remaining …
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dating: Of the original date, only Wednesday the first of [...], [..]70 Seleucid is preserved. The certificate is for Abū …
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Calligraphic, with a decorated margin. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 6 Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, …
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Wednesday, 20 Tevet 1771 Seleucid, which is 1459/60 CE. (1) Shemuel Faraj'el b. (2) Ḥananyahu Avraham b. (3) Shelomo …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Hananya ha-Kohen from "his son" (younger brother?) Abu l-Ḥasan. After a flattering introduction, the body of the letter begins about halfway …
Note to Abū Saʿd b. Moshe. In Judaeo-Arabic. Draft. Beginning only. Epressing the writer’s desire to see him. Followed by one line in Arabic script …
A cantor orders a religious poem in which each stanza concludes with a biblical quotation which has as its last word "God," such as Numbers …
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a …
Note from Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi probably to his brother Yedutun, in which he repeats five times that the recipient is urgently invited to a …
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Damascus. Dated: Tuesday, [..] Adar II 1752 Seleucid, which is 1441 CE. (1) Eliyyahu ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. (2) Avraham b. (3) …
Letter from the office of the Gaʾon Sar Shalom b. Moshe ha-Levi (in office ca. 1176–95) to a certain community. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Written by …
Letter of request for money addressed to the Qaraite community on occasion of a circumcision. (Information from Goitein's index cards). Goitein may have identified it …
Collection made at a circumcision feast. The ba'al ha-mila, or father of the boy, gave 1 (presumably: dirham), a few others did the same, most …
Letter from the judge Peraḥyahu (b. Yosef Ibn Yiju), in Alexandria, to an unidentified addressee, in Fustat. Dating: ca. late 12th century. This fragment (lower …
Recto: Upper part of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic written in a scribal hand to ha-Nasi ha-Gadol, reporting on the writer's troubles while traveling with Rabbi …
Letter from Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, in Qalyub, to Gaon Sar Shalom ha-Levi, in Fustat. In Hebrew. After a poem in praise in the Gaon …
Letter from a man in Egypt to his brother or brother-in-law, an India trader in Aden. In Judaeo-Arabic. Frenkel identifies the writer's location as Alexandria, …
3 תעתוקים