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Recto: The end of a legal document dated February 1821 CE (middle of Adar I 5581), Cairo, scribed and signed by Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen. Verso: Accounts …
אין רשומות קשורות
Accounts of sales to individuals on various dates in the month of Ramadan 1241 AH which is 1826 CE. The accounts were recorded on a …
Receipt in Arabic. Dated 7 Dhū l-Qaʿda 1227 AH (1812 CE). This JRL folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.
Table of accounts and many food items. Dated 1 Sivan [55]94 AM which is 1834 CE. The entries are organized chronologically by weekly parsha readings. …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in at least two distinct scribal hands. Dated toward the middle of the verso as 1253 AH which is 1837/38 CE.
Lists of detailed expenses with many names. Dated Safar 1234 AH on recto which is 1818 CE. This JRL folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated 8 Muharram 1267 AH which is 1850 CE. This JRL folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century and 19th-century accounts.
Accounts in Arabic on a bifolio from a large ledger. Dated [Dhū] al-Qaʿada 1238 AH which is 1823. Requires further examination for content. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic detailing expenses and outgoing payments to many individuals around the various localities of Sharqīya subprovince. The accounts are undated but the paleography …
Accounts in Arabic on a bifolio that was probably part of a broader ledger. Dated Muharram 1237-1238 AH which is 1821-1822 CE. Based on the …
Accounts in Arabic with eastern Arabic numerals. Dated 13 Shawwal 1238 AH which is June 1823 CE. These accounts must have originally been recorded on …
Accounts in Arabic in the name of Yeshūʿa al-Yahūdī. Dated Muḥarram 1245 AH which is 1829 CE. This JRL folder is mostly or entirely 18th-century …
Accounts in Arabic on a large bifolio. Dated Jumada I 1238 AH which is 1823 CE. This bifolio was likely once part of the same …
Accounts in Arabic, dated in the lower left section 5 Ṣafar [1]257 which is 1841 CE. Requires further examination for content. MCD.
Letter from Yaḥyā Mizraḥī in Alexandria to Binyamin de Curiel. Dated 27 Av [55]99 AM = 1838 CE, this nineteenth-century dating is confirmed by the …
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Dated: 28 Heshvan 5557 AM, which is 1796 CE. Testimony that Raḥamim Ashiyahu (אשיאו) received from Sara bt. Yiṣḥaq Re'uven an …
תעתוק אחד
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps an unsent draft. Dating is early 19th-century based on the letter recipients mentioned in the heading, Ḥayyīm and Avraham Cesana, …
Legal document from 1818 CE (5578) as per FGP transcription—regarding an investment partnership involving Yaʿaqov ha-Levi and Eliyyahu b. Ṣahal.
Document drafts in Arabic that were written on a recycled printed fragment in Arabic. Dated Muharram [1]307 AH on the verso which is 1889 CE. …
Letter from Yahya b. Ya'ish to Avraham b. Ḥasan Sa'd addressing three brothers and asking for a favor for someone. Written on the third day …
תעתוק אחד דיון אחד
Fragment from a power of attorney mentioning Avraham b. Asher. Dating: probably 18th or 19th century. Location: Fusṭāṭ/Cairo. No witnesses. (Information from CUDL)
Bifolio from an account ledger. In Arabic script. Dated: 1286 AH, which is 1869/70 CE. Various accounts and short notes including names and numerals, possibly …
Official accounts of "al-ṣafīyya bi-wilāyet al-Gharbīyya" (מוסה נעים צראפ אלכזינה באסם אלצאפייה בולאיית אלגרבייה), an institution related to the provincial Treasury (כזינה). Dated Ṣafar 1247 …
Business letter dating to around 1800 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Verso of the literary text PGPID 39625. The verso contains administrative memoranda or letters in Judaeo-Arabic in which Ḥayyīm ʿAfīf addressed a a superior with …
Sums on lined paper and in purple ink. Dating: Probably 19th century.
Calendar of roshey ḥodashim including for the year 1834/35 CE (5595 AM).
Recto: Legal/business document in Hebrew. Dated Tishrei 5583 AM (1822 CE). Verso: lists of names organized alphabetically with corresponding payments toward the communal kashrut tax …
List of names and money received, accounts for the state silk monopoly in Alexandria (which is confirmed by the term "Khazīna" in the fourth scan …
Late accounts in Arabic, resembles AIU VII.F.57 but the writing is neater. Dated 1237 AH which is 1821/22 CE.
Receipt in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 18 Rajab 1238 AH which is 1823 CE. The name Yaʿaqov Yaʿabeṣ appears at the bottom. Dated 18 Rajab 1238 (1823 …
Investment partnership in which Shemuʾel Leon receives 4,000 medin from Mercada (מרקאדה) bt. Yaʿaqov Arubaṣ (ארובץ) to invest in his business. Dated Tammuz 5561 (= …
Letter from Meʾīr Ben-Naʿīm in Cairo to his son Moshe Ben-Naʿīm in Alexandria. Dated 1 Kislev 5583 AM which is 1822 CE. Mentions Se[nyor] Pinto, …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Nissīm Mshīsh to a group, perhaps business partners (אחים סי׳ חברים). Dated ʿErev Kippur [5]568 AM (1807 CE).
Late accounts in sloppy handwriting, probably dated Tammuz 5583 AM (1823 CE). The scribal hand of the first entry is different than the rest of …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic with eastern Arabic numerals. The dating is likely 19th-century based on the paleography. This bifolio was once part of a broader ledger– …
Late accounts, dated January 1827 (Jumāda II 1242 Hijri).
Late accounts including for part of 1824 CE (1239 Hijri).
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dealing with wheat and perhaps other goods. Dated [5]590 AM in the heading (ש׳ תקץ) which is 1829/30 CE. A few names …
Legal document. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: 15 Kislev 5562 AM = 20 November 1801 CE. No signatures. Yiṣḥaq Mizraḥi acknowledges an investment of 900 medins from …
Writing exercises in Hebrew dated on verso 23 Iyyar [5]623 or 12 May 1863CE. The paper itself includes an internal line system which is reflective …
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: end of Sivan 5582 AM, which is June 1822 CE. Dissolution of partnership and settling of accounts between …
Legal testimony. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: End of Sivan 5581 AM, which is 1821 CE. Yiṣḥaq Ṭawīl invests 1000 esedi gurush with Moshe Maṣliaḥ …
Fragments of legal document(s) in Hebrew. The document on Page 2 is dated April 1818 (Nisan 5578). The first legal fragment only retains some of …
Account of calculations for Se[ñores] Pinto and Bibas on 27 Tevet 5566AM which is 17 January 1806CE. The calculations cover a wide array of coinage …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dated in Shawwal 1237AH which is January/February 1834CE. All of the monetary figures are expressed in "פצה /silver" and a variety of …
12 pages of late accounts. Dated on 1r and 3r as 1267 AH which is 1850/51 CE. The dated heading on 3r mentions Muṣtafa tabiʿ …
Minute preprinted document issued in August (Aoút) 1894 CE.
Marriage contract (ketubba). Location: Cairo. Dated: Friday, 6 Elul 5576 AM, which is 1816 CE. Groom: Refael Tortos b. Merkado. Bride: Esther Tantan (? תנתן) …