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List of names and books that mentions Rabbi Yiṣḥaq Berab (החכם יצחק בירב), Avraham Ashkenazi, Avraham b. Alashqar. The paleography of this source helps to …
אין רשומות קשורות
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, based on currencies, which include גדיד (cedid) and קרונה (the latter is likely the Spanish escudo minted as early as …
Book list. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
דיון אחד
Receipt, with a bunch of names of the contributors, dates, and days of the week on both sides. A few Hebrew characters also appear in …
List (fragment), in Judaeo-Persian, with two contributions note cf. similar document in ENA Uncatalogued 5.
List (fragment) of recipients or donors of charity
תעתוק אחד
List (fragment) of names and amounts, all contributing 1/2 (though also looks like the Hebrew letter alef). The second column is headed "al-ghayr qāṭinīn" (the …
Dowry list for Sitt al-[...]a bt. Abū l-Khayr b. Yosef. No details of the dowry itself are here. Probably a draft.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Concerning primarily the trade in pepper (filfil). Dating: Perhaps 12th or 13th century. Each page is crossed out with a vertical line. …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in a unique hand. The heading includes a date with the months Shaʿbān and Tūt, but its exact meaning is unclear (it …
List drawn up by a traveler to Constantinople giving the names and titles of six benefactors of his in the city, as well as the …
תעתוק אחד דיון אחד
List of payments of rent on heqdesh houses collected in the presence of Efrayim b. Shemarya. Written by Yefet b. David. Dated 438/1046-7. (Information from …
2 תעתוקים דיון אחד
Medical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic. Containing many prescriptions, including one "for the womb and hemorrhoids" and another attributed to the book of Isḥāq b. ʿImrān. There …
Fragment from a dowry list, some item are crossed out.
Damaged dowry list.
Accounts in an orderly hand and Hebrew alphanumerical characters that delineate columns with days and months in the Hijri calendar (i.e. Ṣafar on recto and …
Accounts in Ladino with a wide variety of detailed entries, which based on the numerical flow may be monetary gains and some expenses. At the …
Calendar. In Hebrew script.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. For pepper, lac, etc., bought and sold in Fustat (the two sides are headed by מערפה שרא אלרחל and שרח מא אשתרי …
Table of names and numbers. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Mention of Ḥajj Budeyr and Se[nyor] Yosef on the recto. A date is likely listed on the verso "שנת צא" which …
Accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic. Headed "al-maqbūḍ" and listing names and numbers (Coptic numerals). Dating: perhaps 13th century.
Torn account, probably by 'Arus b. Yosef.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals (and maybe some actual Coptic as well?)
Mercantile accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 12th century. Mentions nutmeg (jawza), aromatic wood (ʿūd), musk, and cassia (salīkha). Also mentions someone called "the interpreter" (al-turjumān).
List of entries in Arabic script that possibly designate accounts. Based on the remnants of thread used in binding, this fragment is from a larger …
Accounts in Arabic script. "Al-maqbūḍ. . .."
Detailed mercantile account with names and sums of money. Most names appear in connection to certain markets (including Sūq Barbar, Sūq Wardān, and al-Sūq al-Kabīr), …
List (late) of names with Coptic numerals on back of unrelated letter. (Information from Goitein index cards)
שוליים: ואת…
Dowry list, mostly of textiles.
List of items such rings, jewelries and beddings, and their prices, probably from a dowry list. Seems late
A narrow strip probably from a dowry list in a ketubah.
list of items belongs to Abu Ali: Oil, Saffron etc. AA
Much faded and barely legible dowry list written on parchment. AA
List of names and corresponding monetary values in silver kuruş (here written as "גרש" at the top of the right column). Among the names listed, …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic in a late hand from the 16th-19th centuries. The names of many Muslim economic actors are listed and accompanied with alphanumerical figures, …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Expenses for construction and repairs; mentioning a carpenter several times. Hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya (early 11th century).
Fragment, wide margin on the left, two sides of commercial accounts.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Late.
List of payments received in Judaeo-Arabic. Accordingly, each entry relies on the phrase "קבץ מן / قبظ من" (l.1r, 4r) and the coinage in use …
Page of the account book of ʿArūs b. Yosef
Accounts, early modern. One of the names on the verso is Muḥammad Jalabī (Çelebi) Muḥasebeci ("the Accountant" in Turkish). The entries include various cooking and …
Accounts listing a variety of names and Ottoman currency types. Dated: 19 Muharram 1058 AH (1648 CE). The names of those listed include: Mu[ḥammad] Basha, …
Fiscal or para-fiscal document (i.e., prepared by state officials or by the Jewish community for the government). List of indigent people equally divided between natives …
2 תעתוקים תרגום אחד דיון אחד
Accounts. Six small but comparatively well-written pages in the hand of ʿArūs b. Yosef. (Information from Goitein’s index card.) See PGPID 20645 and dozens of …
Accounts of ʿArūs b. Yūsuf. In Judaeo-Arabic. "Detailed and important." See also ENA NS 22.21 (PGPID 6940). Information from Goitein's note card.
Two bifolios from a ledger of accounts concerning ships departing from Egypt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Appears closely related to ENA 3730.2 (PGPID 39645) dating to 1534/35 …
Bifolio from a ledger of accounts concerning ships departing from Egypt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated (leftmost text block of ENA 3730.2v): 941 AH = 1535/36 CE. …
List of communal funds dated 1651 (Iyyar 5411 AM) that may relate to stipends allotted for Torah study given the fact that the verso mentions …
Accounts in Ladino listed in western Arabic numerals. Dates are provided at the bottom of each entry and indicate what is most likely the year …