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Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company. A Yehezqel Ḥefeẓ is mentioned in the last couple lines.
אין רשומות קשורות
Two letters, one in Ladino and one in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated 23 Tammuz [5]571 AM which is 1811 CE. The remainder of the pages are filled …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Senyor Karo y Frances & Company (numerous letters to the same addressee have survived: see tag). Dated 7 Shevat [5]568 …
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated Monday 2 Adar 5497 AM, which is 1737 CE. ʿEzra b. Eliyyahu Rofe Fayrūz acknowledges a debt of 31(?) golden …
Palimpsest. The earlier text is extremely faded; it is in Judaeo-Arabic and at least partially deals with recipes or prescriptions. The later text is also …
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic ca.1800 CE from Nissim Masīs (?) to Karo y Frances & Co.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Raḥamim Abzaradel to Moshe ben Naʿim dated 14 September 1827 (22 Elul 5587 AM).
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe (b.?) Avraham Bibas to Yaʿaqov Bibas and his partner Shomal (Shemuel?) Azulay, dated 3 September 1818 (2 Elul 5578). …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Karo y Frances & Company, dated 1807 CE (19 Tishrei 5568 AM).
List in Judeo-Arabic from which only the bottom right corner of the page is portrayed in this fragment. The paleography helps to estimate the dating …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, from David b. Na'im in Cairo to his brother Moshe b. Na'im in Alexandria. Same writer as in AIU VII.E.26. Dated …
Late letter (or letters?) in Judaeo-Arabic from Ya'aqov Bibas in Cairo (פה מצרים) to Shimʿon Frances in Alexandria (נאאמון). Based on the people referenced, this …
List of Judeo-Arabic two accounts in a very orderly hand that detail the funds requested from one Yiṣḥaq Ḥefeṣ (l. 2r) and the payments of …
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late. Mentions a consul; France (פראנסה); R. Yaʿaqov; and the government (sulṭān).
Notebook with diverse contents. Late. There are several pages of detailed accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, and at least two pages of magical spells in Judaeo-Persian. ASE.
Letter from Avraham ha-Levi, in Damietta (קפוטקיא), to Karo y Frances & Company, in Cairo/Fustat. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tuesday, 25 Ḥeshvan 5569 AM, which …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
Recto and verso are both late family letters in Judaeo-Arabic by the same writer, perhaps to different recipients. The writer goes into great detail about …
Late accounts in Hebrew script that bear Ashkenazi and/or Italqi influence in terms of the paleography. The accounts are titled as "the receipt of Davide …
Late list of names and amounts- probably list of debts in Venetian grossos. The paleography could be as early as a 15th-century when the Venetian …
Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on a bifolium that is suggestive of the existence of a broader ledger (which is also attested to by this fragment's …
Letter from a woman, in Rashīd, to Yom Ṭov al-Buḥayrī (it seems her son-in-law) and his wife Esther (it seems her daughter), in Fustat/Cairo. In …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Shelomo Barūkh to Meʾīr ben Naʿim. Dated: 20 Av 5560 AM (August 1800 CE). Locations: the letter was sent from …
Business letter, perhaps a draft or a copy from a letterbook. Dated: 12 Tammuz 5559 AM, which is 15 July 1799 CE. Dealing mainly with …
תעתוק אחד
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, dated 29 January 1807 (20 Shevat 5567), from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Merkado Karo and his partner Avraham ha-Levi.
Late and unusual letter in Judaeo-Arabic to the writer's brother Faraj Allāh. The writer opens with greetings to a large number of family members and …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic (and eastern Arabic numerals). Dated: 5582 AM, which is 1821/22 CE. Mentions the mustaʿrib congregation in the header and, below that, the …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas, Rashid, to Karo y Frances & Company, dated 1807 CE (17 Heshvan 5568).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas to Karo y Frances & Company. Dated Adar 5568 AM (1808 CE).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas to Karo y Frances & Company. Dated Heshvan 5568 AM (1807 CE).
Recto: The main text is a Judaeo-Arabic sermon/exhortation that in order to avert the evil decrees and the plague and the economic depression, all members …
Substantial, late acccount in Judaeo-Arabic, at least one part of which is headed "list of debts." People named include: Avraham Yerushalmi; Yehuda Leon; Yeshūʿa al-Ḥāmī; …
Late pair of letters in Judaeo-Arabic dated 30 November 1808 CE (11 Kislev 5569 AM). The first is from Moshe Bibas, Rashid, to Karo y …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 1807 CE (Tishrei 5568 AM) from Moshe Bibas, Rashid, to Karo y Frances & Company, Fustat/Cairo.
Bifolium from a notebook. One and a half pages are filled with a poem in Ladino involving a husband and wife and a knight, with …
Bifolium from a notebook. One page has a poem in Ladino involving a husband and wife and a knight, with refrains which are different from …
Letter from Binyamin de Curiel and Avraham Krispin to Avraham Dayyan. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: the date is probably too faded to read, but these men …
Recto: Letter from Ṭurfa, in Fustat, to her sister Esther in the house of Subayʿ (?), unknown location. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: No earlier than 1422 …
Recto: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic addressed to the author's sister Sabaqīya (סבקייא). The writer also mentions his sister's contact with Ṣafanya b. ____[?] al-Qarāʾ (the Qaraite) …
Commercial accounts, perhaps 16th-century based on the paleography and names listed. Some of the entries are crossed out. The names listed include: (recto) Shelomo ʿUraybī, …
A late letter from a mother to her son Yosef b. Ghunaym (may appear also in T-S 28.10). Among other news she informs him that …
Mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe Bibas to Karo y Frances & Company, dated Av 1807 CE ([5]567). Mentioning Yiṣḥaq Carraso, Girgis the dyer, ʿAbd …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 5 July 1836 (20 Tammuz 5596), from Rashid, addressed to Moshe Bunān, Fusṭāṭ. The address is bilingual in both Hebrew and …
Letterbook in Judaeo-Arabic (fragment) likely eighteenth- or nineteenth-century that contains drafts and possibly copies of business-related correspondence. The letters frequently use the phrase "יא אכי/ …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, no earlier than 1425 CE because it mentions gold ashrafī coins (first minted under Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay in this year). The letter …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Merkado Karo and Shimʿon Frances dated 27 Heshvan 5568 AM (1807 CE). Verso contains …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez, presumably to Karo y Frances & Company. However, the upper part is missing.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Merkado Karo and Shimʿon Frances, of Karo y Frances & Company. Dated in Iyyar …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Karo y Frances & Company (see tags). 17 Heshvan [5]573 AM (1812 CE).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic 5565 AM (1804/05 CE) to Merkado Karo [of Karo y Frances & Company], from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Ḥefez. Information from …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Karo y Frances & Company, from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Ḥefez. Dated 29 Elul [5]569 AM Information from Wagner, Linguistic …