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Legal document. In Hebrew. Dated: 13 Shevat 5501 AM, which is 1741 CE. Scribed and signed by Eliyyahu Rofe Ḥazan known as Ẓaʿir. The document …
אין רשומות קשורות
Accounts in Hebrew, late.
Letter from Yitzhak ben Avraham (data from FGP by Abraham David)
Letter from an unknown writer, in Jerusalem, to his in-law (גיס) Saʿīd Bardaʿ, in Fustat/Cairo. In Hebrew. Dated: Thursday 28th Maṭmonim (=the Omer), which is …
Responsum. In Hebrew: Dating: ca. 16th century. Concerning two partners who sue a third ex-partner. Currency: Mentions 1700 grossos (silver coins).
Fragment of a 16th-century business letter. Faded and damaged, so the contents are difficult to determine. Appears to be a letter from an agent to …
תעתוק אחד
Late legal documents in Hebrew from Cairo, probably drafts of what resulted in a single legal deed. This seems to be the case because the …
A court record concerning a prozbol ( A write technically changed the status of individual private loans into the public administration, allowing the poor to …
Bill of rent between Moshe Hakohen and Shemuel. A store owned by a gentile is involved. Signed by Menhaem b. Avraham. The year 53[...] = …
Late Hebrew letter of recommendation for a poor man.
Business letter, first half of the 16th century. The subject matter is a dispute between merchants who dealth in skins, pepper, and tin. An Avraham …
Late. Minute fragment from a top of a legal deed, mentioning אדוננו הנגיד Our Master the Nagid. AA
Fragment containing mirror-image imprints of Hebrew text in a late hand. Probably literary, though it is not out of the question that verso is a …
Fragment of a bussines Letter. Unusual hand, probably Italian. Venice is mentioned.
Court record of divorce. In Hebrew. Dated: Friday, 4 Tammuz 5279 AM = 3 June 1519 CE. Husband: Elʿazar b. Aharon ha-Kohen. Wife: Esther bt. …
Legal document in Hebrew, very damaged. Location: Cairo. Dated 16 ___[month missing] ___52 AM. Based on the paleography the year is most likely 5552 AM …
An agreement for cancelation of engagement. Dating: probably 16th century (looks like the handwriting of Eliyya b. David Ḥavriya).The two parties declares they have no …
A legal query regarding a man who stole from a gentile, if he entitled to return it. Published by Glick, Seridey Teshuvot, pp. 538-555. AA
Legal testimony. Signed and scribed by Yaʿaqov Geryani(?). Also witnessed by Yiṣḥaq b. Binyamin b. Shoshin. Location; Fustat. Dated: Thursday 3 Tishrei 5370 AM, which …
A draft of a letter to the community of Alexandria headed by Avraham b. Zur, first half of 16th century. Regarding Shim'on b. Malah who …
Fragment of a responsum dealing with a quarrel between 4 congregations in one town in Morea, Patras: the Romaniotes, two Sicilian, and the Castilian. The …
Responsum by RADBAZ concerning immersion of women in the Nile. Published Glick, Sridei Teshuvot, p. 275-289. See also TS K25.222.
A draft of a legal claim issued by Avraham b. Hayyim to the Jewish court in Cairo against his partner, whose name is not mentioned, …
A legal ruling concerning a 'chained' wife (ʿaguna). Published by Glick, Seride Teshuvot: A Descriptive Catalogue of Responsa. Fragments from the Jacques Mosseri Collection at …
תעתוק אחד דיון אחד
A draft of a question concerning a person who bought rights of a house. Upon the seller's death, his widiw claimed the valyue of the …
Letter from a woman, in Jerusalem, to her brother, in Egypt. In Hebrew, with several Judaeo-Arabic terms mixed in. Dating: Probably late 15th or early …
Two responsa by Yaʿaqov b. Moshe Beirav (Constantinople). Published Glick, Seridei Teshuvot, pp. 3–31.
Responsum regarding a cantor who mistakenly called to six readers instead of seven in Shabbat Hodesh. Published Glick, Seridei Teshuvot, II, p. 894-888.
Letter from Daniel ha-Levi, in Damascus, to someone important named Natan. Late. In Hebrew. The letter has to do with a man named Binyamin Fā'ina …
Letter from a woman named Qamr, in Jerusalem, to her brother Moshe Farikh (פריך), in Fustat/Cairo. Dating: Likely early 17th century, based on A. David's …
Recto: Betrothal document for Avraham Goren (?) b. Shelomo Goren and Esther bt. Eliyyahu Kayas (?). There follows a dowry list. The document seems to …
Betrothal document dated 25 June 1789 (1 Tammuz 5549) between Yaʿaqov Rosano b. Avraham Rosano and the widow Miryam bt. [...]ti Sakkāḥ (?).
Late, formal, communal letter, likely from the community of Jerusalem, mentioning their shaliaḥ R. Ḥananya b. Barhūn (l.6), to a group of people including R. …
Late letter in Hebrew, mentioning Avraham Castro (line 5). Needs further examination.
Legal document from Cairo, from the first third of Heshvan 556[.] AM (1799-1808 CE). Me'ir Ṣevi and his partner Raḥamim Ḥamīs acknowledge an investment of …
Late family/business letter in Hebrew signed by Yehuda Duran, mentioning goods sent from Fustat/Cairo to Venice, and discussing several female family members. The writer asks …
Letter from Nissim, in Qaṭya, Sinai, to Shelomo Iskandarānī, in Fustat. In Hebrew. Dating: First half of the 16th century, based on Avraham David's assessment. …
Letter from Avraham Castro (the grandson of the well-known minter) to a certain Shelomo. In Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century. Deals with …
Deed of sale. In Hebrew. Location: Cairo. Dated: Thursday 26 Iyyar 5306 AM = 28 April 1546 CE. Currency: Peraḥim (Venetian ducats or another gold …
Upper part of a letter in Hebrew dated 534[.] = 1580s CE. It is addressed to "my brother who is like my soul" and mentions …
Legal document dated 25 Tammuz 5548 AM (July 1788 CE), Cairo, in which the undersigned acknowledges receipt of 80 reales, from Yiṣḥaq Aripol for part …
Responsum regarding a marriage permission to the "chained wife" (agunah) of a silk dealer, who was on a business trip in the villages of Egypt …
Magical recipe written in Arabic and Hebrew. The Arabic script reads "ṣifa kāghaḍa (=kāghadh) saḥiḥa wa-hiya lā tataghayyar wa-taṣnaʿ minhā mā shiʾt" on verso. Part …
Fragment of a late legal document in Hebrew detailing financial transactions. Mentions 181 peraḥim that were detained with the consul; a certain Hayyim; a total …
Fragment of a letter from Jerusalem to Egypt, beginning of the 16th century. The writer describes a financial/communal crisis that prevented the functioning of the …
Business letter in Hebrew. Late. Dating: Second half of the 16th century, based on Avraham David's assessment. Mentions currencies such as coronas and peraḥim. Most …
Late letter in Hebrew from Yosef b. Emmanuel Ergas in Livorno to Abram Segre. Dated 3 Adar 5489 AM which is 1729 CE. The address …
Late Hebrew letter mentioning the consul of Venice.
Letter from David al-Qalʿī, perhaps in Minyat Zifta or nearby, to Yosef al-Faranji (it seems his uncle), perhaps in Fustat/Cairo. In Hebrew. Dating: mid-16th century, …
הן זאת להודיע לאדון ממצבינו כי טוב ש"ל כן נשמע נתבשר מכם תמ[יד]
[א]נ"ס ורו…
Investment partnership between Hayyim b. Shelomo Hazaq and his wife, approving the receiving of a sum of 63000 m[edin] k[esif] as a payment for his …