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Recto: Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: First decade of Kislev 5439 AM = November 1678 CE. Connected to the Maghrebi congregation (ק"ק מערביים). …
אין רשומות קשורות
Bill of debt issued in Cairo in 1509/10 CE (5270 AM) to be paid to David Di Medina and his brother Avraham in 10 Ducati …
Bifolio, mostly contains Mishna. On verso, agreement of Moses b. Solomon Perla in front of Ishaq b. Yosef and and Shemuel Tawil to remain in …
A long letter from a Yequtiel b. Siman Tov to his mother. He intended to go from Alexandria to Constantinople, but was tempted by his …
Letter in Hebrew. Fragment: right side only. Dating: Likely 16th century. Involves trade in barrels of wine (ḥaviyot and "barilas").
דיון אחד
Letter from Moshe b. Abidirham. In Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century. Concerning philanthropic activities for the benefit of the rabbis of Egypt. …
תעתוק אחד
Letter fragment, probably. The last two lines and three signatures survive. The format looks like a legal document, but it ends "from those who wish …
Opening of a letter to the yeshiva in Safed, from the beginning of the 16th century. The sender is informing on the demise of Shemuel …
Late letter in Hebrew to Yishmaʿel ha-Kohen dated November 1829 (Heshvan 5590).
Recto: late letter in Hebrew by Yehuda Leib Efendi to a respected person. Some geomancy markings at bottom left. Verso: Astrological diagram.
Late. On the right page a few lines from a prenuptial agreement, the groom's name is Shelomo and the bride is Sol. This is her …
Responsa by RADBAZ, II, no. 839: 1. Resurrections of the dead 2. Regarding a Rabbi who excommunicated his student. Published by Glick, Sridei Teshuvot, 243-256
Letter from a certain Esther to her son. In Hebrew. Dating: Likely 16th century. Regards to and from various people, including Doña Miryam. Mentions wine …
Recto: Either the beginning of a letter or the address of a letter for Shelomo Gabbay in Safed. There is also a list of names. …
Fragment from a legal query concerning the bill of divorce given by Moshe Qudeisi, which is claimed to be given forcibly, and therefore is not …
Responsum regarding qiyyum of legal documents
Condolence and business letter to the brothers Eliyyahu and Leon.
Letter in Hebrew. Dating: Late, perhaps 16th century. Conveying regulations for merchants (?תקנת סוחרים) in the name of the heads of the congregation. On verso, …
Two responsa: 1. Regarding a liturgy in shemini azereth. 2. Regarding a person who bought a stolen book, and the person whom the book was …
Responsa by Ribash, no. 202-203.
Responsa. Avkat Rochel no. 2-4. Published by Glick, Seridey Teshuvot, pp. 32-47. AA
Business letter to Yiṣḥaq Ashkenazi (Avraham David does not think it is Luria).
Formulary for a שטר מכירת חזקה. Late, probably belongs with Bodl. MS heb. d 66/100 and is therefore c.1750s.
Letter from Shemuel b. Sīd. In Hebrew. Dating: 1600–35 CE, based on Avraham David's assessment. It is unclear whether Shemuel wrote this letter while still …
Eloquent late letter of appeal for charity with a Hebrew and Aramaic prologue and a Judaeo-Arabic body. The writer is Yiṣḥaq [. . .]
Letter sent by Ḥayyim b. Avraham Skandari, probably in Cairo, to his son, probably in Alexandria. The date is the 2nd of Adar I, probably …
Mysterious document. In Hebrew. Late, probably 17th century, after the death of ʿAzarya Ze'evi. The document itself is extremely faded and nearly imposible to read …
End of a late letter in Hebrew from Avraham R[...], in which he describes how he successfully made a match for the daughter of [...] …
Letter of appeal for charity addressed to Yiṣḥaq Barukh. In Hebrew. Dating: Late, maybe 16th or 17th century. The writer is a teacher.
Business letter from Yehuda b. Yaʿaqov (fattore) to a certain Shelomo (employer). In Hebrew with occasional Ladino words (docenas, magazin, partidos).
Fragment of a Hebrew legal document from Cairo dated 1771/2 CE ([5]532 AM) certifying that Yaʿaqov Katāḥ (?) b. Avraham ______[lacuna] and Me'ir Saporte/Saporti(?) b. …
Business letter from Shelomo to Yosef Ḥalūfī, in Fustat. Dating: Second half of the 16th century, based on Avraham David's assessment. The letter deals with …
Legal testimony. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Wednesday 15 Tevet 5385 AM, which is 1624 CE. Witnesses: Masʿūd ʿAmram and Shelomo ʿAravit/ ʿAravib(?). They attest …
Letter from (perhaps) Shelomo b. Moshe Lanyado to Shemuel Lanyado. Dated Shevat 5485 AM, which is 1725 CE. The letter is in Judaeo-Arabic but uses …
Letter from Meir Messina to his employer or business partner in Gaza. Written in Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century or beginning of …
Letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late 17th or early 18th century. Mention is made (ll. 17, 21, 25) of The Nazir Joseph ha-Levi (d. …
Recipes. In Hebrew. A mixture of magical spells, many medical, combined with domestic advice, e.g., how to remove urine stains. This fragment may be older …
Late legal document in Hebrew: Shemuel rents a property from Avraham for 4 months for the price of 115 "peraḥim" per month. Information from Avraham …
Possibly a late letter in Hebrew. Rashid is named at the bottom. Needs examination.
Late legal document in which Yosef acknowledges an investment from [...] Kohen of 20,000 silver muayyadis.
A first-person note in late Hebrew by Sulaymān A[...], perhaps mentioning the sages of Safed.
Court register fragment. fol. 1r: partnership agreement; fols 1v-2r: related accounts. Dated Kislev 5480 AM in one entry, which is 1719 CE. (the dating info …
Letter from a father to a son. In Hebrew. Sent from an unknown location to Fustat/Cairo. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 16th century. People …
Legal document. Location: ציק?. Dated: Iyyar 5465 AM, which is 1705 CE. Involves Mordekhai ha-Kohen and a sum of 133 reales de פיזו טרהקאנטיש(??) that …
Letter fragment. Late. In Hebrew. "In this city, nothing is cheap except for bread. . . . 3 ounces of "Ẓefat" are here worth two …
Business letter addressed to Yiṣḥaq Sholal ha-Kohen. Dating: Beofre 1502 CE, because Yiṣḥaq Sholal was not yet the Nagid at the time this letter was …
Recto: Late account in Hebrew characters. Verso: Jottings in Arabic script.
Legal document in Hebrew. Location: Jerusalem. Dated: Iyyar 5243 AM = April/May 1483 CE. Scribe: Yom Ṭov b. Yosef ʿImmanuel. In which Shalom and Yiṣḥaq …
Probably from a letter in late Hebrew. AA
Legal document. In Hebrew. Dated: Wednesday, 23 Tammuz 1837 Seleucid = 932 Hijri, which is July 1526 CE. It lays out the settlement of at …