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India Book, II,22 (T-S NS J240r) + II,22a (Moss. IV,21.1r) + II,23 (T-S 20.137r). Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ibn Yiju. …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ben Yiju. Dating: 1133–40 CE. This is the original in the hand of Maḍmūn. There is …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד דיון אחד
Letter from Madmun b. Ḥasan to Avraham Ibn Yiju: first pick of merchandise for Bilal b. Jarir. Aden, between 1136-1138 or 1145-1149.
Letter from the rabbinical court of Fustat to Madmun b. Ḥasan regarding the estate of Ibn Jumayhir. Fustat, 1146.
Letter from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq to a merchant in Egypt: Attack on Aden by the King of Kish. Aden, ca. 1135-6.
Letter on the forced conversion of Yemenite Jews, but business as usual. Aden, August 1199.
תעתוק אחד
Letter of apology for a complaint that Madmun had mismanaged a trust. Aden, ca. 1135.
One of two copies of a letter from Mahruz to Sulayman b. Abu Zikri Kohen before sailing back to India. Aden, ca. 1137-1147. The other …
Letter from Mukhtar b. Yaʿaqov to Sa'id b. Naja describing Ḥasan b. Bundar's assistance. Aden, ca. 1100.
India Book, II,24: Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ibn Yiju. Dating: ca. 1135 CE. There are fragments of four or five …
2 תעתוקים תרגום אחד
Letter from the scribe of the yeshiva to Yosef b. Avraham b. Bundar. Cairo, ca. 1128-39.
Letter from Madmun b. Ḥasan to Avraham Ibn Yiju: mutual assistance. Aden, ca. 1136.
Letter from Madmun b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ben Yiju. Dating: 1133–40 CE. This is the scribe's copy of Maḍmūn's original found in T-S …
Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan to Avraham Ibn Yiju: two fragments. Aden, 1134. See also T-S AS 173.380 (PGPID 38566).
Letter from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq to Egypt. Aden, ca. 1130-39.
Letter from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq about turmoil in Yemen and measures taken by Abu Zikri Kohen for ensuring Khalaf’s rights after the death of Abu …
תרגום אחד
Part of a copy of the same letter that is preserved in full in T-S 16.345 (PGPID 5447), a letter from Mahruz to Sulayman b. …
תרגום אחד דיון אחד
Letter from Shemarya b. David to a prominent Egyptian Jew. Aden, late twelfth century.
Letter from Ḥalfon b. Madmun to Ezekiel b. Natan acknowledging condolences on Madmun's death. Aden, 1152.
Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan to Avraham Ibn Yiju: freight jettisoned. Aden, ca. 1137–39 or 1145–49.
Letter from Yosef b. Avraham b. Bundar to Sulayman b. Abu Zikri Kohen denying misappropriation of a deposit. Aden, 1152.
Letter from Madmun b. Ḥasan to Abu Zikri Kohen. Aden, 1130s.
תעתוק אחד 2 תרגומים
Letter from Ḥalfon b. Madmun to Saadya b. Avraham, an Egyptian teacher. Aden, 1154.
Letter to a merchant away in the Far East, whose interests were protected by the 'Nagid David'. Aden, ca. 1180.
2 תעתוקים
Letter from Bū ʿAlī b. Bū ʿUmar, in Upper Egypt, to his family (his son Abū l-Maḥāsin and his wife), probably in Fustat. In Arabic …
Letter from Khiyār b. Yaʿaqov to Netanʾel b. Yefet (aka Abū l-Mufaḍḍal Hibatallāh b. Ḥusayn). In Judaeo-Arabic. The letter concerns a consignment of mercury (zaybaq), …
(1) ונחב יא …
Three poems by Avraham Ibn Yiju in honor of Madmun b. Ḥasan, Aden, ca. 1140, who was expecting his third son.
[ל]ה קול איצֹא תאני ימדח פיה אלשיך מצֹמון בן חסן נִעִ[ג]
[…] היום והשמחה לנו תאות
באדני מצֹמון נגיד עם יֹי צב[אות]
[אספ]וִ אחי וחדשו המלוכה
לגיבור ה…
Letter from Yosef b. ʿIwāḍ to Hananel b. Shemuel. Alexandria, probably 1214-1215.
ב אלממלוך יוסף בן עלאן {עואץ}
I(n the name of the) M(erciful) Your slave Joseph b. ʿAllān
the Alexandrian
kisses the ground before the [l]ofty, most illustrious seat of th…
תעתוק אחד 2 תרגומים דיון אחד
Power of attorney to Perahya ha-Kohen to recover in India goods entrusted to Abū l-Faraj Nissim al-Raqqī. Location: Fustat. Dating: early 1090s CE.
Letter from Madmun b. Ḥasan to Avraham Ibn Yiju: three fragments of two copies. Aden, ca. 1130s.
Quittance by the rabbinical court of Fustat for money sent to Madmun II. Fustat, probably 1214.
Dirge by Avraham Ibn Yiju on Madmun b. Ḥasan's death. Yemen, 1151.
Legal testimony. In Judaeo-Arabic. Location: Fustat. Dating: ca. 1156 CE. Sitt al-Ahl bt. Sayyid al-Kull, the widow of Hiba b. Abū Saʿd who had drowned …
India Book II,15. Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Yijū, on the Mangalore coast of India. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 1130s CE. Join: …
Panegyric in Honor of Madmun II Cairo, after 1186. Untranscribed Arabic text at the bottom of recto
Panegyric in Honor of Madmun II Cairo, after 1186.
List of the honorary titles of the Bundar family of Aden, ca. 1120. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi. Names and titles in the list: …
Letter from Maḥrūz b. Yaʿaqov, Mangalore, to Abū Zikrī Yehuda b. Yosef ha-Kohen, Bharuch, Gujarat, ca. 1145–48. Abū Zikrī was a representative of the merchants …
Letter from Madmun b. Ḥasan to Avraham Ibn Yiju. Aden, 1133.
[וצל כתאב מולאי אלשיך אלאגל ... וחרס עליה]
Letter from the court to the community of Dhū Jibla in defense of Maḍmūn. Aden, ca. 1135.
Copy of a letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ibn Yiju. Dating: 1136–39 or 1145–49. Written by one of Maḍmūn's clerks, in …
India Book, II,21 (T-S NS J241) and II,21c (T-S AS 158.393). Letter from Maḍmūn b. Ḥasan, in Aden, to Avraham Ibn Yiju. Dating: ca. 1135 …
The settlement with Makhlūf, the son (of the man) ‘with the gladdening eyes,’ The Orphan,
with regard to what you owed …
3 תעתוקים תרגום אחד
Letter from Madmun b. David: Murder of the 'Caliph' and return of Jewish life to normalcy. Aden, 1202.
Left side of inquiry with regard to an inheritance of a quarter of a house. (Information from Goitein's index cards). Written by Halfon b. Menashshe …
Magical text copied by Ibn Yiju, probably in Yemen around 1135. The text begins with a magical square (cf. sudoku) of which every line, row …
[ח] [א] [ו]
Poem by Avraham Ibn Yiju praising Madmun b. Ḥasan as a defender of the faith (and as a defender of Avraham Ibn Yiju himself). Aden, …
Letter of thanks from Ḥalfon ha-Levi b. Menashshe to Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq. Fustat, ca. 1120s.
Bill of sale for the purchase of a house by Maḥrūz. Constructed from three fragments: T-S NS 184 52, T-S NS 184 55 and T-S …
One of two copies of a poem by Avraham ben Yiju, praising Maḍmūn and cursing his enemies. Aden. T-S 8J16.23 (PGPID 5403) is written in …
2 תעתוקים תרגום אחד דיון אחד
Memorandum from Yosef b. Avraham to Abu Nasr al-Halabi. Aden, ca. 1130-50.