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Much damaged small fragment of a letter. The content is unclear.
אין רשומות קשורות
Minute fragment from a letter.
Siddur Saadya Gaon
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Avraham Hakohen b. Shlomo. The bride is Esther known as 'Aziza d. Shmuel Halevi. AA
Probably two fragments from the same document, but too dark to read. Seems like a letter. AA
Small fragment of a legal query sent to Maimonides about Reuven who passed away and left a house and tow sons. Also mentioned Bu Shiyya …
A much damaged minute fragments from a letter in a cursive hand, probably Andalusian
Damaged list containing names, items and prices or amounts written in Coptic numerals.
Account. Arranged in 5 columns separated by vertical lines. Each column contains several private names each followed by numbers (possibly indicating sums of money) (FGP)
Bifolio with several different sorts of writing; probably mainly business accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Mentions the name Yosef b. Ṣeror b. Naṣrallāh. There is …
Leaf 1: Arabic list of names (possibly part of an account) and some jottings Leaf 2: Recto: Judaeo Arabic list of purchases and expenses (including …
Recto: Poem with partial vocalisation; long and short lines alternate; short lines have same rhyme syllable. Verso: Accounts (FGP)
Bifolio. An Arabic list on the right leaf. On the left leaf on recto a very damaged Judeo Arabic text of an unknown nature, described …
Responsum of R. Shalom Halahmi, p. 3 (Date: 1801–58). Published Glick, Sridei Teshuvot.
Magic recipe. Joins with T-S AS 142.6. (data from FGP by Prof. Gidi Bohak). TS 12.102 which is consider to be a join, is probably …
Small fragment, probably from a letter in Hebrew mentions Barukh b. R. Ishaq (Info from FGP)
minute fragment. Bottom part of a legal deed, only some signatures preserved: [...]she b. Hillel, [...]el b. Berakhot, Sjlomo b. Berakot (spell ברכת), Yefet b. …
A few words regarding bill of divorce, probably halakhic.
Fragment of a ketuba de'irkasa- a ketubah written as a replacement for a lost one. The groom named Perahya the elder. AA
Fragment from an opening of a letter to Perahyahu the Judge - Perahya b. Yosef, from Ben Yiju family who was the muqaddam of al-Mahal. …
Damaged fragment from the bottom part of a pre nuptial agreement (or a ketubah). The future husband is taking upon himself not to harm his …
On a fragment of Leviticus we find a short book list belong to Abu Sa'd ha-Nadiv, see Scheiber, Geniza Studies, p. 321. AA
Letter with some list of items? late - needs examination.
Recto: 1. Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew jottings and pen trials2. Draft of an opening formula to a halakhic question addressed to Rabbi Isaac ha-dayyan: מא יקול הדרת …
List of items and prices. In verso all the line are crossed out. AA
Bottom part of a ketubah, signed by Hananya b. Elnathan, Avraham b. Ho[...], Maryut Hakohen. AA
Damaged fragment of a bill of loan. Partial signatures: [... Hako]hen b. Sa'id, Khalfon b. [...], Bahalul, Avraham ha-Sh[ar?]. on Verso the beginning of another …
Minute fragment from a ketubah, which can be dated to 1178 onwards thanks to the remains of the immersion clause which started to appear in …
Small fragment from the left-bottom part of a legal deed related to marriage (the word נדוניאתא is visible). It is not a ketubah, however, because …
Minute fragment, extremely damaged. Only few words can be read מגלימא דעל כת[פיה] so this is probably a fragment from a ketubah. The shape of …
Minute fragment. On Recto an opening of a marriage document which might be connected to the verso. On verso an opening of a betrothal deed. …
Letter of appeal to the Nagid, Avraham Maimonides, asking for financial assistance. A foreigner named Yosef want to return to his family and place. Written …
Fragment from a letter, probably to a community? AA
Small fragment with some names and Coptic numerals. The names are: עלי אבן יוסף, כורים אלאטרוש יעקוב, יוסף עבד אלרחים, יעקוב חוסין צופי, עבד אדים …
Un-conserved and damaged. Letter from Aharon to his brother Abu Sa’d al-Kohen. AA
Minute fragment from a bottom of a legal deed. Only part from the signatures from which tne names Yefet, and [Yeh]uda Hakohen are preserved. AA.
Account. 20th century. Contains names, with numbers expressed in Indo-Arabic numerals. Written in blue pen on ledger paper. Not connected with Moss. IXa,3.27.
Minute fragment, only few words preserved. It can be a literary fragment, but also a poetical Hebrew verses from an opening of a letter to …
Minute fragment from the end of a legal deed. Much damaged. Only some signatures preserved: […] Halevi b. Avraham, Yehuda b. Moshe ha-mumhe. AA
The main text here is a dirge for a person called Zedaqa, written in large letters. On the bottom and right margins another person wrote …
Probably from a bill of release between Ali Hassan b. Shekhanya and another party. AA
Four un-conserved small fragments. One is a remain from a letter to Eli b. Amram. The other 3 are still to be identified. AA
Minute fragment. Top part from a legal deed with the Reshut formula for a Nagid, probably from Maimonides family, based on the titles that usually …
A list of people, probably list of debts or support for the poor. AA
A commercial letter from Abu al-Hasan b. al-Iraqi to Abu Sai’d b. al-‘Afasi (עפצי). These figures are familiar from India Book II, so this fragment …
Minute fragment with few words from an opening of a letter, legal deed or legal query addressed to the head of the Jews or other …
Fragment from a legal agreement or court record. A power of attorney is given by a woman regarding her divorce procedures and collection of her …
Much damaged. Seems like a legal deed reagrding marriage, probably a ketubah. The word לאינתו is readable. AA
Minute fragment, only few words. Sitt al-Fakhr the bride is mentioned, so it might be from a ketubah. AA