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Fiscal account. Contains multiple entries, each marked with nuqila, “it has been copied.” Khan dates this document to the same period as T-S Ar.40.37, which …
אין רשומות קשורות
First eight lines of a letter addressed to a dignitary ("mawlāya ʾadāma llāh ʿizzah fi ʾamrihi wa-masʾalat mukātabat"), in a chancery-trained hand. Possibly dealing with …
Tax receipt, Fatimid. One registration mark; 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh al-wāḥid al-ḥaqq'. Blank verso. Perforated for binding.
Tax receipt for the capitation of Bū l-ʿAlā b. Afḍal yahūdī for the year 500H.
Tax receipt or commercial account or receipt.
Recto: Legal or state document in Arabic script, in what looks like a chancery hand. Fragment from the bottom of the document (4 lines preserved). …
Tax receipt, late Fatimid, for the jizya payment of a Jewish person (name difficult to read), with registration mark - 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh al-wāḥid al-ḥaqq', praise …
Ottoman-era rental receipt, in Arabic script written on a bifolio. The object of rent might be a mill (Ṭāḥūn) in the Ḥārat al-Yahūd, the payer …
Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration mark - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh l-mutqin li-mā (badaʿ?)
Tax receipt, Fatimid.
Difficult-to-read and very brief Arabic document, containing the common but mysterious glyph لے at the top of recto and phrases such as "mamlūkuhu", 'li l-sharṭ' …
Fiscal account, probably a tax receipt, beginning with the waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr, probably a receipt of delivery to the bayt al-māl. Mentions several …
Literary text, in Arabic script. Part of the text contains an epistolary exchange written in verses, full of expressions of heartsickness and longing. The extract …
Tax receipt, jizyā, dated 507 H (?). Pinholes at the margin 5mm apart.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Trigger: addā.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Two registration marks; 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāhi l-muwaffiq li-ḥamdihi' and 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-shākirīn'. Blank verso. Perforated for binding.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration marks - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh shukran and al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-shākirīn.
Financial receipt (waqf related) with a seal. Dated [1]256 AH which is . Issued to Hārūn al-Yahūdī and another name appears with the title Hoca.
Report to a Fatimid vizier. Dating: fifth/eleventh century. Khan published T-S K25.221 as the end of petition. Marina Rustow later found the join to the …
ولمولانا الوزير الأجل صفى أمير المؤمنين وخالصته ادام الله علاه وكبت اعداه
الراى العالي في ذلك ان شا الله
والحمد لله وصلواته عل…
To my master, the mighty vizier, the sincere and intimate friend of the commander of the faithful, may God cause his exaltation to endure and crus…
2 תעתוקים 2 תרגומים
Petition, draft, from an ex-government servant asking for work, from the period of the Fatimid caliph al-Ḥākim (996–1021) or possibly earlier. Recto, from later reuse: …
عـ[ـبدها ]
[بسم الله ا]لرحمن الرحيم
[عبدها ومملوكها ينهـ]ـي الى جلالها حرس الله عزها وضاعف سعدتها
[وكبت حسادها وضعفها] وينهي انه من …
3 תעתוקים תרגום אחד
Recto: Legal query for a qāḍī in Arabic script regarding a man "known for ḥujaj" (unpaid promissory notes?), and there are several testimonies against him, …
תעתוק אחד
Tiny fragment containing an order for an ounce of ʿaqīd (a dense sugar syrup). In Judaeo-Arabic. From Abū Zikrī Kohen? There is one line in …
Verso (original use): Fragment from a Fatimid decree of investiture for Abū l-Bayān Mūsā and another person, appointed rightfully (بما يقتضيه العدل ويوجبه الحق) to …
State document, possibly a decree. Suggests orders conferred upon an authority: hayʾat (?) l-muṭālaʿa wa-l-āʿmāl bihā. There is Arabic script in another not-so-elegant hand and …
Tax receipt, Fatimid, in the hand of Mikhaʾil b. ʿAbd al-Masiḥ, from the caliphate of al-Ḥakim.
Recto: An account related to the production of cane sugar. The warrantors (ḍumanāʾ) of a sugarcane plantation have received 56 ⅙ ḍarības of sugarcane (1,348,080 …
Two fragments from the middle and bottom of a petition to a vizier. Dating: likely 1051–62 CE, as Daniel b. ʿAzarya seems to be Gaʾon …
Letter, fragmentary, from Eli Ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel, Jerusalem, to Eli Ha-Ḥaver b. Amram in Fustat written in his own hand. Eli Ha-Kohen expresses his anxiety …
2 תעתוקים דיון אחד
Petition to the Fatimid vizier Al-ʿAbbās requesting an allowance in grain to be paid to the petitioner in yearly installments. Dating: 548–49/1153–54. (Information from CUDL.) …
الافضلى السيفى الناصرى ا[لــ]ـكافل لقضاة المسلميـ[ـن الهادى]
لدعاة المومنين عضد الله به الدين وامتع بطول بـ[ـقائه امير المومنين]
وادام …
al-Afḍal, sword of Islam, the defender, the protector of the judges of the Muslims [and the guide]
of the dāʿīs of the believers, may Go…
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
Legal document(s) in Arabic script. Dating: Probably late Mamluk or Ottoman. Narration of commercial trade accounts. The word 'qabaḍ' appears in prolific numbers associated usually …
Template fragment of a divination/magical charm starting with a few words of prayers followed by a spell: "fulān b. fulān". Then: 'blind his heart and …