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Karaite bill of release. Date: 5 Iyyar 5452 AM (1694 CE). Location: New Cairo. Venue: Dār Simḥa Synagogue. Moshe b. Aharon Kohen, the wakīl of …
תעתוק אחד
Recto: Partnership agreement dated Purim 5365 (Adar 14) = 1605 CE, Cairo, between Shemuel Mosseri of Damascus and [...], which is to last for a …
אין רשומות קשורות
Accounts listing a variety of names and Ottoman currency types. Dated: 19 Muharram 1058 AH (1648 CE). The names of those listed include: Mu[ḥammad] Basha, …
Legal document related to real estate property in the "Samaritan Quarter" of Cairo, which remained as an urban placename despite the unexplained disappearance of the …
Legal document regarding two business partners and a debtor. Date: 10 Iyyar 5454 AM (1694 CE). Location: Cairo, Dār Simḥa Synagogue. The partners are Moshe …
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sunday, 20 Sivan 5448 AM, which is 1688 CE. Groom: Yeshuʿa b. Avraham ha-Ḥakham ha-Rofe b. Aharon ha-Rofe ha-Ḥakham. …
Responsum penned by the seventeenth-century rabbi David Konforte (c. 1618-c. 1685 CE). For more on this influential scholar see the neighboring shelfmark: T-S 10J16.24 (PGPID …
Legal testimonies. In Hebrew. Dated: 20 Kislev 5418 AM (verso) and perhaps Tishrei 5411 AM (recto) but the recto year is damaged to the extent …
Karaite betrothal document with faded ornamental designs along the upper border. Date: 14 Adar 5454 AM (1694 CE). The previously unmarried bride is [Z]ahra bt. …
List of communal funds dated 1651 (Iyyar 5411 AM) that may relate to stipends allotted for Torah study given the fact that the verso mentions …
Court record approving a payment for Ya'aqov Berakah the cantor b. Moshe for his service in communal prayers for five years. Dated Tuesday, 12th Nisan …
Letter in Spanish with columns of numerical calculations at bottom that appears to be dated 5 Tamuz 5437 or July 5 1677CE (the "4" is …
Karaite bill of divorce (get). Dated 16 Sivan 5392 AM (1632 CE).
A Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Aharon b. Binyamin Halevi and the bride is Esther b. Avraham the physician. Dated 15 Kislev 5399 …
Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Avraham b. Yehuda and the bride is Esther known as 'Aziza d. Aharon. Dated 29 Kislev 5405 AM …
Document(s) in Ladino, the recto may correspond with what is listed on the verso. Dated Heshvan 5422 AM (Oct.-Nov. 1661 CE). The Ladino scribal hand …
Letter from Shemuʾel to his father, David Conforte, in Ladino, which was then reused for a draft of a halakhic treatise on divorce. (Information from …
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a …
Recto: Ottoman contract of sale of land. Dated Rabīʿ I 1032 AH (1623 CE). Verso: Ottoman legal contract
Karaite ketubah. The groom is Yeshu'a b. Mordechai and the bride is Esther known as Situta d. Shemuel. 28 Adar 5400 AM (1640 CE).
Reconciliation agreement between husband and wife. Dated: 6 Tammuz 5415 AM, which is 1655 CE.
Verso: Engagement agreement in Hebrew. Date: 8 Kislev 5459 AM (November 1698 CE). The recto contains accounts in Judaeo-Arabic from the first of Tūt of …
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Sunday, 14 Av 5430 AM, which is 1670 CE. Venue: House of Barukh Nasi nin Eliʿezer Ẓemaḥ. Shelomo Fayrūz b. …
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning Marseilles (? מרסליה). Dated 1 Heshvan [5]446 AM (1685 CE).
Recto and first line of verso: Hebrew letter to Gabriel Conforte. The author of the letter mentions a number of books he has received, among …
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 23 Tevet 5414 AM, which is 1654 CE. Groom: Yosef ha-Kohen b. Avraham b. Yosef. Bride: Badra bt. …
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Cairo. Dated: 5453 AM, which is 1692/93 CE. Only the last two lines of the legal document are preserved. There …
Interesting legal document probably from 1682 CE (at least after Adar 5442) involving a businesswoman apparently named Mazal Tov and at least two famous rabbis, …
Calligraphic get (bill of divorce) dated the 19th of Kislev 5422 AM (5422) from Damascus. Moshe b. Avraham known as Ibrahim repudiates Malkah known as …
Karaite purchase deed. Ovadya b. Gedalyah Feyruz is buying a lobby and upper hall from the widow Estīta and her two unnamed daughters from her …
Karaite bill of divorce. Date: 3 Iyyar 5437 AM (1677 CE). Location: New Cairo. The husband Yiṣḥaq b. Aharon b. Mordekhay Rofe issues the get …
Torah with Targum, Rashi, and Or ha-Ḥayyim commentaries. Printed. In Italian. Dated: 1742 CE. The fragment here is the statement of inquisitorial permission from the …
Recto: Letter in Arabic to Hayyim al-Ṣarrāf (moneychanger/banker) in the High Diwan. The writer's full name is difficult to read (ʿĀ___ __rdī[?]) as is the …
Hebrew letter dated 1687/8 CE (5448 AM), addressed to "the Judges," regarding business transactions. Contains several words in Ladino that are marked with two dots: …
Letter mostly consisting of praises for the addressee, then a request for personal assistance. The writer is Avraham ha-Yakhini (f.3, l.12), in Istanbul, to ʿAzarya …
Recto: A very formal letter (resembling a legal document or legal query) to an authority in Fustat, regarding the daughter of [...] ha-Levi, known as …
Letter from an unknown writer, in Alexandria, to the judge Yiṣḥaq Aripol, in Fustat/Cairo. The writer's name and signature appear, but are very faded. Written …
Calendar (astronomical/agricultural) for Eygpt for four of the Coptic months (Hātūr, Kiyāk, Ṭūba, and Amshīr), also giving the names of the corresponding Gregorian months (in …
Court register fragment containing the remnants of 14 documents, most of which are fully intact. Dated Tevet-Kislev 5460 AM which is1699-1700CE. On the recto two …
Letter from R. ʿAzarya Zeʾevi of Jerusalem to R. Yiṣḥaq Castro in Egypt. Dated: 1638 CE (6 Tammuz שע׳׳ך ב׳׳ו = 5398 AM). Should be …
Recto: Long, calligraphic legal document in Arabic, from Cairo (مصر المحروسة), dated October 1649 CE (7 Shawwal 1059 AH). It bears seven signatures along the …
Letter in Hebrew from Azarya Zeevi, Jerusalem, to Yiṣḥaq Castro, Cairo/Fusṭāṭ. Dating: mid-seventeenth century. Should be read together with T-S 20.67—same writer and addressee. The …
28 pages of communal and financial and legal records. Pages 1 and 14 are registers of deaths, one on page 14 dated 1661/1662 CE (5422 …