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Bottom of a petition. In Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps Ayyubid-era, based on the titles. The addressee (the caliph or vizier?) is asked to issue (or …
אין רשומות קשורות
Recto: State document? Accounts in Arabic script in a chancery-esque hand.
Part of a document in Arabic script. Chancery hand, wide space between the lines. Words from 3 lines are preserved. On verso there is piyyuṭ. …
Verso: A tax-related note referring to what Jaʿfar(?) b. [...] the jahbadh will do. Needs examination. This document was torn and reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.
Small fragment of a state document. Wide space between the lines. Refers to the rent or wages for the pressing of sugarcane (al-ujra ʿan iʿtiṣār …
Probably a draft for a letter or petition. In Arabic script. The two sides are in different hands, but each contains elaborate titles of important …
Small fragment of an official-looking letter (report?) in Arabic script. Mentions Damietta (Dumyāṭ).
Receipt (for tax?) in Arabic script with a Judaeo-Arabic filing note at the top. The date is given but is difficult to read—46[.](?).
Horizontal strip from an official-looking account, with multiple distinct subsections and an unusual layout. Needs examination.
Official document in Arabic script. Apparently dealing with witnesses and legal procedure. Fragments of two lines are preserved: ... fa-asqaṭahu min al-shahāda... min shuhūd al-bilād …
Possibly an official receipt, or simply a private account.
Tax receipt from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Fragment (upper part only). Written on the back of a recycled letter (might enable a …
Receipt of some kind. The sum named is 1/2 dinar. Dated: Possibly 13 Ramaḍān 490 AH, but this should be checked. The payment seems to …
Official letter, six fragmentary lines in Arabic, recycled by ʿEli b. Yeḥezqel ha-Kohen of Jerusalem (d. ca. 1055) for a Piyyuṭ which dates the state …
Beginning formula of a pseudo-petition, in Arabic script. After the formula, the addressee is mentioned as "fulān" b. "fulān".
The end of one line from a state document in Arabic script (decree vs. petition vs. report). Quite faded. Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.
Tax receipt for Ṣadaqa b. al-Ḥasan.
Tax receipt.
Recto: Small fragment of official correspondence in Arabic script. The word "al-ijtihād" is legible, but not much else.
Small fragment of an official document. "ī al-Nāṣirī..." and "al-amr al-ʿālī". In between the two lines there are larger words (rescript on a petition?).
Petition to a state official. In Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner). All that is preserved is some of the titles of the addressee. "al-majlis …
Petition or report. In Arabic script. Quite faded. The ends of 5 lines are preserved. Mentions that a certain ʿāmil is more capable than somebody …
Unidentified document in large Arabic script. Fiscal account? Reused on both recto and verso for Hebrew liturgical text (three different hands).
Likely a fiscal document. In Arabic script. Needs examination. Reused for Hebrew blessings on recto.
Upper part of a tax receipt, containing only the endorsements / administrative markings.
Official letter in Arabic script. ~4 lines preserved. Reused for Hebrew literary text. Needs examination.
Official letter in Arabic script. Ends of 5 lines are preserved. Content unclear. The red/black border decoration on verso is very similar to T-S 12.459 …
Capitation tax receipt for Bū l-Ḥasan Ḥusayn b. Hibatallāh al-Ṣayrafī in Fustat. Dated: 4 Muḥarram 541 AH, which is 16 June 1146 CE.
Receipt for the capitation tax in Fustat of Maḥfūz b. Eliyya. Dated: 52[.] AH.
Fragment of a state document. The beginnings of 3 lines are preserved. Mentions the year 418 AH = 1027/28 CE. Reused on verso for piyyuṭ.
Small fragment of official correspondence. Only a few words preserved ( Allāh...). Reused for Hebrew text.
Official-looking account in Arabic script.
Document in Arabic script. Probably an official report or petition, based on the hand and layout. The ends of ~6 lines are preserved. The subject …
Tax receipt for [...] b. Eliyya, a Jewish silk trader (qazzāz). Needs examination for details.
Possibly a tax receipt. Quite faded.
Probably a state document in Arabic script. Only a few partial lines are preserved on both recto and verso.
Receipt of some kind for Ibrāhīm b. [...]. A period of one year is specified. There is a word that looks like "halīlaj" (myrobalan), but …
State document, in Arabic script. Two isolated lines. The first one reads as "والنظر في امرهم بما يقتضي به العناية", "looking into their affairs according …
Fiscal account (?) dated 533 AH = 1138/39 CE. Small. Refers to something related to the caliph al-Ḥāfiẓ ("Ḥāfiẓiyya...").
Official document of some sort. May be headed "makhzūma." Above that, there is an ʿalāma (al-ḥamdu lil-lāhi rabbi al-ʿālamīn). Refers to money exchange (ṣarf) and …
End of a decree with ḥamdala and ḥasbala in large letters (2 cm alif), recycled into a Jewish prayerbook with five bifolios. At least three …
Capitation tax receipt for Musāfir b. Yūsuf, a Jewish man whose profession is "dīwānī." Same man: T-S Ar.35.132, T-S Ar.35.174, and T-S Ar.35.217.
Upper part of a tax receipt for Yaʿqūb b. Khalaf, a Jewish nightwatchman (ṭawwāf).
Receipt for the capitation tax of Nissim(?) b. Bū l-Faḍl(?) in New Cairo. Payment: 1 dinar. This receipt is squatter and sloppier than most.
Receipt for the capitation tax of Maḥfūẓ b. Eliyya(?), a Jewish silk trader (qazzāz), in Fustat.
Bifolio with fiscal accounts. One page begins: "waṣala ilā [bayt al-māl?] al-maʿmūr min jihat Muḥammad b. ʿAmmār al-wakīl fī [...]," then the date: 413 or …
One line of Arabic text from an official letter or document, mentioning al-jāmiʿ ("the mosque"). Reused for piyyuṭim, one of which is ascribed to Isaac …
Verso (original use): Report of the death of a Jewish woman Ḥasana/Ḥusna bt. [...].
Unidentified document in Arabic script, possibly a Fatimid or Ayyubid fiscal document (mentions words like "māl... al-dīwān... wa-kataba..."). On verso there's a curious drawing along …
Fiscal accounting. ʿAlāma at the top: al-ḥamdu lillāhi wa-ʿalayhi tawakkulī. Needs examination.