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State document that begins "waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr."
אין רשומות קשורות
Probably a petition in Arabic script. The addressee is a dignitary (referred to with the honorific 'khāliṣat amīr al-muʾminīn'). The petition has something to do …
Letter, possibly state correspondence, in Arabic script. Chancery hand (though not the best), with widened space between the lines, and with white space used to …
Fragment of a tax receipt, probably.
Official receipt of some kind.
Recto: State document in Arabic script. Ends of 3 lines preserved. Perhaps a petition or report (āḥiya yatawallā ḥiyāzatahā wa-ḍabṭa ajzāʾahā...). Needs examination.
Verso (original use): Official-looking document in Arabic script. Maybe a receipt. Mentions "al-kharājiyya al-muwāfiqa li-[...]." Needs further examination.
State document, extremely fragmented, only a few words readable. Mentions the amir Asad al-Dawla.
One line in Arabic script, reads as "المستنصر بالله صلوات الله عليه....".
Fiscal document, Ayyubid. Bifolio. There are holes in various configurations indicating where the thread for the binding used to be. Three of the four pages …
Fragmentary document, with huge line spacing, probably state document, late. The only readable word is "irdab", referring to the measure of grain. The preceding word …
Official letter or petition. In Arabic script. Small fragment from the beginning: ...saʿādatahu wa-salāmatahu wa-niʿmatahu ʿalā....
State document, in Arabic script. Wide line spacing in a chancery hand beginning with a basmala. Reused for Arabic text and Coptic numerals. Needs examination.
A few words in large Arabic script in a chancery hand, possibly from a decree. Specifies a date (13th of Jumādā?).
State document, perhaps. In Arabic script. Fragment: Bottom only. Contains the end of a prayer for the amīr al-mu'minīn (wa-sallim taslīman) and a ḥasbala.
Tax receipt. From the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Join: Alan Elbaum.
State receipt in Arabic script for the tax farming of dyeing (min ḍamānih lil-ṣabgh). With endorsements/registrations at the top ("athbaṭū al-mablagh..."). It is unclear if/how …
State document in Arabic script with a large ʿalāma (al-ḥamdu lillāh ʿalā niʿmatih wa-[........]). There are several different text blocks. One of them on verso …
Official-looking document in Arabic script. Needs examination. Involves [...] b. Yūsuf al-ʿAṭṭār.
Document in Arabic script. Moderately wide space between the lines. On verso there are readings for Shavuʿot. Needs examination. (Information in part from CUDL.)
State document, probably. It refers to itself as a "receipt" (wuṣūl). In Arabic script. Location: Dahrūṭ. Dated: Ramaḍān 533 AH, which is 1129 CE. (Also …
Fiscal document. The beginnings of the first two lines are preserved. At least in part concerning the revenue from the capitation tax. "Waṣala ilā bayt …
State document, in Arabic script. Decrees that the rituals be carried out according to the tradition 'wa-an yakūn al-ʿamal bi l-rusūm' and mentions 'al-dawla al-sharīfa'. …
Decree, probably, Mamluk era, in Arabic script. Only one line preserved which reads as "الجملة فاذا خدم".
State correspondence. In Arabic script. Chancery hand with wide space in between lines. Only the beginnings of 4 lines are preserved (reused for jottings in …
State document in Arabic script. Approximately 12 lines are preserved. Has at least two taqbīl clauses, mentions a "khidma", and a revenue or tax "al-mustakhraj". …
Verso: Fragment of a state document. Only three lines are preserved. Refers to the caliph ([amīr] al-muʾminīn) and to Khumārtakīn al-Afḍalī al-Juyūshī (خمارتكين الافضلي الجيوشي). …
Fiscal document, in Arabic script, bottom part of the fragment. The document is dated Muḥarram 487 H and the first two lines may be read …
Document in Arabic script. Dating: likely ca. 13th century. An official account of some sort. Opens with many titles for a notable (... al-dīwānī al-ʿālī …
Official report in Arabic script. Small fragment. Mentions the caliph (… ين الله), probably al-Ẓāhir (li-Iʿzāz Dīn Allāh), al-Ḥāfiẓ (li-Dīn Allāh), or al-ʿĀḍid (li-Dīn Allāh). …
Receipt for the capitation tax of Yehuda b. Sulaymān.
Tax receipt for Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb. See ENA 3945.9 (PGPID 10485) for a list of related documents.
Receipt for the capitation tax for Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb in Fustat. Dated: Looks like 551 AH, which would be 1156/57 CE if correct. See ENA …
Bottom of a receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. The preserved lines on the receipt "امير (؟)الاجل جعفر .....سليمان المستخلف …
Recto (side of later use): Tax receipt from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, in the hand of the jahbadh Mīkhāʾil b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ.
Copious jottings in Arabic script. It is not clear if there is any original document here or if they are all exercises of a chancery …
Chancery document. 6 lines preserved from the bottom (including ḥamdala and ṣalwala: والحمد لله وحده وصاواته على سيدنا محمد نبيه المصطفى والد الطاهرين وسلم تسليما). …
Unidentified document(s) in Arabic script. One has an ʿalāma at the top, with a note underneath: "this is the ʿalāma of the other one(?)" (هذه …
Small fragment of a tax receipt from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. (A portion from the bottom with the signature of the jahbadh …
The ends of 5 lines of a state document. Mentions a dīwān in l. 1. Needs examination. Verso is blank.
Capitation tax receipt. Beginning "tadhkira bism..." Needs examination.
Tax receipt. Beginning 'tadhkira bism...' For Abū l-Ḥasan b. [...]. There is a different (earlier) document on recto. Needs examination.
State document of some sort. Lists sums of money in words and in Greek/Coptic numerals. Multiple sections, some mottos and registration marks.
Recto: Report or official correspondence, possibly. In Arabic script. Wide space between the lines. The ends of 5 lines are preserved. Mentions "the great resolution" …
Recto: Petition, probably. In Arabic script, in a Fatimid chancery hand, with huge space between the lines. Portions of two lines are preserved: ...ʿalā yadih …
Bottom eight lines of an official letter in Arabic script. Ends with a ḥamdala and ṣalwala. Difficult handwriting; needs examination.
Tax receipt in the hand of the jahbadh Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ. The payer is [...] Ibn al-Ṣiqillī. Needs examination.
Tax receipt for the capitation tax of Maʿālī b. [...] in Fustat for the year 525 AH (=1130/31 CE).
Capitation tax receipt. For Abū l-Riḍā(?) b. [...]. Dated: 590 AH (or 569?). Needs examination.