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Part of a document in Arabic script. Chancery hand, wide space between the lines. Words from 3 lines are preserved. On verso there is piyyuṭ. …
אין רשומות קשורות
State document(s) in Arabic script. Most likely a fiscal account because of the phrase "mablagh jārī" in v.1. However, it has the petition-like phrase "iḥsānuhu …
Verso: A tax-related note referring to what Jaʿfar(?) b. [...] the jahbadh will do. Needs examination. This document was torn and reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.
Small fragment of a state document. Wide space between the lines. Refers to the rent or wages for the pressing of sugarcane (al-ujra ʿan iʿtiṣār …
Probably a draft for a letter or petition. In Arabic script. The two sides are in different hands, but each contains elaborate titles of important …
Small fragment of an official-looking letter (report?) in Arabic script. Mentions Damietta (Dumyāṭ).
Receipt (for tax?) in Arabic script with a Judaeo-Arabic filing note at the top. The date is given but is difficult to read—46[.](?).
Horizontal strip from an official-looking account, with multiple distinct subsections and an unusual layout. Needs examination.
Official document in Arabic script. Apparently dealing with witnesses and legal procedure. Fragments of two lines are preserved: ... fa-asqaṭahu min al-shahāda... min shuhūd al-bilād …
Possibly an official receipt, or simply a private account.
Tax receipt from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Fragment (upper part only). Written on the back of a recycled letter (might enable a …
Receipt of some kind. The sum named is 1/2 dinar. Dated: Possibly 13 Ramaḍān 490 AH, but this should be checked. The payment seems to …
Official letter, six fragmentary lines in Arabic, recycled by ʿEli b. Yeḥezqel ha-Kohen of Jerusalem (d. ca. 1055) for a Piyyuṭ which dates the state …
Beginning formula of a pseudo-petition, in Arabic script. After the formula, the addressee is mentioned as "fulān" b. "fulān".
The end of one line from a state document in Arabic script (decree vs. petition vs. report). Quite faded. Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ.
Tax receipt for Ṣadaqa b. al-Ḥasan.
Tax receipt.
Report or petition. The ends of 5 lines are preserved. Twice mentions the Berbers (البربر) who are in the area of Abshīsh (ابشيش) in the …
State document. Accounts from the central fisc. Begins: waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr.... Lower down refers to Mālik b. Ibrāhīm. In the bottom text block …
Official correspondence in Arabic script. Wide space between the lines. Fragments of 4 lines are preserved; unclear how much of the substance is preserved. Reused …
Fragment of a state document. At the top: "ilā l-dīwān li-thaghr(?)..." Underneath: "عمل . . . اضافته الى ذلك والمستخرج... الباقي(؟) على كماله وتمامه...." Reused …
Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] b. Ibrāhīm the Jewish garment mender (al-raffāʾ) in Fustat for the year 567 AH = 1171/72 CE (if …
Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] b. Khalaf the Jew in Fustat for the year 507 AH = 1113/14 CE. Payment: 1/2 dinar. Written …
Formal letter or petition. In Arabic script. 11.5 lines of praise and blessings, followed by 1 line containing a request. Opens: "Marḥaban bi-qudūm al-fāris al-muḥaqqaq..." …
Decree from the Fatimid chancery, small fragment, reused by Efrayim b. Shemarya. No image available on FGP. See also PGPID 35336 and PGPID 30851.
Decree or petition. Portions of two lines are preserved, mentioning Yaḥyā b. Muḥammad b. [...], and a version of a raʾy clause: mā yarāhu …
Verso (original use): Fragment of a state report. The ends of 6 lines are preserved: "...the ṭalḥiyyūn(?), and there did not remain in al-Ramla... Muḥammad(?) …
Report to al-Afḍal. The join between T-S NS 201.132 and T-S AS 116.410 + T-S AS 103.49 + T-S NS 209.47 is very probably but …
Petition in Arabic script. The sender's name may appear between lines 2 and 3 (ʿabduhu Khalaf....?). May mention Qalyūb (l. 3) and mentions merchandise and …
Fatimid state document. Needs examination. Reused for a memorial list (see PGPID 19130).
Petition in Arabic script. Begins with a taqbīl and praises for "al-majlis al-ʿālī... khallada allāh ayyām sulṭānahu....). Concerning "my father Abū Zikrī al-Ṭabīb (the physician)." …
Small fragment of official correspondence. Addressed to [...] al-Kāmilī al-saʿīd [...]. Recto appears to indicate that the response should be sent to Dīwān al-Ḥubūs (or …
State document, bottom fragment, in Arabic script. "الذي لا يقدر فيهم على غيره... ومحاسبته على استقبال سنة خمسـ[...على ما استخرجه واحضر ما". The phrase "wa-muḥāsabatuhu …
Report from a Fatimid chancery clerk concerning an iqṭāʿ. Dated: 520 AH = 1126/27 CE.
Fiscal document with at least three distinct sections. 1) The main text block concerns ships, requisitioning, ḍummān, and the officials charged with transporting crops from …
Small fragment from a piece of official correspondence: wa-qad sayyara ilayhimā min al-[...]....
Fragment with four different text blocks in Arabic, apparently drafts of documents in a chancery hand. Both sides are also reused for Hebrew biblical text …
Fiscal account, probably. One header reads "al-aʿmāl al-Fayyūmiyya." Needs examination.
Verso: Fragmentary document, in a chancery hand. Typical closing formula of a state document "في ذلك ان شاالله". The second line could be a date. …
State document, it seems an order from a higher-up or a response/rescript (tawqiʿ) for a petition. (There is in fact a draft petition on verso …
Recto: Fragment of an official report or possibly a legal document, notable for mentioning an amīr named Iftikhār al-Dawla Jawhar. The best-known Iftikhār al-Dawla was …
Verso (original use): Fiscal accounting document (or an official order for the release of funds?), complete with ḥamdala and ḥasbala. Dated: 5 Shawwāl 4xx (412?).
Very unusual account, written in large letters, likely fiscal. Perhaps wages for soldiers/mercenaries? Recto, upper section: -people's names such Masʿūd b. Manṣūr b. Sabʿ(?) and …
Fragment of a capitation tax receipt, probably. Needs examination.
Multiple fragments which may or may not be related. One contains a basmala and the tops of a few words in Arabic script. Possibly a …
Two lines from an official letter in Arabic script. Reused for liturgical text in Hebrew (same scribe as T-S NS 111.63?).
Draft of praises for a vizier: Sayyidnā [. . . .] Amīr al-Juyūsh Kāfil Quḍāt al-Muʾminīn wa-Hādī Duʿāt al-Muslimīn. Written in the margins of a …
Receipt for the capitation tax of Maʿālī b. Bū l-Karam. Needs further examination. See T-S AS 177.85 (PGPID 37036) for all the related documents.
Original use: Fiscal account in Arabic script, mentioning wheat and various districts and an ʿāmil. Needs examination.