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List of accounts with a variety of names and quantities expressed in raṭl units. Medieval-era. One of the names on the recto is Girga. Requires …
אין רשומות קשורות
List of contributors and/or recipients of alms. On a small bifolio. Divided by neighborhoods of Fustat (e.g. al-Maṣāṣa, Mahra and Qaṣr al-Shamʿ). Many names are …
Accounts in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic. Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
Recto: Memorial list in Hebrew. Interesting layout, resembling a family tree (e.g. Meshullam's three sons each get a small column, and their own sons go …
Bifolio of accounts in Arabic script. Headed with a basmala followed by "in the hand of Abū Naṣr." Listing mainly fabrics and garments (mandīl, niṣāfī, …
List in Judaeo-Arabic on verso with names and corresponding numerical values (some of which are definitely monetary). Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
List of names, possibly a reading list for Shabbat, including names such as Abū l-Manṣūr, Abū l-[...] Ibn al-Kohen, Yosef Ibn al-Levi, and Makīn b. …
Accounts in Arabic on recto, medieval-era. The scribe made use of Coptic-Zimam numerals. The neighboring shelfmark ENA 3256.16v was reused for the same vocalized piyyut …
Accounts in a medieval-era scribal hand on verso. The paper was rused for a student's writing exercises in Hebrew script. The shelfmarks ENA 3264.1-6 are …
Minute list fragment in Judaeo-Arabic with a column of figures expressed in Hebrew alphanumerals. Medieval-era.
List of names with quantities of money. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Contributors list or distribution list? Names include: Zayn b. Q[...]; Abū …
Accounts in Arabic on verso with Greek/Coptic alphanumerals. Medieval-era.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals concerning "Dīwān Maṭābikh al-Mulk," which sounds like the government office in charge of royal sugar refineries. Dated: "four," "five," …
List of personal and family names. Probably an alms list. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Names include: the cantor Yosef …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on recto and verso. The scribal hand is difficult to place chronologically, perhaps 15th- to 17th-century. Requires further examination.
Commercial and/or dār account. There are many entries for specific dates (505 AH?) and mentioning amounts received on those dates, which makes it seem mercantile. …
Fragment containing items such as wheat and amounts. Probably an account, less likely a letter.
List of names and quantities expressed with raṭl as a recurring unit of weight. Medieval-era. Many of the entries are crossed out. Requires further examination.
List in Judaeo-Arabic with names, days of the week, and monetary values. Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
Accounts in a medieval-era scribal hand on recto. Although the verso was not reused in this case, the shelfmarks ENA 3264.1-6 are recycled pages of …
Three bifolios of commercial accounts, with two of the pages containing a draft of a family letter in Judaeo-Arabic (see separate record). Names mentioned: Yosef, …
List of items, one is Socotran aloe (صبر سقطري). Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: No earlier than 1225 CE, based on the use of Kāmilī (dirhams).
Accounts, early modern. Perhaps the same scribe and defter fragment as ENA NS 53.15 (PGPID 39644). Ottoman-era with the currency jadid/cedid mentioned. At least one …
Accounts with Hebrew numerals (with the < symbol standing for 1/2). Names include Abū l-Faḍl, Maḥāsin; Mufaḍḍal, Makārim al-Khāmī and his partner; Bū Saʿd b. …
Late Arabic account. Dated 11 Dhū l-Qaʿda 1221 AH (January 1807 CE). The second line of the recto mentions the keyword al-ṣayrāfī. The verso also …
Accounts for brazilwood for Barhūn, mentioning several sums of dinars and people such as the Kohen at the Dār al-Baraka, Ibn al-Majjānī, and Mūsā. Hebrew …
Bifolio of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic with at least two references to wheat. Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
Accounts on the recto and verso, related to sales and expenses. Dating is 16th- or 17th-century based on the paleography but the verso may contain …
Accounts in Arabic with Greek/Coptic numerals. Very detailed and well-pressed. 14th-16th centuries based on the paleography. Requires further examination.
Bifolio of accounts, dealing with taxes related to sugar and communal matters. Dating: ca. 13th century. Headings include "the collection of Cairo" (jibāyat al-Qāhira) and …
Recto: list of items, numbers, and names in Hebrew script. Verso: accounts in Arabic script
List of names associated with numbers of dirhams, probably recipients of alms. Names include: Salāma al-Saqqāʾ and his son; Abū l-Ḥusayn and his brothers; Makhlūf …
Accounts with a variety of payment types: jadid, corona (קרנה), and an unknown Venetian coin (נוצ בונדקי). 16th- or 17th-century based on the paleography. Requires …
Accounts on recto and verso. Medieval-era. One entry on the recto lists a partial date 2_ Kislev and an entry on the verso mentions "European …
Bifolio containing mainly an alms distribution list. "What was distributed on Monday, with seven days remaining in Nisan." Many women mentioned. There are a few …
List of commercial ,goods, including gold rings, amber, and cloaks (shamla). (Information in part from CUDL.)
Small fragment of accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. On parchment. Mentioning the names Abū l-Ḥasan and Bū Shaʿyā. On recto there is Hebrew …
Accounts in Ladino including for March 1722 CE (mentions Rosh Hodesh Nisan 5482). Currencies used are ducados and muayyadis. The handwriting is very close to …
List of goods, with a total on verso.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on recto and verso, some are crossed out. Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
Booklist including entries such as Kitāb al-Khalīqa, Kitāb Juʿrāfiyya (געראפיה = Geograph), Divrei ha-Yamim, Kunnāsh Bū Yaʿaqov, Kitāb al-Rasā'il.
Accounts in Arabic, related to the nearby shelfmark T-S AS 207.144. Dating is 16th-century or later based on the paleography.
Late list of food items. 16th- or 17th-century based on the paleography. One of the entries if for a quantity of "wheat from the Emir." …
Original use: Accounts in Arabic script, with very wide line spacing, headed by the glyph and mentioning the names ʿAbd al-Masīḥ; Bū l-Faraj b. [... …
List of prices and perhaps an inventory with many values expressed in dinars on the verso. Medieval-era. Requires further examination.
List of items and quantities, some of which are spices (ginger and cinnamon). 15th- to 17th-century based on the paleography.
Late accounts noting money received from al-Kohen Farajallāh and the daughter of Abba mari (probably "my father"). Also mentions al-Shākirī and his son. The total …
Accounts in Arabic, perhaps part of a wider ledger given the number of interrelated fragments in this series. Dating is 16th-century or later based on …
Accounts in Arabic with Greek/Coptic alphanumerals. Medieval-era.