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Small fragment of a business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Makhlūf b. Mūsā (cf. T-S 8.69 (PGPID 9265)). Dating: 12th century. Mentions [...] …
אין רשומות קשורות
Letter from an unidentified sender, in Safed, to Mordekhay Ibn ʿAjla, in Egypt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: late, probably no earlier than 15th century. Greets numerous …
Letter from an unknown writer, in Skopje (אישקופייה), to Shaʾul b. David, in Salonika. In Ladino. Needs examination for content.
Letter to a certain Shemuʾel, in a Spanish hand. Dating: probably no earlier than ca. 14th century. Mentions Cyprus and interesting names (e.g. יהודה דולסית). …
Letter of appeal for financial assistance by the elders of the community of Corfu (קורפו). In Hebrew. The date does not appear to be preserved, …
Letter sent by Moshe Agura from Rhodes to his family in Egypt. Published by J. Krivoruchko in
Letter from Shalom b. Yaʿaqov, in Damascus, to the Nagid Natan Sholal (d. 1502), in Fustat/Cairo. Cf. T-S 18J5.7 (PGPID 17070).
Letter from Sulaymān al-Skandarī, in Damascus, to his brother-in-law Faraj Allāh Ibn Fāḍil and his wife (the writer's sister), in Cairo. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: …
A very faded and damaged, barely legible, letter, mentions Damascus and a certain Zekharya b. [...]
Letter fragment, in Arabic script. The addressee is asked to come immediately to Manfalūṭ or Akhmīm (in Upper Egypt). Needs further examination.
P4: Letter from Ismaʿīl to his cousin (ibn ʿamm) al-Shaykh al-Ḥaver David ha-Kohen. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Mentions Mūsā al-Ashmūnī attending …
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Connected to both the India trade and trade in the Maghrib. Mentions: lac, clove, nutmeg, civet, pepper; someone meeting with the …
Small fragment of a family and/or business letter. Refers to someone's illness (r2), and evidently the sender was also sick because God sent him health …
Letter from Avraham Neḥmad to Moshe b. ʿAbd al-Waliyy. Writer and addressee are Qaraites. Written in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. The letter begins with a recommendation …
Letter fragment from Khiyār b. Yaʿqūb to Abū l-Afrāḥ ʿArūs b. Yūsuf. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late 11th century. Reused for business accounts on verso. On …
Commercial letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th century. A relatively large piece is preserved. Discusses shipments of silk. The addressee is to send things to the …
Letter from an unidentified sender to [Asher?] b. Peraḥya Ḥalabī (the Aleppan). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or early 12th century. Reports on various business matters.
Business letter from the druggist Binyām to Zayn Ibn al-Ger. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: early to mid-12th century. For the same sender, see also DK 232.2 …
Letter from Khiyār b. Yaʿaqov to Abū l-Mufaḍḍal Hibatallāh b. Yefet (aka Hibatallāh b. Ḥusayn and Netanʾel b. Yefet). In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: ca. 1090s CE. …
Letter from an India trader, possibly in Aden, to an associate, presumably in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: ca. mid-12th-century. Two fragments of the letter are …
Letter in Arabic script. The bottom 9 lines are preserved. Mentions Raḍiyy al-Dawla; sending things; possibly someone named ʿAbd al-Masīḥ; the intriguing line "Woe to …
Letter from a woman, unknown location, to her son Makhlūf b. ʿAqbān the in-law of the physician (ṣihr al-ḥakīm), in al-Ushmūnayn. To be delivered to …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, no earlier than 1425 CE because it mentions gold ashrafī coins (first minted under Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay in this year). The letter …
Letter from Mordechai b. Yizhaq Shraga Feivish, perhaps in Rafah, to R. Yom Tov the Av Beit Din of Cairo, probably Yom Tov Israel Cherezli …
Letter fragment addressed to a Rayyis. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Ashmūn. The scribe is named Ibn al-Miṣrī: הבאה בירושלים . . . ומולאי אלרייס אל . …
Letter from Yiṣḥaq(?) Krispin, unknown location, to Avraham Krispin, Alexandria. Written in Ladino. Dated: 18 Av 5549 AM, which is 10 August 1789 CE. Needs …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably in the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe. Fragment (lower piece of a long vertical letter). Mentions a qāḍī twice; the government; …
Verso (original use): Letter in Arabic script conveying a request not to hold back a man who is 'one of the peasants of my brother' …
Business letter from Sibāʿ, in Asyūṭ. In Arabic script. Dating: Likely 11th or 12th century. Fragment (upper right corner of verso).
Letter from a father to his son. In Arabic script. The father's name appears in the right margin: looks something like كىى بن للسول. He …
Mercantile letter. The sender is in Asyūṭ or near there and mentions goods which are in demand there. Mentions waiting for a caravan. Needs further …
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (lower left corner). Dating: Probably 11th century. Mentions Aṭfīḥ. The handwriting seems consistent with Mūsā b. Yiṣḥaq b. Ḥisda, who …
Letter in Arabic script. May be addressed to a jurisconsult regarding a legal opinion, ending "wa-huwa wa-raʾyuhū abṣar." The sender and addressee are Jewish, based …
Letter containing a dirge on the death of Mevorakh b. Saʿadya the Nagid. Unpublished.
Letter from Shela b. Mevasser to Mevorakh b. Saʿadya. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment addressed to the Nagid Mevorakh b. Saadya. In Hebrew.
Mercantile letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Faded and damaged. Written in the month of Tishrei. Dating: likely ca. 12th century. Mentions good-quality saffron and amber and the …
Upper part of a letter. Likely addressed to Mevorakh b. Saʿadya (שר השרים ונגיד הנגידים). Probably an appeal for charity. The introductory praises are in …
Letter from Abū ʿAbdallāh to Abū l-Ṭayyib Mevasser al-Ṣayrafī. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely ~12th century. Only the beginning, the upper margin of recto, and the …
Letter from Avraham Haman and Gavriel Hefez to Karo y Frances concerning business matters. Dated 7 Tishrei 5568 AM (1807 CE), and mentioning people including …
Letter in Ladino from Shemuel Sidi to his brother-in-law Gabriel Conforte relating to business transactions (17th century). Lines 8-9, 15 mention a variety of individuals …
Address of a letter from an unknown sender, in Rashīd (Rosetta), to Moshe ha-Levi, in Fustat/Cairo. Dating: ca. 18th century. Reused on recto for a …
Probably non-Geniza. Letter from Yosef b. Yiṣḥaq Gallico (? גלקו), in London, to Yaʿaqov Ḥayy b. Avraham Mondolfo, in Siena. Dating: slightly after Adar 5454 …
Letter sent by the Adath Sefardim congregation of Safed to Avraham b.(?) David Naḥmias in Alexandria. Dated 22 Elul 5685 AM (1925 CE). At first …
Probably non-Geniza. Address of a letter in the hand of Yaʿaqov Ḥayy b. Avraham Mondolfo of Siena to the rabbis and sages of the yeshiva …
Verso: Note in Arabic script. Seems to be addressed to Ibrāhīm al-Firnās, asking for assistance with something. Mentions several names including Farrūj, Rabbi Mūsā, Rabbi …
Letter in Ladino. Fragment from the end of the letter. Mentions Damietta, and includes well wishes for numerous contacts and family members.
Fragment of a letter or petition in Arabic script from Muwaffaq b. Hiba. Dating: Probably Ayyubid or Mamluk-era. Mentions Damietta(?)
Letter to [...] b. Yosef, mentioning names such as [...] b. Ibrahim and Abū l-Karam, and Damietta. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Reused on recto for biblical verses. (Information from CUDL)