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  1. 1

    Legal documentT-S 8.137

    Legal document. On parchment. Location: Fustat. Dated: Av 1371 Seleucid = July 1060 CE. Vocalized, which is unusual. Abū Saʿd Mufarrij b. Iṣḥāq al-Ṣabbāgh known …

    1. זכרון עדות שהיתה לפנינו אנו העדים החתומים למטה
    2. בשטר הזה בחדש אב משנת אלף ושלש מאות ואחת ושבעי[ם
    3. . . . . . . רגי]לים בפסטאט מצרים שעל נהר פישון מושבה…

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  2. 2

    LetterYevr.-Arab. II 1064

    Letter "to the Sulṭān regarding. . ." written in calligraphic and vocalized Judaeo-Arabic. The header is too faded to be easily read from the microfilm. …

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  3. 3

    LetterT-S Ar.18(1).113

    Letter from Berakhot b. Shemarya, in Damietta, to his parents or at least elder relatives or in-laws (ואלדיה). The address is made out to his …

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