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  1. 1

    State documentT-S 10J7.7

    Fatimid state report from a government official: "The deceased was an employee in the western caravan. He returned and lost his mind in the course …


    1. عبده ومملوكه
    2. المتوفى كان مستخدما فى السيارة الغربية
    3. وعاد وفل عنه فى اغضان سنة خمس واربعمائة
    4. وسقط بالوفاة ولم يقبض شيا من واجباته
    5. [            …

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


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  2. 2

    Legal documentENA 4011.1

    Recto: Legal or state document in Arabic script, in what looks like a chancery hand. Fragment from the bottom of the document (4 lines preserved). …

    No Scholarship Records


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