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Legal document in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner). Dating: Likely Mamluk-era, based on typical names and titles. Needs further examination. Pinholes, but in conservation …
No Scholarship Records
Arabic, probably literary. Pinholes at the margin sewn in a non-straight line at unequal distances apart; same holes in ENA 3948.7, ENA 3949.5, ENA 3949.6, …
List of names in Arabic script of unclear significance. Mentions: Ibrāhīm b. Ṣāʿid al-Yaḥudī... Yūsuf, Fāḍil, and Fāḍila... "his wife" Sitt al-Nās. On verso jottings …
Quran. Pinholes at the margin ~3–4mm apart.
Arabic script (VMR) Pinholes at the margin ~2–3mm apart.
Legal document in Arabic script with traces of one attestation. Fragment (lower right corner). Needs further examination. Pinholes at the margin ~3–4mm apart.
Letter fragment, possibly. In Arabic script. Verso blank. Pinholes at the margin approximately 4mm apart. ASE/MR
Account in Arabic script, unclear if private or official. Pinholes at the margin ~4mm apart.
Arabic, literary. Hadith? Pinholes at the margin ~4–5mm apart.
Legal document in Arabic script. Fragment from near the beginning. Verso blank, pinholes at the margin ~4mm apart. Needs further examination for content.
Arabic, literary. Pinholes at the margin ~3–5mm apart.
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Legal? Pinholes at the margin ~4mm apart.
Letter, probably. In Arabic script. Paper is dark brown; difficult to read. Pinholes ~4mm apart. Needs examination for content.
Fragment of a letter about government business. In Arabic script. ". . . if he has it done by the jahbadh of the arsenal (al-ṣināʿa), …
فلو قام بذلك على يد جهبذ الصناعة لكان اصلح له ورايها الموفق
وبن بو الغنائم فقد سالته احضار التحرير المختص بالديوان المفرد
وحضوره ايضا اتف…
1 Transcription
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). On parchment, with pinholes in the margin. Very damaged/fragmented. Making provisions for somebody's …
Medical treatise in Arabic script. Pinholes at the margin ~4mm apart.
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe (dates: 1100–38 CE). Fragment (long vertical strip from the right side). Bill of release issued by …
1 Transcription 1 Discussion
Verso: Accounts in Arabic script with Coptic alphanumerals. Needs examination. Pinholes in the margin ~4mm apart.
Fragment of a formal letter in Arabic script. Narrow page. Approximately 4 lines from a middle section are preserved. Might be state, might be mercantile. …
Two pages are recipes or technical instructions in Arabic script, and the other two pages may be drafts of phrases from letters in Arabic script. …
Receipt (fiscal?) for Abū l-Mūnā b. Ibrāhīm al-Malījī (?) Bū l-Ḥusayn b. Sulaymān [tawliya al-shadd??]. Ends with ḥamdala and ṣalwala, with no registration requests or …
Account, fiscal record or tax receipt, Fatimid. Binding pinholes.
Fragment of an official-looking account. Verso may contain the glyph. Pinholes at the margin ~4mm apart. Needs examination for content.
Document, in a very faded Arabic script. Mentions a few commercial accounts, probably a receipt or just pen trails. Needs examination.
List or table listing a bunch of names on both sides. Needs examination.
Blank recto and verso, perforations for binding.
Legal document, 13 lines, in Arabic script. Dated: 9 Ramaḍān 883 AH, which is December 1478 CE (if read correctly). Mentions the Mālikī court (majlis …
Recto: State document, huge line spacing, ends with ṣalwala in a calligraphic hand, probably a decree. On verso there is a letter (see separate record). …
Fragmentary letter (draft?) with many lacunae, 8 lines. Many glorifying phrases: "...[al-shaykh] al-ajall Sadīd al-Mulk ballaghū Allāh taʿālā aʿlā al-manāzil... dīn wa-dunyā... awdaʿahū Allāh taʿālā...." …
Note in Arabic script addressed to [al-]shaykh ʿUmar at Raʾs al-Khalīj ("the head of the canal"; there is apparently a site just south of Fustat …
Bottom of a legal document in Arabic script, four and a half wide lines on paper with 3 final signatures, each in the shape of …
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār) with many lacunae. Concerns default in debt payment; involves [...] b. Abū Ṭāʿa(?) al-Ḥāmī and Manṣūr b. Faraḥ al-Ḥāmī in Cairo. …
Part of a letter in Arabic script, probably regarding a commercial account. Mentions "al-dīwān". Needs examination. Reused for a tax receipt (PGPID 10292).
One side: Receipt for rent. Bū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf paid Maḥfūẓ 6 dirhams. The other side: Fragmentary note mentioning sugarcane and silk (yaḥtāj ilā firqat?... fī …
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Asking for "the lofty rescript" (التوقيع العالي زاده الله شرفا وعلوا) apparently concerning a certain Abū Saʿd, "sitting …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
Arabic literary text, with rubrication. Pinholes at the margin ~3–5mm apart. Note in the volume at JTS says these two pages were detached from one …
Letter or petition from a certain Bū Naṣr (to a woman?). In Arabic script. Begins: عبدها يقبل يديها وينهي انه شهد الله على غاية من …
Title page in red ink of an Arabic literary text. Pinholes at the margin ~4–5mm apart, secondary use since they're on the left of recto. …
Fragment, few lines a very faded script. Mentions silver pieces (waraq). Needs examination.
Recto: trial of the pen. Verso: arithmetic calculations.
Recto: Fragment, 11 lines in a chancery(?) hand, difficult to read. Needs examination. Perforated binding. Verso: Mamlukī names in pretty naskhī script on verso. Including …
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Blank verso. Perforated for binding. For the capitation tax of Hiba b. Yūsuf; same dossier as ENA 3936.3, T-S Misc.24.38.1–3, T-S AS …
Recto (original use): Petition or report. In Arabic script. Fragment (the ends of 7 lines are preserved from the lower part of the document). Concerning …
Tax receipt, sixth century AH. Trigger: addā. Few names on verso. Written by and for the same people as ENA 3944.3 (PGPID 10465), but registered …
Top of a decree(?) fragment with a basmala and few honorifics: al-amr al-karīm al-ʿālī al-mawlawī. Probably Mamlūkī.
Arabic text. Pinholes in the margin ~4mm apart, but this time with black thread.
Legal document, probably dating to the late Mamlūk/early Ottoman era. Mentions grains and vegetables (al-ḥubūb wa al-mazrūʿāt), al-dhahab al-Ashrafī, the Nile (baḥr al-Nīl al-Mubārak), and …
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Contains the glyph. Mentions many names. Pinholes for binding, especially on verso, the part with the perforations has …
Petition draft. From Manṣūr b. Salāma (Khan) or b. Ṣadaqa (Elbaum and Rustow independently of one another) to the Fatimid caliph al-Āmir bi-Aḥkām Allāh (1101–30 …
العبد المملوك
منصور بن صدقة من اهل سنديون
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وافضل سلامه وتحياته على مولانا وسيد…
The servant and slave
Manṣūr ibn Ṣadaqa from the people of Sandiyūn.
In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate.
The blessing…
ENA 3960.6–10 are five distinct but related Mamlūk-era legal documents in Arabic script, all dated 909 H (1503/04 CE), and involving the same people (e.g., …