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Geonic responsa in Judaeo-Arabic. 37 folios. Hand of Hillel b. ʿEli? On folio 37r there is an ownership note: Yaʿaqov b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Levi, who presented …
No Scholarship Records
Literary text with a signature: Peraḥya b. Ṭarfon ha-Kohen. The same man appears in T-S 8J11.15 and T-S 24.74 (early 12th century). Information from the …
Literary text with a signature: Yefet b. ʿAmram. See Penn catalog ( for detailed description and potential identifications of this Yefet.
Ownership note, possibly. "This siddur(?) belongs to Faḍā'il b. Mordekhay."
Ownership note. "This pitaron (Interpretation of Dreams?) belongs to Nisan(?) ha-Ḥaver and his sons after him." Mentions Yehoshuaʿ ha-Haver (ZL).
Booklet containing Hebrew poems/prayers, with an ownership note: "this daftar belongs to Netan'el b. Elʿazar." There are some marginal notes in Arabic script, but no …
Literary text, on vellum. There is an ownership note mentioning Elʿazar b. Efrayim.
Ownership note: "This daftar belongs to Ḥasan ha-Zaqen the shaliaḥ of our master David ha-Nasi" the exilarch.
Ownership note on a literary work that resembles but is not identical with Ruth Rabba (information from FGP). "The undersigned witness that Yehuda b. Ovadya …
Literary text in a mixture of Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Ownership note: this quire (kurrās) belongs to Efrayim b. Shemuel.
A page from a volume of the Mishneh Torah, with a note of sale (intaqala... [...] b. Seʿadya ha-Kohen..."
Record of purchase. Perhaps of a book to which this leaf originally belonged. It seems that al-Shaykh al-Asʿad b. al-Shaykh al-Fakhr Mūsā al-Tawrīzī purchased it …
Literary text on Jewish law. There is an ownership note: "this muṣḥaf belongs to Farajallāh [...]."
Ownership page of a bible (muṣḥaf). Listing several successive owners.
Possibly a dedication or ownership page from a book. "Written in the name of the youth . . . ha-Levi ha-Yaqar the noble groom . …
Ownership note on a folio that came from a volume containing texts by Yehuda Ḥayyūj; Ibn Gikatilla (d. after 1305); and Kitāb al-Tajnīs by Yehuda …
Ownership notes in a codex, perhaps. On one side: Yaʿaqov b. Yehuda, then "It was transferred with a proper sale to the young man [...] …
Ownership note, perhaps. "I bought this on [...] Ṭevet 1428," meaning 1116/17 CE.
Ownership note? In a prayerbook. Seʿadya ha-Levi b. Hillel ha-Levi.
Mi Kamokha for Shabbat Zakhor. Hebrew liturgical poem composed by Yehuda ha-Levi, in Judaeo-Arabic translation. Same work as Halper 282. Ownership note: Nissim רפון(?). Dated: …
Tafsīr on Leviticus in Judaeo-Arabic in a beautiful hand. Of documentary value because of the ownership notes (on verso of Bodl. MS heb. e 74/81): …
The frontispiece and the first daf of the Sabbioneta Kiddushin (printed Elul 5313 = 1543 CE), under the rule of Vespesiano Gonzaga and in the …