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Secondary use: The unique copy of the Hebrew ode composed by Shelomo b. Yosef ha-Kohen in honor of the caliph al-Mustanṣir and of Badr al-Jamālī …
1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion
poems for a groom. the name Ibn Ma'usa (?) is mentioned.
No Scholarship Records
Halakhic works of Yosef b. Yaʿaqov rosh ha-seder. דף טיוטות # יוסף בן יעקב ראש הסדר, נספחות לחיבור # טיוטות של חיבורי הלכה שונים צד …
Poem of friendship written by Shemuʾel the cantor b. Avraham ha-sefaradi. On the back the holiday of sukkot is mentioned, which may have served as …
Poems for a groom named Moshe b. Yosef ha-Levi. Dating: Late, based on the hand.
Poem for(?) Yehuda b. Shemuel mentioning Alexandria. On the back are drafts in a cursive hand, perhaps of poetry.
Book, ownership page, in Arabic script: "this is the copy of Abu al-hasan" in small Hebrew script: "This is what Shemarya b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi bought …
1 Discussion
Piyyuṭim. With a colophon/dedication to Yehuda ha-Talmid. Dated: Tuesday, 18 Ḥeshvan 4878 AM = 1429 Seleucid = 16 October 1117 CE.
A fragment of Ḥovot ha-Levavot in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Likely belongs with T-S Misc.28.24 (which consists of another 6 folios of …
Piyyuṭim in the hand of Natan b. Shemuel he-Ḥaver.
Ownership note on a codex - the name is Ḥasan b. Mūsā.
Colophon by Berakhot b. Eliyyahu b. Zekharya (aka Shelomo b. Eliyyahu). On the other side of the page are some pen trials.
Poem to celebrate the circumcision of a son of a government official (l. 8), calligraphically written in hemistichs, with the final seven lines narrowing to …
On recto a dirge in Hebrew. On verso probably from book of Josiphon. AA
Rhymed text (-kha) in Hebrew. By al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. On verso there is similar text, perhaps a draft of a poem.
Panygeric prasing the leaders (negidim) of the Jewish community. Mentioned are Elʿazar, Yefet, and ʿUziel and later also ʿOvadya. There is also a single line …
Colophon written by the teacher (melammed) Hillel b. Perahya. Location: Damascus. Dated: 25 Kislev 5036 AM = 15 December 1275 CE.
A commentary on poetry, and piyyuṭim, including one by Hayye Gaʾon on the topic of circumcision. F. 1r begins, after a בשמ׳ רחמ׳, ‘A synopsis …
Panegyric dedicated to Yaḥyā b. Avraham. See Penn catalog ( for detailed description and potential identifications.
Panegyric by Yeshuʿa b. Dunash b. Moshe Av Bet Din dedicated to the brothers Simḥa and Netanel b. Mesabar(?). See Penn catalog ( for further …
Colophon (FGP)
Kifāyat al-ʿĀbidīn by Avraham Maimonides. Information from FGP.
Botanical work in the handwriting of Maimonides. See partial transcription and translation in Friedman, Dictionary, p. 563.
Rhymed text (-bī) in Judaeo-Arabic. This may be a poem in honor of Rabbi Avraham. In the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. (Information in part …
Literary collection of poetry and prose relating to Anatoli b. Yosef. Dating: Perhaps 13th or 14th century, some time after the death of Anatoli. The …
Azharot for Shavuʿot by Shelomo Ibn Gabirol. There is a marginal note (p.18) giving a date for this copy: 1484 Seleucid, which is 1172/73 CE.
Book. Qaraite. May have some contents of documentary significance, including the genealogy (p. 51) of the well-known Shelomo b. David b. Ḥisday (d. 1203/04 CE), …
A drash written by Shemuʾel Ben Sid on the occasion of the birth of his son (דרש שדרש החכם השלם מורי ורבי כמחה׳׳ר שמואל ן׳ …
Recto: Ethical exhortations in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Poetry or other literary text in Hebrew. Somebody has left a note identifying the scribe with Yehuda ha-Kohen b. …
Poem/prayer for Shabbetay b. Seʿadya b. Amitay of Qayrawān. Information from FGP.
Karaite liturgical (?) fragment, referring to עדת בני צדוק, ‘the community of the sadoqites'. (Information from GRU catalog via FGP)
1 Transcription 1 Translation
Prayer for Moses Montefiore, composed by Shabbetay Elḥanan טריויש in 1840/41 CE. Printed in Trieste in 1845/46 CE. There are many additional names in the …
Guide for the Perplexed. In Judaeo-Arabic. Likely 13th century, based on handwriting, which may be known from other documents. Looks like the hand of Yedutun …
Essay on the intercalation of the calendar: אדא ארדנא אלוקוף עלי עלם אלחיבור. The hand is familiar, perhaps 13th century.
34 pages of an exegetical work or sermon in Italian and Hebrew. The writer refers at one point to his teacher Menaḥem b. Yiṣḥaq (image …
Mi Kamokha for Shabbat Zakhor. Hebrew liturgical poem composed by Yehuda ha-Levi, in Judaeo-Arabic translation. Same work as Halper 282. Ownership note: Nissim רפון(?). Dated: …
Dirge in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi (d. 1212). The deceased does not appear to be named; he is referred to as ha-Rav …
One side: Rhymed text (-hū) in Hebrew. The other side: Rhymed text (-hū) in Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī.
Booklet containing Judaeo-Arabic glosses on sections of Genesis and Noah. Of documentary interest because there are a great number of biblical place names given their …
Letter of appeal for charity addressed to a certain Rosh ha-Qehillot. It is written entirely as a Hebrew poem. There are lengthy descriptions of the …
Tafsīr on Leviticus in Judaeo-Arabic in a beautiful hand. Of documentary value because of the ownership notes (on verso of Bodl. MS heb. e 74/81): …
Debate poem between wine and water. In Hebrew. Likely in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. Composed by Yehuda b. Eliyyahu (per the acrostic). A …
Panegyric (madḥ) in the hand of Sahlān b. Avraham. Addressed to Abū Saʿīd al-Dāʾūdī (a Nasi). In Hebrew with the heading in Arabic script. Calligraphic. …
1 Transcription 1 Discussion
Story in Judaeo-Arabic, partially rhymed. A first-person narrative attributed to Maḥrūz b. Nājiya al-Ruṣāfī set during the reign of the Abbasid caliph al-Wāthiq (r. 842–47). …
1 Transcription
Prayerbook in Spanish or Judaeo-Spanish. In Latin script. Containing the yaʿale ve-yavo prayer for Rosh Hodesh as well as a portion of the liturgy for …
Megillat Miẓrayim, here called "Megillat ha-Saṭan ha-Yaduaʿ." Retelling the events of the rebellion of Ahmad Basha against Suleiman I of Turkey in 1524, and its …
The first six leaves of a copy of the Ghurar al-Balāgha of Hilāl al-Ṣābi' — a book of formularies for letter-writing — copied in the …
Qaraite-Rabbanite polemic
Literary work containing Hebrew poetry and a section on the calendar including for the years 5923–78 AM, which corresponds to 1142–1218 CE. The hand is …
Poems and drafts in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi. One of the poems is by Avraham Ibn ʿEzra. One of the drafts is …