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LetterENA 1490.7
Letters dealing with communal matters surrounding the dispute between Shelomo b. Yehuda and Natan b. Avraham, glued together and reused for the epistle of Sherira …
1 Transcription 1 Discussion
LetterENA 3765.10 + T-S 18J4.16
Letter from Shemarya b. Maṣliaḥ, in Fustat, to the Nagid Yaʿaqov b. ʿAmram, in Qayrawān. Dating: probably spring or summer of 1039 CE, and in …
A: ENA 3765, f. 10r B: TS 18 J 4.10v ed. Gil, Palestine, Pt. 2, pp.332-335 (Doc. #192) C.B. 02-03-88 (p) Rough draft of a letter written by Ghalib Ha…
3 Transcriptions 1 Translation 2 Discussions