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Business letter from Ṭāhir b. Sālim to Abū Saʿd b. Hiba, in Damietta. In Arabic script. Concerning the textile and garment trade. Greetings to people …
1 Transcription
Business letter in Arabic script. Addressed to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿEzra b. Ismāʿīl (or ʿAwda b. Ismāʿīl, according to Sabih Aodeh). The sender, writing from Ramla …
Two statements in Arabic characters about small sums owed by Jaʿfar b. Rajāʾ al-Jawdarī to Mubārak b. Avraham (also the addressee of the letter at …
1 Transcription 1 Discussion
Business letter from Mufaḍḍal al-Kohen to Abū l-Banīn. In Arabic script. The sender apologizes for his delay. He has sent camphor candles (shamʿ kāfūrī, also …
Letter from Moshe b. Yaʿaqov al-Miṣrī, in Damascus, to Yūsuf b. Dā'ūd b. Shaʿya, in Fustat. Dated: 19 January 1055 CE. Concerning financial transactions. Moshe …
2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion
Business letter from Sulaymān b. Shaʾūl to Abū Zikrī Yehuda b. Mūsā b. Sughmār. In Arabic script, with the address in Judaeo-Arabic (indicating that the …
Business letter from Yaʿqūb b. Salāma (aka Yaʿaqov b. Shelomo) to his brother Shemuel b. Shelomo. The phrase "the Maghribī scribe" also appears in the …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كتابي اطال الله بقا مولاي الاستاذ الجليل وادام عزه وتايييده وسعادته
ونعمته وكبت اعداه وعن شوق الى حضرته الجليلة ما…
Business letter in Arabic script to Abū l-Ḥusayn b. X b. al-Simsār (son of the broker), in Fustat, from his son. 'Aodeh's transcription is available …
Business letter in Arabic script, with one name in Hebrew, from an anonymous trader from the circle of Abū Saʿīd (Yūsuf) al-Tāhartī
Letter mentioning Abū Saʿīd Ibn ʿAwkal. The first part of the letter is missing. The writer is in Fustat and writes about debt collection. (Information …
سرعة دفع اليّ الشيخ ابو سعيد بن عوكل رقعتين الواحدة تتعلق بالعلاقة الذي
عند الرجل الذي في درب الوحل وقد امتثلت مرسومه ومضيت الى عنده فقالي …
2 Transcriptions 1 Translation 1 Discussion
Letter from an unknown writer, in Damascus, to Abū l-Ḥasan, in Aleppo. In Arabic script. The writer reports that his brother Ismāʿīl arrived in Acre, …
Business letter in Arabic script from Nissim b. Mufarraj b. Kulayf to al-rayyis Abū l-Faḍl Hārūn.
Business letter in Arabic script from Yushāʿ (Yehoshuaʿ) b. Natan to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat discussing commercial information that had come to Nahray via …
Business letter in Arabic script from Avraham b. Isḥaq, Ascalon, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat.
Business account in Arabic script.
Note in Arabic script from Hārūn b. Nissim to Abū l-Isḥaq Ibrāhīm b. Hillāl.
Business letter in Arabic script from Nissim b. Efrayim to his son Efrayim in Fustat, mentioning his pain at not having received letters from his …
Business letter in Arabic script to Abū l-Ḥasan in Fustat (cf. T-S 13J6.4).
Business letter in Arabic and Hebrew script between brothers, anonymous; mentions Muslim business partners.
Business letter in Arabic script from Natan b. Yehoshuaʿ b. Natan in Alexandria to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat.
Business letter in Arabic script from Natan b. Nahray to Nahray b. Nissim (Aodeh).
Business and/or administrative letter(s) in Arabic script. Dating: No earlier than the reign of al-Afḍal (based on the titulature of the petition in T-S Ar.40.38) …
Business letter in Arabic script. Somewhat crude hand. The sender urges the addressee to purchase 1/2 dinar's worth of Aleppan textiles and 1/4 dinar's worth …
Business letter from ʿUmar b. ʿIwaḍ, in Qalyūb, to the notary and qāḍī Ṣadr al-Dīn, at the Dār al-Wakāla in Fustat. Discussing a shipment of …
God is the best of helpers.
Your servant Omar b. ʿIwaḍ serves the high seat of our master
and lord, my master Ṣadr al-Dīn, may God let hi…
1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion
Business letter in Arabic script from Abū l-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī in Cairo to his father. He reports that he has sent 50 dinars' worth of …
Letter from Rawḥ Ha-Kohen he-ḥazzan (the cantor) al-Baghdādī b. Pinḥas, Ramla, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, end of 1029. Bialphabetic.
Business letter from Ṭayyib b. Majjānī to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAwda b. Ismāʿīl b. ʿAwda. In Arabic script. Dating: Second half of the 11th century. Sabih …
Letter from a scholar and muqaddam (Aodeh identifies him as Avraham b. Ṣedaqa but does not explain why) to Abū Saʿīd Netanʾel b. Ṣedaqa the …
Letter from Abū l-Ḥusayn b. al-Rayyis b. Nāḥūm, in the Rīf, to his brother Abū Thābit, in Fustat. In Arabic script. Concerning the capitation tax …
Letter in Arabic script to the writer's father, Abū Isḥaq Ibrāhīm b. Shubbāṭ al-Siqillī. Only the opening greetings and the address are preserved. The writer …
Letter from Abū ʿImrān b. Ghulayb to Abū l-Bayān Ibn al-Ahuv (probably Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, d. 1212 CE). In Arabic script. (Aodeh misread the …
Business letter to a certain Abū l-Munā. In Arabic script with one word in Judaeo-Arabic.
Business letter in Arabic script, 11th century, to do with the India trade, including pepper and lac. Name of sender and recipient missing. Aodeh: "difficult …
Business letter from Mūsā b. Dāwūd / Moshe b. David al-Levi al-Miṣrī to Mubārak/Mevorakh b. Avraham Ibn Sabrā. In Arabic script, with the address in …
3 Transcriptions 1 Translation 1 Discussion
Business letter in Arabic script to Nahray b. Nissim, possibly to Nissim b. Ḥalfon (Aodeh), in Arabic script. On verso, Nahray's notes.
Business letter in Arabic script from an unknown trader to another unknown trader regarding textiles: Siqillī, Ṭabarī, and Sūsī cloth. Second half of the eleventh …
Business letter in Arabic script from Faraḥ b. Ismāʿīl in Alexandria to Menashshe b. David, Fustat. Dating: October 22, 1050 (Gil). Faraḥ is worried because …
كتبت اطال الله بقا مولاي الشيخ و ادام عزه وتاييده و سعادته و سلامته و حراسته و نعمته من الاسكندرية لثلث خلون من
3 Transcriptions
Business letter to ʿArūs b. Yosef, probably in Alexandria, since he is asked about prices in Alexandria in line 21. Aodeh thinks the author of …
Receipt in Arabic and Hebrew script for a purse full of coins from Nahray b. Nissim to Mūsā b. Abī l-Ḥayy in Alexandria.
Business letter in Arabic script to Abū Zikrī Yehuda b. Yosef ha-Kohen, representative of the merchants, from an anonymous correspondent in Alexandria. Mentions the gaʾon …
كتابي اطال الله بقا حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل وادام تاىىدها وعلاها وسموها وسنا[ها]
وتمكينها وارتقاها وكبت بالذل حساد…
4 Transcriptions
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic in Arabic script about the sale of silk, flax, olive oil and other commodities. Alludes to "the calamities" which …
Business account in Arabic script, lengthy, ca. 1055, with a list of bankers and money changers and their locations. Also contains a list of pharmaceutical …
Business letter from Shelomo b. Mūsā al-Mahdawī, possibly in al-Mahdiyya, to his cousin Peraḥya b. Yosef, in Fustat. In Arabic script.
Mercantile letter, in Arabic script. From Efrayim b. Ismāʿīl to Abī ʿAbd Allāh b. Khodādād at the Dār al-Wakāla. The writer mentions sending several commodities …
كتبت اطال الله بقا حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل وادام
تاييدها وعلاها ورفعتها وسناها وسموها
وارتقاها وكبت بالذل حسدته…
Business letter in Arabic script from Khalaf b. Yiṣḥaq, in Aden, to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllān b. Ḥassun, in Fustat. Reused on verso for Judaeo-Arabic accounts …
4 Transcriptions 1 Discussion
Business letter in Arabic script from the circle of Nahray b. Nissim, in Arabic script. Mentions the arrival of a certain Salmān, mentions al-Ashmunayn, Abū …
كتابي الى حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل اطال الله بقاك وادام
عزك وتاييدك وسعادتك وسلامتك ونعمتك وكبت
بالذل حسدتك واعداك م…
2 Transcriptions
Legal document acknowledging receipt of 110 dīnārs from the account of ʿArūs b. Yūsuf for a shipment of purple dye or cloth (argaman). (information in …
Business letter in Arabic script from Hilāl b. Salmān(?) to his maternal uncle ('my father') Abū Isḥaq Ibrāhīm b. Hillel. Consists entirely of greetings and …
Bill of sale of a slave. In Arabic script. Location: Fustat. Dated: first decade of Ramaḍān 483 AH, which is October/November 1090 CE. Seller: Ḥanūn …
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
Ḥanūn ibn ʿAlūn, the Christian clerk in the Dār al-Dībāj, states that: I have sold …
2 Transcriptions 1 Translation
Business letter in Arabic script from Mubārak b. Isḥāq to Abū l-Faḍl Sahl b. Yaḥyā al-Baṣrī (or al-Baṣīr), expressing longing for the addressee and sending …