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Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew numerals. Dated on the verso 14 Heshvan (שנת ברחמים)– which is a gematria given that the month Elul is normally …
1 Discussion
Fragment from a 16th-century letter in rhymed prose. (Information from CUDL) On the verso a name appears possibly as the recipient of the letter: Abraham …
No Scholarship Records
Letter from Mordechai. Dating: probably 16th century. It is headed by an ornate בע''ה. Verso and the margin on recto contains jottings (signature practice) in …
Financial agreement (partnership?) between Daniel b. Eliyya and Yaʿaqov b. Avraham, dated 1512/13 CE ([5]273) and citing sums in peraḥim.
Bifolium of legal records, one of which is dated 1519 CE (Sivan 1830 Seleucid).
Legal deed, fragment. In Hebrew. Only the beginnings of the last few lines are preserved. Dated: 10 Tevet 5325 AM, which is December 1564 CE. …
Legal document(s) in Arabic script. Dating: ca. 1518 CE, since on recto (probably the side of later use) appears to mention the year 924 kharājī.
Recto: legal document in which Abraham Shami (שאמי) b. [...] Shelomo Abū l-Khayr b. Saʿadya affirms that the widow of Judah Abū l-Khayr owes money …
Fragment of a 16th-century letter from David Badūssī in Būlāq, who was a teacher in Jerusalem, to Abraham סורג, philanthropist in Egypt, seeking financial assistance. …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated Rabīʿ I 984 AH in the upper left corner of the recto (1576 CE). Among the names mentioned are: (recto) Yahuda …
Letter addressed to Avraham Shānjī, a well-known merchant who appears in a variety of sixteenth-century fragments and had died by 1547 CE. Only the first …
Legal document, probably a partnership deed, but this is admittedly speculation. Mentions a sum of 53 new Sulaimānī dīnārs. Dated: 19 Shaʿbān 955 AH. Needs …
الرمان الهندي؟ الديان؟ الصيرفي بالديوان العالي بالد[
مبلغا جملته من الدنانير الجديد السليماني التام ..
والعين ومعاملة الديار ال…
1 Transcription
The end of a late letter, signed with elaborate sigla (c. 16th century). (Information from CUDL)
Letter to Yehuda Daud in which the writer references previous correspondence with the addressee and mentions exile (גולה). EMS From ʿEli Sanbakro (סנבקרו), c. 16th …
Recto: letter from the 16th century, mentioning the names Abraham Ibn Ṣūr, Reuben the Babylonian, Abraham Nuniʾel (נוניאל), Faraj Allah the proselyte, and Yequtiʾel. Verso: …
Receipt for payments related to the residence of Natan Abravanel, issued and signed by Meir Somech. Dated at the end of Iyyar 5320 AM (May …
Authorization of takanot from the Mustarab community in Egypt from 1595 CE– which reflects the date 9 Sivan בשמח׳׳ה in the final line of the …
Legal document in Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Tuesday, 17 Sivan 5323 = 8 June 1563 CE. In which Zeraḥ Dammūhī (cf. CUL Or.1081 2.26 + …
Deed of remittance, dated 3 Shevat 5316 (= 1556 CE) between Isaac b. ʿOvadya (possibly including his brother-in-law, Yaʿir) and Zephaniah b. Ḥayyim Saragossi (סרגוסי). …
Letter to Yiṣḥaq Ḥevroni on financial matters. Dated: 1559 CE [?]. This date from FGP is likely incorrect given that the month listed is Shawwāl …
Letter, consisting mainly of greetings, from Yehuda Levi to his family, including his brother-in-law Sulaymān, his brother Raḥamīm, his cousin Sawād, and the addressee’s sister, …
List of names that was recorded alongside a column of numerical values before the paper was torn. Dating is 16th-century or later based on the …
Accounts related to real estate rentals and other properties in Cairo. Dated on the recto as 1 Heshvan 5319 AM which is 1558. This reading …
Letter in Ladino by Abraham Palieche to his sister, dated 28 Elul 5324 (= 5 September 1564 CE). He is in Egypt/Cairo and wants her …
"The first document is a letter (lacking, however, a few lines at the end) that was sent by an anonymous merchant to R. David Ibn …
Business letter from Shelomo to Yosef Ḥalūfī, in Fustat. Dating: Second half of the 16th century, based on Avraham David's assessment. The letter deals with …
Fragment of a 16th-century business letter. Faded and damaged, so the contents are difficult to determine. Appears to be a letter from an agent to …
Legal document in Hebrew. 16th-century. Yaʿaqov b. Faraj Allāh the Qaraite, known as Fayrūz, attests that he owes Moshe Ḥazzān b. Yiṣḥaq(?) a certain sum …
Business letter to Yiṣḥaq Ashkenazi (Avraham David does not think it is Luria).
Court notebook, probably Qaraite. Many pages. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated with individual entries spanning the 1570s CE, such as 8 Tevet 5337 AM which is 1576 …
List of donations (?) for the end of Adar of the year of "ezreinu" (perhaps 70+7+200+50+6 = [5]333 = 1573 CE. But everything else in …
List of payments, 16th century.
טו לב ח
יב ה ח
ד י טו
Letter sent by Ḥayyim b. Avraham Skandari, probably in Cairo, to his son, probably in Alexandria. The date is the 2nd of Adar I, probably …
Letter of appeal for charity. In Hebrew. Dating: Late, probably 16th century. Written by Yehuda al-Ashqar b. Yiṣḥaq b. [...], a resident of Jerusalem who, …
Power of attorney (שטר הרשאה) from Rachel the widow of Eliezer Zussman to her son Moses Zussman. Dated Friday 2 Iyyar 5324 (= April 1564 …
Business letter from Yehuda Castro to Binyamin Castro. In Hebrew. Dating: 16th century. The sender reports on business developments in crops, fruits, and vegetables, and …
List of incoming payments with the heading "[sic?]עלם אלחאסאל". Dating is 16th-century or later based on the paleography. The currency mentioned throughout is mashṭ (משט)– …
Partnership document in Hebrew between Moshe and Me'ir & his brother. 16th century per Avraham David. The partnership is to last for two years. The …
First page of the Cairene Purim Scroll (Megilat Purim), the Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic verses alternating, mentioning the date 5284 AM (= 1524 CE). Information from …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tishrei 5354 AM = Muharram 1002 AH, which is 1593 CE, a few months after the records on recto.
Legal deed In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tammuz 5353 AM = Shawāl 1001 AH = July 1593 CE. It seems to be the copy of a reconciliation …
Letter, c. mid-16th century, from Avraham Sagis, in Jerusalem, to Yosef Qorqos, who is normally resident in Jerusalem but is currently visiting Egypt, regarding the …
Letter, c. 16th century, written on behalf of and signed by Yosef Karo, in the land of Israel, to Yaʿaqov Villarreal, in Egypt. Yosef requests …
Business letter, first half of the 16th century. The subject matter is a dispute between merchants who dealth in skins, pepper, and tin. An Avraham …
Legal testimony. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Thursday, 24 Shevat 1816 Seleucid = Shaʿbān 910 AH, which is 1505 CE. The document first lists the assembly …
Legal document dated 6 July 1564 CE (16 Tammuz 5324) in Cairo/מצרים, in which Sulaymān Ṣafiyy and the treasurers of the heqdesh of the Mustaʿrib …
בפנינו עדים חתו[מי] מטה [הו]דה סלימאן צפי שהוא חייב להקדש של
קהל המסתערב י"צ [מא]ה וש[לו]שה ועשרים מאידי מצד שכירות
העלייה ש[הוא] ד[ר ב…
2 Transcriptions
Large bifolio of accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, difficult early modern scribal hand. Dating: 16th-century or later based on the paleography. The main heading on the recto …
Legal document. Partnership agreement in a press (?maʿṣara). In Hebrew. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sunday 4 Tamuz 5275 AM, which is 1515 CE. Currencies: Peraḥim. The …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. 16th-century based on the paleography and mention of Ottoman-era jadid coinage. On the recto the name Yiṣḥaq Mar Ḥayyīm is mentioned in …
Accounts and calculations in Ladino, sixteenth-century (based on the paleography and post-1497 coinage). The coinage types listed are the Spanish corona (קורונה) and the copper …