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Recto: Fragment of a clearly written document in Arabic, having to do with business deals and payments. Ottoman or khedival era since the title khawāja …
No Scholarship Records
Legal document in Arabic script. Dating: 16th c?, the verso is dated in the month of Ramaḍān with a year that is unclear.
Documentary text: There are three text blocks in Arabic script, probably remnants of accounts. "With Ismāʿīl. . . ." Literary (and main) text: A kabbalistic …
Accounts, probably. In Arabic script and Hebrew script. Dating: The Hebrew script appears late. VMR. ASE.
Sums/account. In Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Dating: late, 18th or 19th century.
Letter in Arabic script. Dating: Ottoman-era. Addressed to جناب حضرت الحجب(؟) المحترم حاخام زادة(؟) . . . . اليهود الربان. The sender's name includes Ṣāliḥ, …
Accounts in Arabic script. Very neat. Late. There is also a short list of Talmudic tractates, and, on verso, pen trials and lines of Hebrew …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Late.
Letter addressed to "Shaykh al-ʿIlm wa-l-Milla al-Isrā'īliyya." In Arabic script. Dating: Late, based on linguistic features and handwriting. The content is not entirely clear. The …
Accounts in Arabic script. Dating: 18th or 19th century.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Dating: 18th or 19th century.
Legal document in Arabic script. Dated 2 Muharram 1248 AH which is 1832 CE. Part of a pair with BL OR 10655.25. Mentions Da'ūd (?) …
Iqrār (deed of acknowledgment). In Arabic script. Dating: late, probably Ottoman-era. In which al-Muʿallim Aḥmad b. Ibrāhīm b. ʿAbdallāh acknowledges having received a sum of …
1 Discussion
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script and western Arabic numerals. Late. Currency: cedid. The Arabic script reads: "he has flour from the mill of the …
Accounts. In Arabic script. Dated (probably): 1238 AH, which would be 1822/23 CE.
Document in Arabic script, listing itself as a "defter" register in line 1. Dating: Late, probably 18th or 19th century. The opening line reads: daftar …
Letter in Arabic script. Dated: 29 Dhū l-Qaʿda 12[.]0 AH, which is 1796 CE at the earliest. This date may in fact belong to a …
Accounts in beautiful Arabic script and eastern Arabic numerals. Three of the entries are dated with the years 1072-1073 AH which is 1661-1663 CE. VMR. …
Recipes in Arabic script, probably medical (one is headed "for urinary retention"). Dating: Late, based on the hand and the paper. There follows a very …
Late account in Arabic, along with sums. Dated 2 Rajab 1219 AH (10 October 1804 CE).There is introductory text saying that this is the blessed …
Letter in Arabic addressed to al-Muʿallam ___ Ghālī. Dated [12]53 AH which is 1837/38 CE. Needs further examination.
Late accounts in Arabic.
Badly damaged late letter in Arabic.
Recto: Fragment of a late account in Arabic. Verso: "Mikhael, Gavriel, Uriel" repeated three times.
Legal document in Arabic script. Dated 2 Ṣ[afar] 1248 AH which is 1832 CE. Part of a pair with BL OR 10655.24. There are multiple …
Legal document, late, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Late accounts in Arabic, reused for Hebrew commentaries on different portions of Genesis.
Recto: Late account in Hebrew characters. Verso: Jottings in Arabic script.
Legal document or receipt or a similarly formal document. In Arabic script. Dated: 17 Rabīʿ al-Thānī 1013 AH, which is September 1604 CE. Signed: Ibrāhīm …
Account in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Mentioning an 'Istanbuli' good. There are also several geomancy castings.
Accounts. In Arabic script. Dated 6 Jumada I [12]35 AH which is 1820 CE. One of the entries toward the middle of the document mentions …
Late accounts in Arabic, possibly a bifolio from a broader defter. One of the account headings on the verso mentions al-ṣarrāf. Merits further examination.
Late Arabic legal document. Needs examination.
Legal document, late, in Arabic script. Probably a record of payment to the bureau of silk looms "dīwān anwāl l-ḥarīr". Needs examination.
Receipt related to ḥikr (ground rent) for a specific waqf in Cairo. In Arabic script. Dated (on verso): 1235 AH, which is 1819/20 CE. The …
Accounts, late in Arabic script. Long list of commodities and prices, mostly foodstuff like almonds, plums, and apples. Needs examination.
Receipt of payment, in the name of Dāʾūd al-Yahūdī al-Quḍāʿī for renting two floors in a caravanserai (wikāla). Dated: Shaʿbān 1163 AH = July/August 1750 …
Tables for divination in Arabic script. Late.
Leaf from the diwan of ʿAbd al-Ghaffār al-Akhras (1804–73), a Mosul-born poet who lived most of his life in Baghdad.
Recto: A faded letter (of three lines only) addressed to Ibrahim al-Yahudi al-Ḥawāyirī (?) from [...] al-ʿAṭṭār, either addressed to or written in Wikālat al-[...]. …
Arabic letter, with the format closely resembling the Judaeo-Arabic letters ca.1800 CE.
Recto: At least two different drafts of late Arabic letters. Bottom of recto and verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic--lists of money received from various individua
Writing exercises in Arabic, helpfully giving the date: August-September 1822 CE (Dhu l-Hijja 1237 AH).
Legal document in Arabic signed by three Muslim witnesses and dated 1823/4 CE (1239 Hijri). Merits further examination.
Letter in Arabic addressed to Ibrahim ʿAdda al-Marajini in Fustat/Cairo, from a certain Yusuf [...]. Dated 14 December 1802 (18 Sha'ban 1217). See AIU XII.82, …
Recto: Letter in Arabic from Isrā'īl al-Ṣayrafī to Yaʿqūb al-Ṭawīl, appears to be dated 6 February 1797 (8 Sha'ban 1211). Verso: There is the remnant …
Ledger of accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Very similar to ENA NS 33.12, perhaps even a join (but there are some differences in the handwriting). …
Legal document from the Muslim (qāḍī) courts. In Arabic script, with a Judaeo-Arabic filing note. Dated: 945 AH, which is 1538 CE. Concerning the estate …
Legal document, in Arabic script. Ottoman era. Emanating from the bureau of silk looms (dīwān anwāl al-ḥarīr) in Alexandria.
Recto: Two late letter drafts (or two versions of the same letter?), one in Arabic and one in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs further examination. Verso: Accounts. The …