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  1. 1301

    State documentBL OR 5566B.12

    Petition from ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. [...] to Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn (Saladin). In Arabic script. Has a tarjama at the upper left; 4 lines of introductory blessings; …

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  2. 1302

    State documentT-S Ar.51.106

    State document. Petition to a Fatimid official titled ʿAmīd al-Dawla requesting that the state seize the petitioner's properties in Palestine because they are not producing …


    1. والاجحاف به وبهم والظلم له ولهم وعدل الدولة النبوية خلد الله ملكها وحرس عزها

    2. ومولاي الاجل عميد الدولة ادام الله نعماه وكبت حاسديه واعداه يم…


    1. ... harm and wrong done to him and to them. The justice of the prophetic dynasty, may God make its reign eternal and protect its strength,
    2. and…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


    • 1r
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  3. 1303

    Legal documentBL OR 5566B.2

    Legal document acknowledging receipt of 110 dīnārs from the account of ʿArūs b. Yūsuf for a shipment of purple dye or cloth (argaman). (information in …

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


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  4. 1304

    State documentBL Or. 10578E.16

    State document, ending line of a petition containing the raʾy clause. Hebrew liturgical text on verso.


    1. حضرته {ارا} رايه العالي في ذلك ان شا الله

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  5. 1305

    State documentBodl. MS heb. e 98/69

    Verso: Fiscal document, 3 fragmentary lines with lacunae, in Arabic script. Mentions an amīr with the laqab Nabīh al-Dawla (though this title appears to be …

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    • 69 recto
    • 69 verso
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  6. 1306

    State documentT-S Ar.40.47

    Recto: Two drafts of the opening of an Arabic petition from Abū ʿAlī b. Abū l-ʿIzz al-Yahūdī to the sulṭān (possibly al-Malik al-Kāmil). Dating: ca. …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. المملوك ابو علي بن ابو العز اليهودي يقبل الار[ض
    3. الارض بالمقام العالي السلطاني السيفي
    4. الملكي خلد الله ملكه وجعل الارض با…

    1 Transcription


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  7. 1307

    State documentMoss. VIII,339.1

    Fiscal account, possibly Mamlūk-era. Mentions the names of several amīrs, including Ṣuʿlūk b. Majsūr. Al-Maqrīzī mentions an amīr Shihāb al-Dīn Ṣuʿlūk Atābika (Sulūk: I, 556); …

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  8. 1308

    State documentENA 3982.56

    Tax receipt, Fatimid. Dated: 501 (?). Capitation tax in Fustat. Two registration requests, two ʿalāmas. Trigger: ṣaḥḥa. Glyph at the top.

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    • recto
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  9. 1309

    State documentT-S Ar.42.129

    Petition from a woman to a high dignitary or perhaps to al-Malik al-ʿĀdil himself (one reigned 1200–18 and another reigned 1238–40) in a rudimentary hand. …

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  10. 1310

    List or tableT-S Ar.40.53

    Business account in Arabic script, lengthy, ca. 1055, with a list of bankers and money changers and their locations. Also contains a list of pharmaceutical …

    1 Transcription 1 Discussion


    • 1r
    • 1v
    • 2r
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  11. 1311

    Literary textJRL Gaster ar. 226

    Verses from Genesis (e.g., 4:7, 7:11, 7:19) in a mixture of Arabic and Hebrew. Fragmented, and the ordering principle is hard to figure out.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  12. 1312

    Paraliterary textNLI 577.1/28

    Prayer/invocation in Arabic script. This piece begins with Sūrat al-Nās and ends with Sūrat al-Fātiḥa (with some errors), then yā Allāh yā Muḥammad. In between …

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  13. 1313

    State documentT-S AS 177.116

    Fragment of an official-looking letter in Arabic script. The ends of 4 lines are preserved. Likely a petition for help (كل سنة من احوالهم... حتى …

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  14. 1314

    LetterENA NS 71.6

    Mercantile letter, in Arabic script. From Efrayim b. Ismāʿīl to Abī ʿAbd Allāh b. Khodādād at the Dār al-Wakāla. The writer mentions sending several commodities …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. كتبت اطال الله بقا حضرة مولاي الشيخ الاجل وادام

    3. تاييدها وعلاها ورفعتها وسناها وسموها

    4. وارتقاها وكبت بالذل حسدته…

    1 Transcription


    • 1
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  15. 1315

    LetterNLI 577.1/31

    Letter from Muḥammad and Jamīl. In Arabic script, formatted like an official document. In which they report that they have met with Abū Makhlūf according …

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  16. 1316

    Paraliterary textT-S Ar. 38.15 + T-S Ar. 38.9 + T-S Ar. 38.40

    Booklet of medical recipes.

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  17. 1317

    LetterT-S Ar.39.370

    Letter from Muḥammad Jāwīsh(?). In Arabic script. Dating: Ottoman era. Asking the addressee (al-ʿāmil bi-Miṣr al-Qadīma?) to return the burda(?) that he took from ʿAṭiyya …

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  18. 1318

    Paraliterary textDK 223.7

    Medical recipe, in Arabic script. Four folios of recipes, probably part of a medical text. Needs examination.

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  19. 1319

    State documentT-S AS 178.230

    Petition to a Fatimid caliph, in Arabic script. The ends of ~8 lines are preserved from the upper left corner, including much of the preamble …

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  20. 1320

    Paraliterary textJRL Gaster ar. 345

    Ottoman-era astronomical table, in Arabic script. Mentions elaborate astronomical calculations on both recto and verso, but especially on verso. The ascendant star/planet and its position …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  21. 1321

    State documentENA 3969.4

    Tax receipt, Fatimid.

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    • verso
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  22. 1322

    State documentENA 3969.7

    Tax receipt, Fatimid.

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    • recto
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  23. 1323

    Paraliterary textENA 3956.17

    Medical text in Arabic script. Contains instructions for applying flower oil and water lily (nīlawfar) oil over the head, forehead, and a few drops in …

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  24. 1324

    Literary textENA 3916.10

    Medical text. An extract from the Egyptian-origin physician ʿAlī b. Riḍwān's (d. 1060s) citation of Galen's views on the four humours and the causes and …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  25. 1325

    Paraliterary textENA 3903.2

    Document in Arabic script. Two very narrow vertical strips filled with rudimentary Arabic script. Likely magical, but this is based entirely on appearance rather than …

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  26. 1326

    Literary textENA 3909.7

    Probably a fragment of a poetry dīwān. Preface (tamhīd) followed by verses of love poetry on recto. The preface mentions a lover striving to appease …

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  27. 1327

    State documentENA 3944.12

    Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Multiple registration marks such as 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih', praise be to God for his …

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    • verso
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  28. 1328

    State documentENA 2461.42

    Recto: Fragment of an official document in Arabic script. The preserved text contains a string of official titles: "Jamāl al-Dīn... ʿUmdat al-Dawla, Fakhr al-Umarāʾ, Majd …

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    • recto
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  29. 1329

    Literary textENA 3931.10

    Fragment of a legal Islamic (fiqh) manual. The preserved text is a commentary passage on the Islamic ritual of ṭahāra and ablution. Discussions circle around …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  30. 1330

    State documentENA 3939.7

    Recto: Fragment of a petition (?), 3 fragmentary lines, containing part of an inhāʾ section (al-mamlūk yunhī anna) in which reference is made to the …

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    • recto
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  31. 1331

    Legal documentENA 3977.7

    Legal document, probably dating to the late Mamlūk/early Ottoman era. Mentions grains and vegetables (al-ḥubūb wa al-mazrūʿāt), al-dhahab al-Ashrafī, the Nile (baḥr al-Nīl al-Mubārak), and …

    1 Transcription


    • 1
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  32. 1332

    State documentENA 3940.6

    Capitation tax receipt for a 1 dinar payment made by Bū l-Thanāʾ b. Bū Saʿd b. Ṭayyib al-Murakkib (the saddle maker) in New Cairo and …

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    • recto
    • verso
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  33. 1333

    State documentENA 3728.10 + ENA 3728.9

    Fatimid state report from a lower official to the caliph or other high official(s), including raʾy clause, ḥamdala and ḥasbala. Only the last two lines …

    1 Transcription


    • 2
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  34. 1334

    State documentAIU XII.51

    Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. Dating: Probably Fatimid-era. The beginnings of 4 lines are preserved. Moderately wide line spacing. Includes …

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  35. 1335

    State documentBodl. MS Heb. g 2/60–67

    Decree, in Arabic script. Approximately twelve lines, later cut and reused to form quires. It is difficult to piece the decree fragments in the order …


    1. والاستقامة وا…


    1. واولى المساعي الله[
    2. تصل الله بها حبل الـ[


    1. الى فارط القضا فيه 
    2. حقهم وجرت بينهم وبين


    1. مشاجرة ادت
    2. فتجمعوا لطلب


    1 Transcription


    • 60 verso
    • 61 verso
    • 62 verso
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  36. 1336

    LetterHalper 398

    Letter from Abū Manṣūr, unknown location, to Abū Zikrī al-Rayyis b. Eliyyahu, in Fustat or in Qalyūb ('wherever he may be'). In Judaeo-Arabic, with the …


    1. און(?) רישי(?) מן ממלוכה אבי אלמנצור ומן . . . . . אל
    2. לא אוחש אללה מן חצרה מולאי וסיידי אטאל אללה בקאה ואדאם
    3. עזה ונעמאה ומן חסן אלתופיק לה אכל…

    2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion


    • p. 1
    • p. 2
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  37. 1337

    State documentT-S H10.166

    Two unrelated Arabic script documents glued together for the sake of reuse. Lower document: State document. Only the first few words are preserved from ~12 …

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  38. 1338

    Legal documentT-S H10.166

    Two unrelated Arabic script documents glued together for the sake of reuse. Upper document: Legal document. Parties mentioned include Abū l-Faḍāʾil Nāṣir b. Karam b. …

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  39. 1339

    State documentT-S Ar.42.211

    Petition or a report, from a group of people to al-ʿĀḍid (cf. formulae in T-S Ar.51.107). Mentions iqṭāʿāt and muqṭaʿīn, several place names, the ṣāḥib …

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  40. 1340

    State documentAIU XII.105

    Recto: Six lines from a formal Arabic petition, probably late Fatimid. The second line reveals the name of an official: "āṭīn khāliṣat amīr al-muʾminīn Asad …


    1. له اجمعين (؟) شهد (؟) الدين (؟)……فخر…

    2. والسلاطين خالصة امير المؤمنين اسد الدين ثبت الله

    3. مجده وضاعف سعده واهلك شانئه وضده وقرن

    4. بالتوفيق ح…

    1 Transcription


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  41. 1341

    Literary textT-S Ar.43.82

    Medical treatise, in Arabic script. On anatomy dealing with the vena cava (al-ʿirq al-ajwaf). Contains rubrication (use of red and black inks).

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    • 1r
    • 1v
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  42. 1342

    Credit instrument or private receiptJRL Gaster ar. 9

    Receipt of rent, late, Ottoman era, in Arabic script. Maʿtūq al-Yahūdī paid two months of rent from Shaʿbān to Shawwāl for the shop he rented …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  43. 1343

    Credit instrument or private receiptAIU XII.51

    Recto (secondary use): Order from ʿĀzim al-Bayyāʿ (the grocer) to hand over 1/2 wayba of rice to the bearer of the note. Headed by a …

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  44. 1344

    Legal documentJRL Gaster ar. 335

    Ottoman-era legal document, in Arabic script. The Jew Musā Naṣīr (or Nuṣayr) pays the ḥikr (ground tax) for his house in the Jewish neighborhood (ḥārat …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  45. 1345

    LetterAIU XII.36

    Letter from Ṣedaqa al-Yahūdī to Umm al-Khayr bt. Nūr al-Dīn al-Ḥakīm b. [...], possibly in Bilbays (the address is damaged). In Arabic script. Dating: No …

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  46. 1346

    State documentUU 1476

    Mamlūk-era, tax receipt, in Arabic script.

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  47. 1347

    State documentENA 3691.6

    State document; Fatimid? Seems like a peace treaty/gifts (hudna/hadiyya?) addressed towards the city of Baghdad, possibly, - 'li-l-hudna/hadiyya ilā madīnat al-Salām'. Sums of money, min …

    1 Transcription


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  48. 1348

    State documentENA 3974.4

    Petition draft. From Manṣūr b. Salāma (Khan) or b. Ṣadaqa (Elbaum and Rustow independently of one another) to the Fatimid caliph al-Āmir bi-Aḥkām Allāh (1101–30 …


    1. العبد المملوك 

    2. منصور بن صدقة من اهل سنديون

    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

    4. صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وافضل سلامه وتحياته على مولانا وسيد…


    1. The servant and slave 

    2. Manṣūr ibn Ṣadaqa from the people of Sandiyūn.

    3. In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate. 

    4. The blessing…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


    • 1
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  49. 1349

    Letterp. Heid. Hebr. 1

    Recto: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Barakāt b. Abū l-Faraj al-Dayyān to al-Raṣuy, asking for a loan of thirty dirhams using a turban as collateral. Goitein …

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  50. 1350

    Letterp. Heid. Hebr. 1

    Verso: Letter from Barakāt b. Abū l-Faraj al-Dayyān (=Shelomo b. Eliyyahu) to al-Shaykh al-Rashīd Abū l-Ḥasan. In Arabic script. Dating: early 13th century. Asking for …

    2 Transcriptions 1 Translation 1 Discussion


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