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Letter from Eli ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel to Abu al-Surur Farah, Fustat, ca. 1060.
1 Transcription 1 Discussion
Letter from Natan b. Avraham to Berakha b. Ravah, Fustat, February 1039.
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Efrayim b. Shemarya, probably summer 1029 (Gil). Concerns, among other things, Shelomo b. Yehuda's traveling to Egypt to excommunicate …
1 Transcription
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Avraham b. Sahlan, Fustat, probably December 1028. Verso: Address in Arabic script, postscript in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter from Isma'il b. Yosef b. Abī 'Uqba, Palermo, to his maternal uncle Yosef b. 'Awkal and to his brothers.
2 Transcriptions 1 Discussion
Letter, anonymous, saying that a certain Sefaradi gave a sermon in synagogue and failed to mention the gaon. Gil speculatively dates it to 1038, at …
Letter from Jerusalem written on recto and verso to someone addressed as 'my son and master' (probably Avraham ha-Kohen b. Yiṣḥaq b. Furat). First half …
Letter from Barukh b. Yiṣḥaq to Abū Yaʿaqov Yosef b. Shemuel, in Fustat. In Hebrew, with the address in Arabic (in Arabic script). Barukh asks …
Letter from Moshe b. Yequtiʾel, Jerusalem, to someone from his circle in Fustat, approximately 1040.
Letter from Yisrael b. Natan from Jerusalem to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. September 8, 1060. Several financial issues between Israel and Nahray. Also mentions copying …
2 Transcriptions
Fragment of an 11th-century legal document in Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya? It involves Manṣūr and ʿAmram. It seems that one of …
No Scholarship Records
Letter from Moshe b. Yiṣḥaq, a Qaraite in Jerusalem, to the brothers Yiṣḥaq and Binyamin b. Yosef in Warjalan, July 1039.
Letter from Ismāʿīl b. Barhūn al-Tāhartī in Mahdiyya to his brother, Abū l-Surur Isḥaq b. Barhūn, reporting what Ṭahir and his partner, who were the …
2 Transcriptions 1 Translation 1 Discussion
Letter from Shela bar Mevasser to 'The Rabbi' Yehuda ha-Kohen b. Yosef, Rosh ha-Seder ('Head of the Row'). The letter was written before Shela's appointment …
מכתב מאת שלה בר מבשר אל 'הרב' יהודה הכהן בן יוסף ראש הסדר. המכתב נכתב עוד טרם מינויו של שלה לדיין באלכסנדריה.
לא פורסם.
נזכר: גיל, א, סעיף 378; מאן, …
Legal testimony. Location: Fustat. Dated: 1070 CE. Regarding the collection of a debt owed by Hillel b. Menashshe to the judge Avraham b. Natan. After …
.בתרי בשבה דהוא עשרין ושיתא יומין בירח אייר דשנת
2 .אלפא ותלת מאה ותמנין וחד שנין למנינא דרגיליננא ביה בפסטאט
3 .מצרים דעל נילוס נהרא מותבה כן…
3 Transcriptions 2 Translations 1 Discussion
Letter possibly from the ḥaver Yehoshuaʿ b. ʿEli, in Ramla, probably to Yehuda b. Seʿadya here called Rosh Kalla, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: ca. …
Letter from Ḥayyim He-Ḥaver b. Shelomo, Jerusalem, to Yitzhak b. Ya'akov He-Ḥaver, Fustat, mentioning enormous sums deposited with various people, around the middle of the …
Attestation of the court of the Babylonian community in Fustat bearing the signature of Sahlan [b. Avraham] and dated 1355/1044.
Letter from a certain Yosef, probably in Fustat, to Yosef b. Josiah. The writer expresses disappointment at the fact that the addressee has changed his …
לכבוד רבנא יוסף בן כבוד מרנא יאשיה
ממני יוסף זכור לטוב נט רח
Letter fragment written by Sahlān b. Abraham, quoting from Jeremiah 17:17 and Zephaniah 3:12. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Daniel b. Aharon in Jerusalem to Shemuʾel (Shemuel) b. Aharon, 11th century.
Letter from Avraham b. Saadya to Moshe b. Avraham (Barhun) al-Taharti in Fustat, who is about to sail from Qayrawan to Jerusalem. The writer wants …
Legal document fragment, probably late 11th century, since witnessed by Yakhin b. Netanel who also signed T-S 13J5.2 ca.1085. Other witnesses: Shemuel b. Mevorakh; Avraham …
Recto (secondary use): Letter from an unknown writer to the brothers Mevorakh b. Saadya (in office 1078-1082 and 1094-1111) and Yehuda b. Saadya (in office …
Letter from Shemuel the Third b. Hoshana, Jerusalem, to Shemarya b. al-Hanan, the leader of the Babylonian Jewish community in Fustat ca. 1010. Shemuel writes …
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Avraham b. Shelomo Ha-Paqid, Fustat, approximately 1050.
Letter from Avraham, son of the Gaon, to David b. Aharon, Fustat, probably fall 1025. Avraham gives brief details of a recent visit to Damascus, …
Congratulation letter from Eli Ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel, Jerusalem, to Avraham Ha-Kohen b, Yiṣḥaq b. Furat, Cairo, approximately 1055.
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Nethanel Ha-Levi b. Ḥalfon, Fustat, 1045 C.E.
Letter from Elijah (probably in Salonika) to his brother, a scholar (probably in Fusṭāṭ), written in the 11th-century. The letter mentions Elijah’s compatriot, Abū ʿAlī, …
Letter of questions and demands that was sent by R. Elhanan b. Shemarya to R. Sherira and to R. Hai, ca. 1001 CE. Elḥanan seeks …
Letter from Yosef b. Yeshu'a, Alexandria, to Yosef b. Awkal (1028 or 1029).
Letter from Salman b. Harun, maybe from Mazar, to Aaish b. Sedaka, Alexandria. Around 1045. The writer asks Aaish to take care of two shipments …
Letter from Yūsuf b. Mūsā al-Tahirtī in Būṣīr to Yehoshuaʿ b. Natan ha-Andalūsī (c. 1061 CE).
כתאבי יאסידי ומולאי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם סלאמתך וסעאדתך ואתם נעמתה עליך מן בוצ[יר]
יא בקין מן אדר ראשון ען סלאמה ונעמה ואלחמד ללה רב אלעאלמ…
Letter from Eli Ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel, Jerusalem, to Eli Ha-Kohen b. Hayyim, Fustat, ca. 1060
Letter from Ḥasan b. Muʾammal, Ramla, to Abu Nasr the cockeyed, Fustat, September 1052.
In the name of God [this is] my letter to you, my brother and master, may God lengthen your life and establish your glory, protection, peace, a…
1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion
Letter segment in the hand of Eli Ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel, Ramla, September or October 1052.
Note from Eli Ha-Mumhe b. Avraham to Avraham Ha-Kohen b. Hagay, probably 1050.
Letter from Eliyyahu Ha-Kohen b. Shelomo Gaon to David Nasi b. Hizqiyyahu. Ca. mid-11th century.
Letter fragment of supplication to a Gaon, probably from Jerusalem or Ramla, the eleventh century.
Letter addressed to Maṣliaḥ Gaon with fourteen lines of poetry in the hand of Natan b. Shemuel ha-haver written on the back . (Information from …
מכתב למצליח גאון
Letter opening, fragmentary, from Yosef ha-Kohen b. Shelomo Gaon to a friend (11th century).
Letter from Mūsā b. Abī l-Ḥayy, in Alexandria, to Thābit b. Avraham al-Ṣabbāgh. Dating: ca. 1062. The writer mentions a shipment of goods and he …
על שמך
כתאבי יאסידי ומולאי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם תאידך וסעאדתך
מן אלאסכנדריה לה מצת מן מרחשון כתמה אללה עליה באחסן
כאתמה ען חאל סלאמה ונ…
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Efrayim b. Shemarya. Dating: ca. 1030. In Hebrew, with the address in Arabic.
1r-v: Agreement between Sari b. ‘Eli and Sedaqa b. […] with regard to goods left by Musafir b. Yish‘i. Shari undertakes to pay after his …
Letter of invitation from David b. Daniel probably to a personality in Fustat, late 11th century.
Letter opening, fragmentary, from Natan b. Avraham to Shelomo b. Natan (Natanel ?), Fustat, approximately 1040. The main body was probably in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: only …
Letter from Natan b. Nahray, from Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1080. Natan asks Nahray to help the widow and orphans of b. …
כתאבי אטאל אללה בקא מולאי אלשיך אלגליל
ואדאם תאידה וסלאמתה ונעמאה וכבת
אעדאה תקדמת כתבי אליה עדה ומא
אשך פי וצולהא אליה ואנא אסאל תפצלך…
Letter from ʿEli Ha-Mumḥe b. Avraham, in Jerusalem, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Dating: ca. 1045 …
Long fragment of a letter by a man who, among other things, discusses the learning of his son and expresses outrage that, despite an impeccable …