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Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] b. Ibrāhīm the Jewish garment mender (al-raffāʾ) in Fustat for the year 567 AH = 1171/72 CE (if …
No Scholarship Records
Tax receipt.
Official-looking account in Arabic script.
Fiscal accounting. [Waṣala] ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr bi-taʾrīkh [...]. Needs further examination.
State account of some kind, headed "72 ghulāms(?)... for each of them in a day...," and underneath entries such as "1/6 + 1/8 irdabb." On …
Small fragment of a state document in Arabic script: "al-Anjab(?) Sulṭān al-[...].... ṣāḥabtuhū ilayhi..." Reused for Hebrew liturgical text on recto and verso. (Information in …
Official correspondence in Arabic script. Petition? Fragment (lower part). The sender's name is likely Bū Bakr b. ʿAntar (right margin). The main request seems to …
Possibly a fragment of a petition. The beginnings of 11 lines are preserved. On verso there are accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Needs …
Official letter. After the basmala one reads :ʾaṭāla llāh baqāhā wa-ʾadāma taʾyīdahā wa-ʿalāhā (l. 2), ʿārafahu bi-mā li-l-ḥadra al-sāmiyya al-ʾaǧalliyya al-raʾīsiyya (l. 3), ʿalā al-ḥadrat …
Recto: Order from a higher official, or a copy of one. Issuing instructions about looking after the property of 'the two noble mosques,' something to …
State document in Arabic script. Genre and content are unclear. There are multiple text blocks, at one point written in two parallel columns. There are …
Upper part of a tax receipt? Multiple hands/endorsements in the upper margin. The main text mentions Yūsuf b. Hiba and a jahbadh. Needs examination. On …
Tax receipt for the capitation tax of Zayn(?) b. Abū l-Faraj(?) the Jew. On verso there is a blessing for a groom in Hebrew. Needs …
Bottom of an official letter (petition?) in Arabic script. The last line is a ḥamdala and ṣalwala. Unclear how much of the text above this …
Administrative document, possibly. In Arabic script. Specific genre and purpose unclear. Mentions garments and fabrics (kiswa. . . mandīl sūsī. . . .) and the …
Possibly a receipt for the ḥikr (ground rent). Dated: 568 AH (=1172/73 CE). Mentions "one dirham" and "Dīwān al-Aḥbās." On verso there is a note …
State document, one isolated line with abusive ligatures, in Arabic script. Reused in Hebrew on recto and verso.
One side has the beginning of a letter written in Arabic script in a hasty scrawl. The other side has, in large letters in a …
Fiscal accounts, probably. In Arabic script. Numerous distinct entries; one may refer to "fustuq." Lists prices or sums of money. Needs examination. On verso there …
Mamlūk-era fiscal document. Perhaps a makhzūma. Mentions a dīwān in the first line. An archival note with an ʿalāma "alḥamdu li-llah rabb al-ʿālamīn" on verso. …
Official correspondence in Arabic script. Maybe a petition (at least in the sense that the sender is buttering up the addressee and asking for a …
Document in Arabic script, possibly fiscal accounting.
Possibly one line of a state document. ""al-[...] bi-waliyy wulāt al-[...] ... istiḥqāq...""
Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] b. Mūsā in Fustat. Needs examination for details.
State document, in Arabic script. Two isolated lines. The first one reads as "والنظر في امرهم بما يقتضي به العناية", "looking into their affairs according …
Fiscal account (?) dated 533 AH = 1138/39 CE. Small. Refers to something related to the caliph al-Ḥāfiẓ ("Ḥāfiẓiyya...").
Official document of some sort. May be headed "makhzūma." Above that, there is an ʿalāma (al-ḥamdu lil-lāhi rabbi al-ʿālamīn). Refers to money exchange (ṣarf) and …
Fiscal document with multiple sections. One of the middle sections has multiple administrative notes above it, one of which reads "yuthbat bi-dīwān al-ishrāf." Needs examination. …
Verso (original use): State (fiscal) document in Arabic script. Mentions 300-something al-kharājiyya (a year? in which case this would be ~1009 CE at latest). There …
State or legal document beginning with a basmala, then احضر ابو ياسر(؟) احد المزارعين بال . . . . . من جملة ال . . …
Receipt for the capitation tax. For the silk worker Bū Naṣr b. ʿUmar al-Yahūdī. Dated: 507 AH, which is 1113/14 CE.
Bottom of an official document in Arabic script (ḥamdala and ṣālwala). Nothing else of the original document is preserved. Reused for Hebrew literary text.
Official receipt issued by a state diwan/bureau. Dated: Jumādā II 1239 AH, which is February 1824 CE (but this reading should be checked). Mentions ʿUmar …
Official-looking receipt maybe tax-related. Dating: maybe 547 AH, which would be 1152/53 CE.
Tax receipt. Needs examination.
Receipt for the capitation tax of Hiba b. Khalaf in Fustat. Dated: 503 or 530 AH.
Possibly a fragment from a fiscal register. Mentions a kharājī year. Very large script. Reused for the morning benedictions for weekday services.
Verso: Official correspondence in Arabic script. The beginnings of 4 lines are preserved. Mentions: "...ʿan al-mulaṭṭaf al-karīm..."
Official correspondence having to do with provincial administration, mentioning farmers and their complaints and various amirs and "the ʿāmil" and "the qāʾid." Approximately a dozen …
Minute fragment of a state document. Only one full word (al-nāḥiya) is preserved. Reused for piyyuṭ.
Possibly official correspondence. In Arabic script. Long and well preserved. Reused on recto for piyyut.
State document, probably. In Arabic script. Wide space between the lines, 9 lines preserved. On verso there is Hebrew literary text. Very faded. One phrase …
State document, possibly a fiscal account in Arabic script. Large and well preserved. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. Needs examination.
Official-looking letter in Arabic script. 6–7 lines are preserved. Reused in the margin and on recto for Hebrew piyyuṭ. Needs examination for content.
State document in Arabic script. Chancery hand, huge space between the lines. Three lines are preserved. Probably a decree/order to a lower official : والحضرة …
Tiny fragment in Arabic script, with wide line spacing and chancery script. Official Correspondence. On verso, there is mirror image text, probably from a letter …
Official-looking document(s) in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Possibly a petition in Arabic script. Dating: Ayyubid or Mamluk-era? At the top: [...] Manṣūr(?) b. Abū l-Ṭayyib al-mutaʿalliq bi-dīwān al-[...]. Mentions blessings for the …
Fragment of a decree. There is a single full word: "al-mustaḥabbīn."
A register copy containing accounts of three arrests. The first detainee is Faẓāʾil (Naẓāʾir?) b. Ismaʿīl who was arrested by Sayyid al-Ahl, Riḍwān, and al-Muẓaffar …