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View document detailsState documentBL OR 5566C.2
Recto: Petition or report from [...] b. ʿAbdallāh al-Juḥāfī to al-Shaykh al-Thiqa. In Arabic script. Dating: Probably Ayyubid-era, based on diplomatic features and the estimated …
1 Discussion
State documentENA NS 63.11
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script, interspersed with Arabic script in the wide spaces what seems like a draft of a letter or just …
Bold channcery hand
]وسعادته لمضافرته ومطالبته؟
]افدته يعزمه مظهر/بعزمه يظهر لي وله قواها
] للنجاج باولاها واخراها
] يعمل عليها وصدره حالا بع…
1 Transcription
State documentT-S NS J470 + T-S 12.774
Recto: Decree from the 1130s. Only the closing boilerplate and a date (without the year) have survived. Reused by the India trader Abū ʿAlī Yeḥezqel …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentENA 2209.12
State document: fragment of a decree: [hādha a]l-sijill al-manshūr fī l-aʿmā[l]. . . . Reused for piyyutim.
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.39.445
State document, Fatimid decree, in Arabic script. The decree is addressed to the military general Fāris al-Dawla. The document is a draft as the recto …
- [...........]
دايمة باقية الى [
الامير الموفق المنصور فارس الدولة
نضره الله واظفره واحسن عونه
Recto (scribal practice)
رسها سه…
1 Transcription
State documentBodl. MS heb. b 18/23
Petition to the Fatimid ruler Sitt al-Mulk. Dating (Rustow): 411–14/1021–24. In which an official of a congregational mosque, perhaps the chief khaṭīb, complains about delayed …
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- لمولاتنا السيدة الكريمة خلد الله ملـ[ـكها وحرس عـ]ـزها وادام عـ[ـلاها]
- وكبت اعداها في اصطناع المعروف وفعل الخير
- عواىد …
1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion
State documentT-S Ar.40.142.1
Receipt issued to Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb for his ḍamān on dyeing in Madīnat al-Fayyūm Dated: 17 Dhū l-Qaʿda 405 (Bondioli et al.) or 402 …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
View document detailsState documentENA 684.2
Decree to a lower official commanding him to retrieve bricks and everything belonging to the government from a certain location (a ruined mosque?); and from …
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentMoss. VIII,141.1
State document, unidentified genre. The beginnings of six lines are preserved. Dating: mentions the year 421 AH, corresponding to 1030 CE. Possibly a record of …
في جمدى الأول سنة احدى
وذكر ذلك فورد التوقيع ا
سنة احدى وعشرين اربع مائة ا
والقط (؟) الفرش (؟) الدراحـ[
في ذلك الوقت عن (؟) صه(؟) و
1 Transcription
State documentT-S Ar.40.13
Recto: receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
View document detailsState documentMoss. VIII,326.1
State document, likely a report, in Arabic script. Contains the taqbīl clause and the yunhī formula. The sender refers to his prior report (khidma) which …
]. دولة……..
المملوك يقبل الارض امام المجلس السامي اعز الله سلطانه وينهي انه
كان اصدر خدمته التي هي جواب الكتاب الكريم وكرار (؟) على….هذه الخدمة…
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S AS 177.108
Tax receipt, probably. Cramped and difficult to read. Mentions [...] b. Ṣāliḥ, the ḍāmin of the dīwān.... Needs examination. On verso the beginning of a …
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- مملوك الحضرة السامية الاجلية[
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentMoss. V,135.1 + Moss. V,109b
State document, in Arabic script. Eleven fragmentary lines, probably addressed to a higher official from a lower official. The official bears the title Ḥamīd al-Dawla. …
- رحمته.....حميد الدولة حرسه الله
- لغرض.......
- ايده الله
- ورسالة سيدنا الـ[
- ستار (؟) النزلة (؟) ادام الله علاه في ذلك
- كاره بالاعمال كاملة فما في يدي
- من …
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S AS 204.254
Bottom of a petition, probably, or most likely a report. Parts of 4 lines from the end are preserved, then a huge space, then a …
- طا]لع المملوك بذلك لسـ[ـوال
- ولمولانا صلوات الله عليه[علو الراي في ذلك]
- ان شا الله كتب في[
- والحمد لله وحده وصلواته على[سيدنا محمد نبيه وسلم تسل…
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.1a.140
Verso: Fragment from the left side of an early Fatimid decree or other state document. The ends of three lines remain, including the word al-taqsīṭ. …
- ]ـم واطراد وتشتيت(؟) على اعود
- ]ـسماره الاعمال ووفود رها(؟) والرجوع
- يـ]ستخرج من التقسيط النفقة وجاري
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.47.200
Letter addressed to the chief justice (Qāḍī l-Quḍāt). Only the first 4 lines are preserved.
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- لا زالت سيرة قاضي القضاة اطال الله بقاه
- وادام تاييده وعلاه وكبت حسدته واعداه
- بالعدالة[ ] احكامه بالجـ[ ] ومصادرته
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.39.372
Petition from an official. Dating: Likely 13th or 14th century (this can be narrowed if the person named is known from chronicles). Mentions an amir …
[ ] . . . عنده لاحد المماليك يسمى علم الدين سنجر المحمود[ي]
مبلغ وصـ[و]لات في ثمن قنده المبيع من شونه وهو
الف واربعمائة . . . . . .…
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.38.110
Verso: State document. In Arabic script. Large script, chancery hand, wide space between the lines. Only the first 4 lines and a tiny piece of …
بسم الله الرحمن الـ[ـرحيم
وكان من [ ]ومجلسه
ادام الله تاييده ان يخدم بكل عناية
]مرضية من كل صناع
1 Transcription
State documentT-S 13J26.24
A Fatimid decree fragment, possibly of an investiture. Recycled by Efrayim b. Shemarya.
1 Transcription 1 Translation
View document detailsState documentT-S 8H22.18
Fiscal register, in Arabic script.
fol.2 (verso)
- الاطلاق في مخزومته
- ليومي السبت والاحد لاحدى عشرة
- بقين من المحرم خمسة عشر دينارا
1 Transcription
State documentENA 2921.4
Brief official letter in Arabic script, in a chancery hand. The addressee is to give the bearer Yūsuf and ʿInān(?) 100 silver pieces "for Minyat …
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentYevr.-Arab. I 1986
Letter from an unnamed Fatimid official in Alexandria to Najīb al-Dawla. Dating: second half of the eleventh century. 36 lines preserved, written in an elegant …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentT-S AS 153.215
Verso: Petition, in Arabic script. Large Arabic script on the top.
- يقبل الارض
- ان شا الله[
- ويسل الانعام عليه وا[لاحسان اليه]
- بخروج التوقيع الكريم بذلك..
1 Transcription
State documentT-S Ar.39.26
Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Yūḥannā b. Mīkhāʾīl on behalf of his father Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentT-S AS 177.330
Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentT-S Ar.34.38
Recto: receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentT-S Ar.40.142.2
Receipt issued for the ḍāmin of Dhāt al-Ṣafāʾ against revenue delivered by Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Dated: 8 Ramaḍān 405. Note: Khan's publication reverses the …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentT-S Ar.39.395
State accounts relating to the tax farm of the lands of Dayqūf, in the province of al-Bahnasā, administered by Basṭiyya b. Marqūra and the property …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentJRL Gaster ar. 441
State document, in Arabic script. Petition to a lower official. "Mamlūk al-ḥaḍra al-sāmiyya al-ajalliya". Only beginning formula preserved.
- بسم الله الـ[ـرحمن الرحيم]
- مملوك الحضرة السامية الاجلية //الموفقية(؟)//
- واهلك عدوها وضدها[
- الحفرانها(؟) لما عندهم من ا[
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentCoptic Museum of Cairo (al-Matḥaf al-Qibṭī) inv. 2704
State document, in Arabic script. The decree of al-Ẓāhir to the monks of Sinai in response to their petition.
- عماراتكم ولا تطالبوا بـ[ ]
- بحشدٍ في حرب ولا بخروج [ ]
- وإعزاز كل راهب يخرج منكم إلى الضّياع
- للتّعيُّش فيها وقضاءِ حاجات من وراه
- منكم ولا تُلز…
1 Transcription 1 Translation 1 Discussion
View document detailsState documentENA NS 83.200
Petition, or at least a formal-looking letter, in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner).
- ]نعماه الاحتمال عليه ومراعاته عما ..[
- ]ـه والمنع من اذية تلحقه
- ]عن مراعاة
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S NS 150.254
Report (official state correspondence). 6 lines from the middle section are preserved. Refers to audiences with the caliph, the amīr Wajīh al-Dawla, and someone traveling …
اليوم كان عند امير المومنين صلى الله عليه عاد بن هرون
الى عند امير المومنين صلى الله عليه الامير وجيه الدولة يعلمه
انه ساير عن الرملة الى…
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S NS 305.19
Petition. In large Arabic script, wide space between the lines, in a chancery hand. This is a small fragment from the lower right corner of …
- ولمولاي الامير الجـ[ليل
- فيما يامر به الـ[ـالراي الاعلى
- والحمد لله وحده وصلى الله[على سيدنا محمد واله وسلم تسليما]
- [وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل]
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S 12.491
State document, decree, in Arabic script. Mentions the year '44, probably [4]44 AH, which would be 1052. The decree seems to be issued in response …
المحل بظاهر الرس(؟) يوم الاثنين لعشر بقين في رجب
سنة اربع واربعين وقد استتب هذين في سلوك
نهج الطاعة والولاء واستبصروا شدي في انخراط
1 Transcription
State documentT-S AS 218.155
Recto: Petition, fragment. Perhaps involving the plunder and occupation of a house ( wa-nahabū... ikhrājuhum ʿanhu... fa-mā li-l-mamlūk illā marāḥim al-mawlā...). The form of the …
- ]ـقول على المملوك وترهم
- ]البيت ونهبوا قماشه
- ]لوجه الله تعالى اخراجهم عنه
- ]ـهم عنه فما للمملوك الا مراحم المولى
- ]م نقمة امته تهلك(alt=نعمة امة …
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S NS 111.140
Report from a Fatimid official. Dated: Dhū l-Qaʿda 495 AH (August–Sept 1102) — but this reading might be incorrect. Talks about the cutting off of …
1 Discussion
State documentT-S AS 133.111
Fiscal order requesting the registration of an expenditure (?) in the Fatimid dīwān al-majlis (privy council). Written in five (?) different hands, reflecting a complex …
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentT-S AS 111.37
Petition fragment. Contains part of a raʾy clause and a reference to Dīwān al-Shām al-Maʿmūr, and then perhaps "the response of the slave with what …
- ]ـته ورفعته عالي الراي في
- ]الى ديوان الشام المعمور واجابة العبد بما يمسكه(؟) و
- ان شا]الله تعالى
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S AS 177.321
Draft of a petition, in Arabic script. Dating: probably late due to the placement of "mamlūk" after the basmala. The addressee is mentioned as "al-majlis …
- محمد ابن علي ...
- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم المملوك
- يقبل الارض بين يدي المجلس السامي الاجلي
- المولوي الديواني
1 Transcription
State documentT-S H5.111
Document of appointment. In Arabic script. Dating: 11th or 12th century. The appointment is likely for a position in the army, mentioning an ‘affair of …
... from the abomination of death on the frontier and the affliction of annihilation.
A soul should not die except by leave of God at its fixed t…
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentBodl. MS heb. b 11/7
Fiscal document, in Arabic script. Large format with 16 lines preserved, marginal notes, and crossings out. The document is an internal fiscal Fatimid accounting document …
1 Transcription
State documentT-S Ar.42.177
State document. Petition to a Fatimid ruler in which the writer asks to be exempted from the payment of his capitation tax (of 1 + …
ويقوم بالجزية الواجبة عليه ومبلغها فى السنة دينار واحد وثلث وربع ودرهم
وفي اكثر اوقاته يتعذر عليه تغليقها الى ان يتصدق له من اليهود اهل طائ…
He pays the poll tax that he is liable for, the annual amount of which is one dīnār, a third and a quarter, and one dirham.
At most times it is d…
1 Transcription 1 Translation
State documentCUL Or.1080 J80
Petition to a Fatimid dignitary regarding a theft of money. The archer Manṣūr b. Zakī al-Dawla (or: Rukn al-Dawla, which seems more likely given al-Maqrīzī's …
- المملوك
- منصور بن زكى الدولة
- احد الرماة تحت ركابها
- السعيد
- …
- The slave
- Manṣūr ibn Zakī al-Dawla,
- one of the archers under the commander of his
- auspicious horse guard.
- In the name of God, the merciful and…
1 Transcription 1 Translation
View document detailsState documentENA 2808.68
Righthand fragment, recto (original use): Petition, probably. In Arabic script, with gigantic space between the lines. Portions of the last few lines are preserved. Mentions …
Righthand document (recto)
- ]....[
- ـ]عه واشهد على ثقة (alt=بقية) فيها
- [ولمولانا صلوات الله عليه الراي الـ]ـعالي في ذلك ان شا الله
- [الحمد لله]وحده وصل…
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S NS 306.69
Petition, probably. In Arabic script. Addressed to a lower official requesting to summon some people. Portions of 5-6 lines are preserved. Refers to agents, a …
- ....
- ]ـرف بعد يوكل لي شيا عد[
- ]... بالله تعالى ومحلها السامي في ان
- ]لي وكيلان خروج امرها السامي باحضار هذين الوكلا
- عبد الرحمن وبو الحسن وللا[ …
1 Transcription
State documentT-S Ar.34.88
Numerous drafts of the opening of a petition or an otherwise formal letter to the Fatimid Caliph al-ʾĀmir. In Arabic script. It is not clear …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامي زكواته وافضل
تحياته وسلامه على مولانا وسيدنا الامام
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بسم الله…
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.39.219
End of a petition in Arabic script. Asking for permission to enter Egypt on behalf of a group of people. In a different hand, there …
1 Discussion
View document detailsState documentT-S Ar.35.48
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, in the hand of Mikhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ
1 Transcription 1 Translation
View document detailsState documentT-S AS 176.294
Lower left corner of a petition.
من محابة والشكر(؟)
واحواله ومهماته منعما ان شا الله
الحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا]محمد نبيه واله الطاهرين وسلام
وحسبنا …
1 Transcription
View document detailsState documentT-S AS 176.322
Possibly a fragment from a petition, addressed to a Caliph based on the beginning of a "raʾyy" clause in the penultimate line.
تو]قيع الامر مط.. بان الحديث فيهم
جرى به عادته وحملهم
]الى كافة الخلق
[صلوات الله عليه علو الراي في ذلك ان شا الله]…
1 Transcription