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Fiscal document, in Arabic script, bottom part of the fragment. The document is dated Muḥarram 487 H and the first two lines may be read …
No Scholarship Records
Recto: One line in a relatively small and faded chancery hand interspersed with Hebrew text. May mention 'dīwān'. Reused for Hebrew script on recto and …
Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …
Document in Arabic, unclear content, left half only, with sewing holes at left, top, and diagonally across the upper left corner. Likely an official document. …
Tax receipt for the capitation of Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb. Trigger: ṣaḥḥa. See also: ENA 3945.9, T-S NS 297.171, T-S Ar.35.133, and T-S AS 181.31. The …
Fiscal document? Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. Unclear what it is. Perhaps a fiscal account: the word al-mablagh appears on recto, and al-ʿāmil on verso.
State document(s) in Arabic script. On recto there are administrative/secretarial notes at the top: yuqābal.... qūbila.... (cf. T-S Ar.35.139, T-S AS 177.472, ENA 3918.11). Needs …
State document of some kind. Needs examination.
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. On verso there are accounts of some sort (mentioning Manṣūr b. [...]), unclear if this …
Small fragment of a decree: "wa-ʿlam..."; there is additional text to the lower right which may be related. Needs examination. Reused (at 180 degrees) for …
Verso (original use): Petition or decree. The ends of ~6 lines are preserved. Between the lines and on recto (secondary use): Account in Arabic script. …
Kharāj receipt. T-S AS 183.155 and T-S AS 183.156 are related (same payer). Needs examination.
Fiscal account?
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, Fatimid. One registration mark: al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih.
Account in Arabic script, possibly fiscal. Mentions the year 523 AH = 1128/29 CE. The Hebrew script was added later. Needs examination.
Fiscal account. Reused for a tax receipt issued to Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb for his ḍamān on dyeing in Madīnat al-Fayyūm (see PGPID 20611). The …
Tax receipt issued to Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb for his ḍamān on dyeing in Madīnat al-Fayyūm. Dated: End of Dhū l-Qaʿda 404. Both the recto …
Capitation tax receipt in Arabic script. Does not have the usual endorsements at the top (unless they were much higher up and torn away). Has …
Recto: Small fragment from official correspondence. Verso: Reused for unidentified text mainly in Judaeo-Arabic, maybe accounts.
Verso: Fatimid decree fragment. Three words preserved. (MR)
Fiscal document, or accounts in Arabic script. Contains atleast two ʿalāmas. Needs examination.
Tax receipt, Fatimid.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Two registration marks; 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāhi l-muwaffiq li-ḥamdihi' and 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-shākirīn'. Blank verso. Perforated for binding.
Verso (original use): Fragment of a state document, three lines of Arabic in a chancery hand. The date of the tawqīʿ is Dhul Qaʿda (3)70?
Fiscal account, probably. There is a year at upper left. Needs examination.
Possibly a receipt mentioning "min al-mustakhdamīn" and a calendar date (but it seems no year). Needs further examination.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. One registration mark; 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh al-wāḥid al-ḥaqq'. Blank verso. Perforated for binding.
Tax receipt? Very faded. May be dated 507 AH = 1113/14 CE.
Bifolio. Containing an official order; the layout is reminiscent of copies of decrees/sijillāt. Stating that Manṣūr b. Sahl, one of the secretaries employed in the …
Tax receipt, sixth century AH. Trigger: addā. Few names on verso. Written by and for the same people as ENA 3944.3 (PGPID 10465), but registered …
Fragments of a state document, probably an internal correspondence addressed to a Fatimid caliph. In an Arabic chancery script. Has remnants of a ray clause …
Official correspondence. The beginnings of 9 lines are preserved. There are two fragments here which were glued together out of order. The top fragment mentions …
Official-looking accounts in Arabic script. Verso looks like a private reuse and includes a note "this [...] is from Umm Menaḥem" (هذا ال . . …
Fiscal document, in Arabic script. Recto contains a date: Muḥārram 567 and total of sums towards the bottom, probably one thousand seven hundred. Needs examination.
Fiscal (or other?) receipt. Arabic writing, Coptic numbers.
Request for a fatwā (or possibly a petition or official report, or simply a letter). In Arabic script. Dating: Likely Mamluk-era. Begins with a taqbīl …