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Small fragment from the top of an official-looking document, with an ʿalāma at the top and reference to tax farming (ḍamān or ḍummān).
No Scholarship Records
Small receipt or similar type of document.
Document in Arabic script. Possibly a letter or petition. 4 lines are preserved. Dating: possibly ca. 13th century based on handwriting and format. Mentions various …
Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …
Document in a chancery hand, wide line spacing, parts of four lines preserved from somewhere toward the middle of the page top to bottom. Generous …
Remnants of two lines of an Arabic-script chancery document, or possibly a mercantile letter (وما عليه من قماش(؟) يخصه ويخص سيدنا(؟)). In between, at ninety …
Document in Arabic script, perhaps a state petition, beginning with "wa l-mamlūk yasʾal l-tawfīq" and mentions a wall "ṣūr"; reused for poetry in Judaeo-Arabic (see …
Tax receipt for a Jewish man [...] b. Khalaf for his capitation tax in Fustat for the year 535 AH = 1140/41 CE.
Fiscal document with several ʿalāʾim. Needs examination.
Official-looking letter(s) in Arabic script. Very damaged.
Likely a fiscal account. Needs examination.
State document, probably Fatimid, fragmentary. In Arabic script. "Al-mustakhdam bi l-ṣaʿīd(?)". The name of the official could be Munjiz al-Dawla. Merits further examination.
State document, chancery hand with elegant line spacing, in Arabic script. Mentions "mamlūkuhu" and "khidmatihi". Needs examination.
Fragment of a petition and/or report in Arabic script. Making a request concerning cash flow: "... fī nafaqātihā al-rātiba mā tadʿū... ilayhi bi-rasmihā ilā Dīwān …
State document, one line. "خارجا عما حمل للدار وسلم بحر". Needs examination.
Petition to the Ottoman sultan from Pinḥas son of Yūsuf. At the top, there is an annotation in a combination of Hebrew and Arabic script. …
Original use: Decree? Two faded lines in a chancery hand containing a ṣalwala (wa-l-ṣalā ʿalā al-sayyīd Muḥammad al-muṣṭafa wa-ālihi al-ṭāhirīn) which suggests that it is …
Receipt for the capitation tax of the Jewish man Maʿālī b. Yūsuf in Fustat and Cairo for the year 500-something (550? 505?).
Fragment from the top of a petition, or petition-like letter, from Farajallāh.
Verso is a faded receipt of some sort, maybe fiscal. Recto: من السوح(؟؟) للنصر(؟) الواصل من ثغر الاسكندرية حماه الله تعالى . . . . …
State document (fragment) in Arabic script, perhaps a decree. The beginnings of ~9 lines are preserved, with very wide space between them. Reused on recto …
Three fragments, of which one (with another one stuck to it) is part of a state memorandum, petition or decree containing the phrase al-imām al-Ḥāfiẓ …
Tax receipt. Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Decree, probably. "... wa-amr amīr al-muʾminīn..." Reused between the lines for an Arabic-script text, apparently a Jewish exegetical work since there are Hebrew words interspersed.
Draft of a letter/petition, in Arabic script. Addressed to Huṣām al-Dawla. The sender asks that 'you rescue me from this man' (bi-an tukhalliṣ ʿabdak min …
Receipt for the capitation tax (jizya) in Fustat for Mawhūb b. Ghālib, a Christian. Dated: 537 AH = 1142/43 CE (previous PGP descriptions gave the …
State document, in Arabic script. Regarding the proceedings in the Office of Inspection in the province of al-Fayyūm. Abū Fatḥ Allāh Shawār b. Yūsuf, the …
Fragment of a fiscal document in Arabic script. Needs examination. Reused for piyyuṭ.
Capitation tax receipt, Fatimid. For Abū Naṣr b. Yūsuf (someone with this name also appears in T-S 10J30.15). One registration mark: al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-shākirīn. …
Small fragment of a tax receipt for Yūsuf b. Ṣadaqa the Jew for his capitation tax payment in Fustat for the year [...].
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Trigger: addā. One registration mark; al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-rāʾfa.
Fragment from the top of a petition in Arabic script. The sender is introduced as "the basest slave" (aqall al-mamālīk) and then "al-burhāniyya"(?). Reused for …
Fragment of a state document in Arabic script. Portions of two lines are preserved: "... wa-yuṭlaq mā yajib li-baqiyyat(?) shuhūr... min māl...." Reused for a …
Text in Ottoman Turkish.
Receipt (fiscal?) for Abū l-Mūnā b. Ibrāhīm al-Malījī (?) Bū l-Ḥusayn b. Sulaymān [tawliya al-shadd??]. Ends with ḥamdala and ṣalwala, with no registration requests or …
A few large words in Arabic from a state document.
Fatimid document, probably fiscal, more than one hand, one large in shā allāh, and one registration mark: al-ḥamdū lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih. Damaged and not easy …
Possibly the bottom of a tax receipt. Dated 610 or 620 AH.
Bifolio of fiscal accounting, with entries for months of the years 525 and 526 AH. Very detailed, fairly well preserved. One entry is a receipt …
Two columns of accounts, business or private, for Naṣr b. Simwāl, one under "lahu" 'he is owed' and second under "ʿalaihi" 'he owes'. 'ʾAjr' in …
State document, fragment, one isolated line in Arabic script. "والذي ينهيه عبد مولانا امير المؤمنين". Reused on recto for Hebrew piyyuṭ, the prayer for rain …
Verso: Fiscal document. Very faded. Dated: 440 AH? A sum of money is specified in the middle section. Needs examination.
Official correspondence about agricultural administration. Needs examination.
Document in Arabic script. List containing numbers or ciphers. Possibly a fiscal document, based on handwriting and layout. On verso there is Hebrew piyyut. Needs …
Unidentified document(s) in Arabic script. Recto is headed "al-muqīmīn" and at the bottom refers to people such as awlād al-Fakhr(?). Verso is difficult to read, …
Receipt for the capitation tax of [...] in Fustat for the year 525 AH = 1130/31 CE. Needs further examination.
Receipt of some sort: "afrada Ibrāhīm [...] al-maṭbakh..." Needs examination.
Tax receipt, late Fatimid, for the jizya payment of a Jewish person (name difficult to read), with registration mark - 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh al-wāḥid al-ḥaqq', praise …
Capitation tax receipt for Bū l-Faḍl b. Manṣūr, a Jewish trader, in Fustat. Dated: 17 Muḥarram 525 AH.
Accounts in Arabic script. Fiscal?