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Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Mentions Abū Manṣūr and Abū Jaʿfar.
No Scholarship Records
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. The two lines on verso are somewhat mysterious.
Small fragments of Arabic-script document(s). Fol.2 is accounts. Needs examination.
Recto: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentioning names such as Bū l-Ḥasan Ibn Nufayʿ; Sulaymān b. Bū ʿAlī; Bū l-Faḍl Ibn al-ʿAjamī; "the Jews." …
Accounts in Arabic script. Several names are mentioned. Dating: Mentions the end of Ramadān 556 AH = 1161 CE.
Writing exercises in epistolary Judaeo-Arabic in which the student repeated a phrase in the heading that had been offered by an instructor in model handwriting. …
Bifolium of business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. There is a piece of string attached.
List of alphanumerical "expenses / מצרופ" where the Ottoman silver "guruş / גרוש" may be in use but is also possible that "גרוש" is a …
Small fragment of a list or letter. Mentions Fadāʾil; the Nagid (הדרת הנגידות); the neighbor of Rabbi Natan; and "let it be fast." On verso …
List of names and books that mentions Rabbi Yiṣḥaq Berab (החכם יצחק בירב), Avraham Ashkenazi, Avraham b. Alashqar. The paleography of this source helps to …
Bifolio of business accounts, probably. In Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Construction accounts. Mentions brick (ṭūb) and clay (ṭīn) and workers. In Arabic script.
Accounts written in elegant Arabic script, specifying amounts owed between various people, e.g., Abū Saʿīd Ibn al-Shammāʿ, al-Faḍl, ʿUmar.
List of payments and debts with a variety of individuals mentioned: Moshe b. Ḥayyīm, Benyamin Morisico[?], and Moshe Buelyero (בַוִילְייֵרו). The scribe chose to vowel …
Recto: (1) Recipe in Arabic script in a Spanish hand, beginning with the basmala four times. The recipe uses marrubium juice, ginger-water, honey and cinnamon-water. …
Recto: Private account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Verso: At the top, apparently a tongue twister about two roosters with funny names: كان لنا …
Mercantile accounts. Mentioning people such as the nākhūdha, ʿImrān, Barakāt, and Yūsuf.
Brief account in Arabic script, possibly concerning amounts owed by Maḥfūẓ. Lists sums in Greek/Coptic numerals and includes the phrase "through the end of Shaʿbān." …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Some names are listed: Manṣūr Saʿadī, Aḥmad Bu-Beys[?], Budeyr al-Ashrek[?]. This document is from a larger set of accounts and is …
Account register. In Ladino. 3 bifolia. Dated 5450s AM, which is 1690s CE. On the left side of folio 3r there is reference to the …
Bifolio of private accounts, probably. In Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions various names (e.g., Ṣamṣām b. Ibrāhīm) and numbers. On one of the four …
Arabic writing exercises probably.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Including for sugar candy (qand).
List of ~15 names, mainly kohanim, including: Yoshiyya b. Yefet ha-Kohen; ʿUziyya b. Ṭahor ha-Kohen; Yeḥezqel b. Shelomo ha-Kohen; Sheʾerit b. Elʿazar ha-Kohen; Sheʾerit b. …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Accounts in Hebrew script. In Judaeo-Persian? Dating: Late, probably 18th or 19th century.
Bifolio from a mysterious ledger. Contains some accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, but also contains two entries that begin اصفح(?), and one may …
Accounts on both the recto and verso, early modern. Mentioning a few legible names: Shaʿabān Ḥamāde, Yeḥiʾel Buṣīna, Muḥammad Asbīn[?]. This document is from a …
Accounts in Arabic script. State? Mamluk-era?
Accounts. Written on the back of an earlier fiscal document (see separate entry).
List of donations or communal payments in Judeo-Arabic for the Maghrebi congregation of Cairo (קק מערבים). The heading may be dated as [5]565 (1804-1805CE) but …
Accounts or official document of some kind? In Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions several names, including ʿAbdallāh al-Qifṭī. Needs examination.
Recto: Account in Arabic script, surrounded by other jottings.
Recto: Likely a charity distribution list. In Judaeo-Arabic. Many women and children. The numbers after each entry range from 1 to 7. There is a …
A list of medicinal items in Judaeo-Arabic and eastern Arabic numerals. Dating: Ottoman-era, perhaps 18th or 19th century. This shelfmark's full ENA 1984 series are …
List of food items in Arabic script with values in Greek/Coptic numerals underneath. E.g., sesame oil, linseed oil, olive oil, soap, lemon, onion, chickpea, [...], …
List of alphanumerical quantities, the heading opens with "מביעה" (sold). Some of the entries may include the unit qirat, but the word קירט in question …
Small account of food items and household expenses such as laundry (ghāsūl) in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Late accounts in Arabic, probably Ottoman-era. The list starts with 'thaman' (price) or 'qabaḍ' (collected).
Brief account submitted to somebody "before you travel." In Judaeo-Arabic. in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th or 12th century. Mentioning Abū l-ʿAlā and Abū l-Ḥasan b. …
Practice of drafting a state document, Ottoman-era. Probably an instance of someone practicing an epistolary address to the Ottoman Sultan rather than an honorific of …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew of merchandise and lands(?). Dated in the left upper heading of the recto as Tammuz 5343 AM (June-July 1583 CE). …
Large account in Arabic script. Unclear for what. Sums of money are listed together with months of the year. The year 497 is mentioned = …
List of payments in Judaeo-Arabic dated as 14 Shvat 5595 or 13 February 1835CE. In both headings on the recto and verso Ḥayyim Griyani is …
Probably a communal account for wheat distribution. Mainly in Arabic script, with some interspersed Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century. Several women are named. …
Jottings in both Arabic script and Hebrew script, on the back of a Hebrew piyyuṭ. One of the Arabic sections is dated: end of Rajab …