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  • If you don't know how many characters are missing, use .*.
  • If you know which characters you want, use square brackets to find multiple spellings, ex. [יו] for yud or vav.


26 نتائج
  1. 1رسالةENA 2122.11

    Letter from a certain Yūsuf. In Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary script and spelling. The letter may describe the violent disciplining of a girl, and the writer says …


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  2. 2رسالةENA NS 7.11

    Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: likely late 12th or 13th century. Rudimentary hand. Mentions Ṣibyān b. Futūḥ; Hilāl; a violent conflict; al-Shaykh al-[Raḍiyy?] Ibn al-Labbān; …


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  3. 3ثيقة شرعيّةBodl. MS heb. e 101/15

    Legal testimony. Dated: Wednesday the 6th of Ḥeshvan, which Goitein identified as October 1231 CE, based on the surmise that this document belongs together with …

    1. למא כאן יום אלאתנין אלסאדס מן שהר מרחשון גא שמון
    2. בן אלמזנגר קעד עלי דכאן ר שמחה יכיט ואדא באכיה
    3. עמראן וקף וקאל ל[[סמ.]] שמחה אנצף ביני ובין הדא יד...


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  4. 4رسالةT-S NS J408 + ENA 2808.6

    Family letter in Judaeo-Arabic. From an unidentified man possibly named Karīm, apparently in Zarnīkh (in Upper Egypt, see recto l. 44 and recto right margin …


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  5. 5ثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS J40

    Subsequent use: Two legal drafts from the court of the Nagid Mevorakh. Fragmentary and incomplete. #1: Beginning of a statement about a brawl between Shelomo …


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  6. 6رسالةT-S Ar.47.146

    Letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary hand. The spellings are closer to classical Arabic than usual (e.g. שיא for شيء). The two folios were originally two folios …

    Folio 1, recto:

    1. ואלסלגב וזית אלבאן וגמיע אלאדהאן
    2. ומן אלאכבאר אלעטרייה מתל כמון
    3. וכרויה וקצח וחולבי ואלראזיאן ואל
    4. חנא . . אץ פי אלמאא ומן אגר ענדה
    5. ד...


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  7. 7ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 10J14.30

    Legal testimonies embedded in a letter format. Testimonies made by Abū l-Khayr and Peraḥya about a physical argument between the leader Abū l-Bahā and Abū …

    1. אקול אנא עבד רבינו וכאדמה אבו אלכיר אני לילה אל[[גמעה]]/כמיס/ בעד
    2. צלוה מעריב [[כא]] כנת כארג מן כניסה אלעראקיין בעד כרוג אלגמא[עה
    3. פענד מא כרגת מן ...


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  8. 8رسالةHUC 1135

    Bifolio with letter(s) in both Arabic (in Arabic script) and Hebrew. All appear to be addressed to a notable or notables, praising him and appealing …


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  9. 9ثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS J174

    Legal document(s). Dating: Possibly 1168 CE, based on the fact that the document was written shortly after the pillage/burning of Fustat (nahb/nawba/ḥarīq Fusṭāṭ). On recto, …


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  10. 10رسالةYevr.-Arab. II 1467

    Recto: Letter from Shemuel(?) to Hārūn. The writer may be the husband of the addressee's paternal aunt. In Judaeo-Arabic. Locations unknown; the writer mentions someone …


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  11. 11رسالةENA 3796.11

    Letter from a man, in Fustat, to his brothers Yūsuf and Ibrāhīm, unknown location. He blames his delay on the ״כר״ that belongs to Baqā', …


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  12. 12رسالةBodl. MS heb. f 108/63

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 11th century. From several people, probably addressed to Sayyidnā al-Rayyis. The senders are currently being held in prison and it …


    1. . . . רהג אלבלד ואפתכהה וקאל ק[
    2. ואלחזן וגמיע מן יעתזו בה פאת[
    3. נכאטבה וכנא מגתממין פי מצוה . . . [
    4. קד הגם עלינא סכראן פאל . . . ושתם [
    5. גדיד א...


    1 نسخ

    • 63 recto
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  13. 13رسالةT-S NS J334 + T-S 12.717

    Recto: Letter/petition to Avraham b. Yaʿaqov ha-Ḥazzan. In Judaeo-Arabic. This is either intended for the eyes of Mevorakh or simply mentions previous petitions submitted to …

    1. ]פסטאט מצרים
    2. לכבוד גדל ק[דוש]|ת מרנ ורב אברהם החכם והנבון
    1. בר כב גד קד מר ור|[ב] יעקב החזן החכם והנבון נע
    2. תואתרת עלי חצרה | אדוננו מבורך אלוף הבי...


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  14. 14ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3917.2

    Recto: Document in Arabic script. Possibly a letter. Rudimentary handwriting and orthography. Sings the praises of a Coptic sage in Alexandria. This sage is versed …


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  15. 15رسالةENA NS 48.10

    Petition for help addressed to a Jewish notable. Written in Hebrew, for the introduction, and Judaeo-Arabic, for the body. The sender is a goldsmith in …


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  16. 16رسالةENA NS 16.30

    Letter/petition to a local dayyan (judge). A complaint against Sulaymān b. Hānī, the abusive husband of the sender's daughter. Including an episode where the husband …

    ENA NS 16, f. 30 ed. Friedman, Jewish Polygyny, pp.262-263 N.H. 04-26-88, (P). Letter to a local dayyan (judge) concerning marital problems of the ...


    2 نسخين 1 مناقشة

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  17. 17رسالةT-S 6J6.18

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. In a rudimentary hand. This is the second or final page of what was originally a longer letter. There is an unusual …


    1. מא ילזמהא אן תדכלי להא ולא ⟦ה⟧לה ולא
    2. תבצריה ולא תריה ולא תדכלי לה
    3. בית ירבט הדא פי אלשרע אן תרבי
    4. ואחדה ולד כבדהא ומא יכון
    5. להא אחד פי אלדניא א...


    1. …is it not obligatory for her that you (f. sg.) enter to her, and not to him, and
    2. you (f. sg.) do not look at him or see him or enter his
    3. Ho...


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  18. 18رسالةENA NS 31.21

    Letter draft from the wife of a drunkard to "sayyidnā." In Judaeo-Arabic, beautifully written. She reports that her husband took her belongings, demanded from her …


    1. Our [lord], may God prolong your life and the life of your children. Your slave is 

    2. in great distress due to the false accusations about ...


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  19. 19رسالةENA 4100.10

    Letter addressed to ʿAbd al-Karīm. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, probably 14th century at the earliest. The writer and addressee are Qaraites. Very long. Conveys information …


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  20. 20رسالةYevr.-Arab. II 1417

    Letter to Eliyya Levi. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Ottoman-era. Recto consists of greetings. On verso the writer relates various types of bad news (violence, financial losses) …


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  21. 21ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 24.74

    Legal testimony. In the hand of Avraham b. Natan Av. No witness signatures. Location: Cairo. Dated: Thursday, 27 Adar I 1415 Seleucid, which is 1104 …

    1. מעשה שהיה לפנינו אנו החתומים למטה כן הוה חצר אלינא
    2. בבית דין באלקאהרה אלמעזיה יום אלכמיס אלסאבע ואלעשרין
    3. מן אדר ראשון שנת אתטו מ פרחיה הכהן בר טרפו...


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  22. 22رسالةBL OR 5566B.1

    Family letter. In Arabic script. Maybe from a man in serious trouble with his wife, writing to his son who appeased or reached a settlement …


    1. ما(؟) حيث(؟) صالحت ستك السحاقة الذي ما رضيت مجي[ء] اليك حتى

    2. انفذت تسالها وسالتها قبحت عليها ست علم وغيرها يصوم (؟) تحتا . (؟)

    3. انفذ لنا ...


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  23. 23رسالةL-G Misc. 35

    Letter from a Jewish woman, in or near Tripoli (Lebanon), to her brother-in-law, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. She is a refugee from Jerusalem who has …

    1. [כתאבי אליך יאולדי ורייסי] וגלילי אדאם אללה סלאמתה וסעאדתה
    2. [ ] אליך יאולדי [ואלעזיז ע]לי אמר אן נצפה
    3. [ כאן אבו אלכיר] מע אלמנתצר פמאת אלמנת[צר]
    4. [ו...


    1. [My lord and] illustrious master, may God make your welfare and happiness permanent.

    2. [I have to convey] to you, my dear boy, something wh...


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  24. 24رسالةT-S Misc.28.137

    Letter from Shemuel, in Damietta, to Abū l-Mufaḍḍal Hibatallāh b. Faraḥ, perhaps related by marriage through the latter's sister. The handwriting is often ambiguous, so …


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  25. 25وثيقة رسميّةAIU VII.E.166

    Recto: Informal note in difficult Arabic script, scrawled basmala on top, possibly a memorandum to do with land tenure? Needs further examination. Verso: Informal note …


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  26. 26رسالةT-S NS J24b + T-S NS J24a

    Letter from Araḥ b. Natan, also known as Musāfir b. Wahb, in Alexandria, to his brother, Avraham b. Natan ha-Sheviʿi (the seventh), in Cairo. Dating: …

    Recto, T-S NS J24a - main text

    1. [ ] אלי אלאן [ ] אלי ענדה [ ] אנשרחת
    2. [ ] ענדה הוא מולאי אלממחה רבי חייה שמ' צור
    3. [ ] עאפיה ערפתה דלך וסבב הדה אלאח...

    Rustow, Lost Archive, pp. 405-406

    19) … On Monday 9

    20) Kislev, there arrived [here in Alexandria some people] who were reported to have brought wi...


    2 نسخين 2 ترجمتين 2 مناقشتان

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