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Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic, discussing various garments and textiles.
1 نسخ
Business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. "I had a few durayhims, hardly worth mentioning, and I tried to purchase yarn with them, but I could not. For …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Letter from Abū Manṣūr, perhaps in Alexandria, to his 'brother' Abū Saʿd, probably in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic script. Dating: Probably …
קד עלם אלכאלק תעאלי מא אגדה מן אלשוק ואלוחשה אלי
חצרה אלאך אלעזיז גמע אללה אלשמל בה עלי אסר חאל
אן שא אללה וסוי הד...
Informal note. In Judaeo-Arabic. The writer asks Abū Isḥāq to obtain for (?bi-rasm) Abū l-ʿAlā' a piece of fabric of high quality (jayyid rafīʿ) and …
Letter. One of the small handful of Judaeo-Arabic papyri. Labeled "papyrus I" in the classification of Blau and Hopkins. Dating: Probably 9th century or earlier. …
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة
Accounts of a textile dealer mentioning names such as Murhaf al-Dawla, [...] al-Dawla, and Sibāʿ. Entries include a jūkāniyya (spelled shūkāniyya here), the making of …
Letter to a certain Abū Saʿd ('the dear boy') likely from his father. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: ca. 12th century (paleographic dating). Contains inter alia a …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Letter from Ṭoviyya b. ʿEli to Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dealing with commercial matters regarding fabric and mentioning many locations in the Rif …
1 مناقشة
Business letter in Arabic script from an unknown trader to another unknown trader regarding textiles: Siqillī, Ṭabarī, and Sūsī cloth. Second half of the eleventh …
Letter addressed to Naḥum b. Sulaymān al-Iskandarānī, in Fustat. The writer is unidentified. In Judaeo-Arabic. The addressee's letter concerning the house arrived with Mūsā. But …
Business letter from Zekharya b. Yaaqov b. al-Shama, from Tripoli (Libya), to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1065. The writer is about to travel to …
[ ] נהראי בן נסים וסלמו(?)
[ ] טראבלס יכון אלקאבץ מולאי אלשיך
[ ] מרדוך ואן אלמהדיה מולאי אלשיך אבו סעיד ואנא מראעי [ ]
לדלך ואנא מעו...
Two letters (attached to each other), from Farah b. Isma’il b. Farah and from Yosef b. Eli ha-Kohen Fasi, from Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, …
וצל כתאב סיידי ומולאי אטאל אללה בקאה ואדאם תאיידה וסעאדתה וסלאמתך ונעמתך [ ]
קריב דכר מולאי אן אלצרר לם תצל לאלאן וארגו ...
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
Letter from Alexandria to the nasi Shelomo b. Yishay, Fustat, from one of his supporters. Around 1240. The letter mentions products that people make in …
Business letter dealing with shipments of textiles within Egypt. The name Abu al-Ḥasan is mentioned, as well as merchandise sent with "the Andalusian Jew". The …
Shipping certificate of Yosef b. Khalfa. Summer 1062. Details about textile products to send with boxes of crocus. The same goods are mentioned in Bodl. …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Large fragment of a detailed order for textiles, specifying 18 different colors, sent to Spain, perhaps from al- Ahwaz(?). (Information from Mediterranean Society, I, p. …
Mysterious document. Late. In Judaeo-Arabic. There are two lines of Judaeo-Arabic poetry about "ahl al-hawā." There follows the Hebrew alphabet. There follow three lists of …
Account, day-to-day, of the income of a textile store. Location: Fustat. Dating: Jumada I and II 393 AH, which corresponds to April 1003 CE. After …
Recto: Inventory of a dyer's store. (Information from Goitein's index cards) VMR Verso of T-S Ar.30.89: State document in Arabic script, see alternate record.
Detailed, beautifully written letter of a silkweaver, Abū Saʿd b. Avraham, to his cousin (ibn ʿamm) Ṣedaqa b. Ṣemaḥ, asking for instructions as to the …
1 نسخ 2 مناقشتان
Letter from Ṣedaqa al-Yahūdī to Umm al-Khayr bt. Nūr al-Dīn al-Ḥakīm b. [...], possibly in Bilbays (the address is damaged). In Arabic script. Dating: No …
Letter from Monsieur Yosef Raḥmīn and Atūrī in the Nile textile company to the Jewish charitable society of Ḥeberāt Māzūn containing a check with the …
Letter from Mūsā b. Barhūn al-Tāhartī and his brother Yiṣḥaq b. Barhūn, in Qayrawān, to the senior Tustari brothers (Abū l-Faḍl Sahl (Yashar), Abū Yaʿaqov …
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Letter in Ladino, nearly complete but with numerous lacunae, from a mother to her daughter, addressed to her son-in-law Yaʿaqov Reshit (?) in Saida. The …
[א]י די שאלוד [. . .] לאש קואליש נואיבש אוייגאמוש
[א]ינביאשטימי א . . . . קינו וינו . . לא קורטינא אי
[ ]...
Letter from Tanḥum b. Sulaymān, in Jerusalem, to his mother and three brothers, Abū Mūsā, Ḥayyim and Aharon (or two brothers, Abū Mūsā Ḥayyim and …
2 نسخين 2 ترجمتين 2 مناقشتان
Legal document. Partnership agreement. Location: Cairo. Dating: 1204-1237. Partnership agreement in cloth trade between Pinhas b. Elazar ha-Kohen and Moshe ha-Levi. Both partners seem to …
Communal account in Arabic script. "The sum that was collected for the curtain (sitr)" or "curtains (sutur)": 50 dirhams. This may be referring to the …
Letter from Nissim b. Ḥalfon, probably in Tinnis, to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat. Around 1046. The writer is about to travel to Palestine. Mentions …
[כתאבי אטאל אללה בקא מו]לאי אלשיך ואדאם עזה ותאידה וסלאמתה
ו[ מ]ן סיואן ען סלאמה ונעמה ואלחמד
ללה וק[ד כנת אנפדת א]לי מולאי כתב לם אחצי...
Letter from Mūsā b. Abī l-Ḥayy, Alexandria, to his relative Abu l-Ḥasan Shelomo b. Nissim al-Barqi, containing instructions about selling goods such as textiles and …
על שמך
כתאב[י] יאולדי ואלעזיז עלי אטאל אללה בקאך ואדאם
סלאמתך וסעאדתך מן אלאסכנדריה לג מצת מן אב
יהפך לסמחה(!) ען חאל סלאמה פי אלגסם ...
Letter from Hassun b. Yiṣḥaq to a partner. Business letter discussing payments and shipments, apparently of flax and textiles. Dated ca. 1050. (Information from Gil, …
Letter from Yeshayahu b. Ishaq to Abu Avraham Ismail b. Avraham with an urgent request to hand over six loads of textiles to the 'Dar …
Business letter from Avraham ben Khalaf, probably from Alexandria, to Abū al-Faḍl Sahl b. Ḥasan b. Salāma al-Sukkarī in Fustat. Datable to ca. 1062 on …
[כתאבי] אטאל אללה בקא סידי ומולאי ואדאם עזה ותאיידה וסלאמתה מן
[אלמסת]קר לי בקין מן אללה ערפך אללה ברכתה וברכה מא יליה ואל
חמד ללה רב א...
Account written on a bifolio by Nahray b. Nissim. Dating: ca. 1055 (Gil). Includes prices for garments; would be an invaluable source for the history …
ע ר מימון בן כלפה בקיאר ז דרה[ ]
וע עיבה ז קרא וען בקיאר לה דר [ ]
וע פי צרא עקיק י דנא ותלתיי וע פי סקט ט דרא
2 نسخين
Court document dated 15 Kislev 1469/26 November 1157 acknowledging that the court had heard the testimony of the wife of the addressee, the Shaykh Abu …
Accounts in the hand of Nissim b. Ḥalfon, presented to Nahray b. Nissim; 1066 CE. Lists payments for various goods, made either directly or through …
לר נהראי [ ] מן גמלה אלורק
אלדי קבל האדי קאי ותלת ותמן
> קיר
לה בחק אלברקלו(?) מן אלצרה אלתי
וצלת מן אטראבלס...