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Receipt for the capitation tax of Ibrāhīm b. Yūsuf the Jew, a silk worker (qazzāz) and craftsman (ṣāniʿ). Same payer: T-S Ar.34.224, T-S Ar.34.282 (where …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Tax receipt for Bū l-Makārim b. Bū Ishaq, possibly for the purchase of a house in Fustat. Contains one registration mark.
Fatimid document, probably fiscal, more than one hand, one large in shā allāh, and one registration mark: al-ḥamdū lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih. Damaged and not easy …
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Possibly mentions ʿAbdallah b. Manṣūr in line 4 after the basmala in line 3. Requires further examination.
Fragment of an official document, probably. (Tax receipt?) Little is preserved beyond the date: 12 Ramaḍān 634 AH = 9 May 1237 CE.
Receipt for the capitation tax for Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb in Fustat. Dated: Looks like 551 AH, which would be 1156/57 CE if correct. See ENA …
Tax receipt for Abū l-Surūr. Trigger: addā.
Receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the office of Accounts on …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Tax receipt. Mentions the mustakhdim al-jawālī in Damietta. Dated: 601 AH. Amount: 1.25 dinars. ʿAlāma: الحمد لله وبه استعين. Endorsed across the text rather than …
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Trigger: addā. One registration mark; al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ḥamd al-rāʾfa.
Tax receipt for the capitation of Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb. Trigger: ṣaḥḥa. See also: ENA 3945.9, T-S NS 297.171, T-S Ar.35.133, and T-S AS 181.31. The …
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. On verso there are accounts of some sort (mentioning Manṣūr b. [...]), unclear if this …
Tax receipt for Abū l-Surūr b. Faraj. Trigger: addā. Registration mark - 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh bihi athiq', praise be to God in whom I trust.
Tax receipt, Fatimid.
Tax receipt, Fatimid, issued in Fusṭāṭ in the name of Saʿīd al-Afṣarī. Hint of a date at the bottom (23?).
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Dated: 27 Muḥarram 404.
Tax receipt, Fatimid for the sum of one-quarter dīnār (rubʿ)? Registration mark at the top left corner- al-ḥamdu lil-lāh shukran li niʿmatihi.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Dated 505 H?
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Registration marks - al-ḥamdu lil-lāh waḥdahu (recto), al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā nuʿamāʾih (verso).
Receipt for Abu Sahl the teacher (al-muʿallim). Possibly a tax receipt, Fatimid.
Tax receipt, sixth century AH. Trigger: addā. Few names on verso. Written by and for the same people as ENA 3944.3 (PGPID 10465), but registered …
Tax receipt. Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb, Fatimid. One registration mark: al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Small fragment, not much text preserved.
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb.
Tax receipt, Fatimid, possibly for the year 414? 11.5 x 10.5. NB: There is a discrepancy between the numbering of the manuscripts and the photos; …
Tax receipt. Fatimid-era. Short. Granted to a certain Yūsuf. Amounts and date and scribe are not immediately clear. Needs further examination.
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Blank verso. Perforated for binding. For the capitation tax of Hiba b. Yūsuf; same dossier as ENA 3936.3, T-S Misc.24.38.1–3, T-S AS …
Tax receipt, Fatimid. For Hiba b. Yūsuf. Trigger: addā. Year: 547 (?). See ENA 3925.6 (PGPID 10284).
Tax receipt, Fatimid. Dated: 501 (?). Capitation tax in Fustat. Two registration requests, two ʿalāmas. Trigger: ṣaḥḥa. Glyph at the top.
Recto (secondary use): tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb
Recto: Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abu al-Hasan ibn Wahb including five signatures and some dates.
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Multiple registration marks such as 'al-ḥamdu lil-lāh ʿalā niʿamih', praise be to God for his …
Capitation tax receipt for a 1 dinar payment made by Bū l-Thanāʾ b. Bū Saʿd b. Ṭayyib al-Murakkib (the saddle maker) in New Cairo and …
Verso: Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb with a registration mark al-ḥamdu li-llah ʿalā niʿamih. The name of the jahbadh is …
Recto: Bottom of a letter (official letter?) in Arabic script. Verso: Tax receipt issued by ʿArafāt(?) b. al-Naqīb the silk tax farmer (ḍāmin al-ḥarīr) to …
Tax receipt, probably Fatimid. Written on the verso of a torn petition or formal letter in Arabic script which reads as "ʿabd Mawlānā wa-Sayyidunā", then …
Capitation tax receipt for Sulaymān al-yahūdī b. Mūsā al-yahūdī al-Mutaṭabbib (?). Dated 24 Dhū l-Ḥijja 524 AH (1130 CE). Not authenticated at the top by …