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Official correspondence in Arabic script. Portions of 7 lines are preserved. Seems to be either a petition or a letter of gratitude after a favorable …
استمطار سحب المكارم الالهية بما يصلحها وعليها..
صنائع هذه الايام الناضرة[ ]
من الحكام في هذه الاعمال ولو لا يتم بالاعراف في شكر النع...
1 نسخ
Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. The petitioners complain to the authorities that a certain person is corrupting their religious status quo (niẓām) and …
وقد فسد بذلك نظامهم ويعذر عليهم
الاقامة بموجبات شريعتهم واختلت
اجتماعاتهم وهم يسالوا من المراحم العـ[ـميمة]
ان يشملهم من العدل ما شمل...
And it affects their order and makes it difficult for them
to adhere to their tenets of faith and demobilizes
their congregations. They seek ...
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
State document. Dating: early 13th century (Ayyubid period). Petition from Khuyalāʾ b. Ḥasan and Abū l-Jaysh to the caliph al-ʿĀdil regarding an iqṭāʿ in the …
خيلا بن حسن وابو الجيش
بن احمد
بسم الله ...
Khuyalāʾ ibn Ḥasan and Abū al-Jaysh
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
The slave kisses the ground before t...
Petition in Arabic script. There are multiple senders, evidently Jewish. Much of the remaining text is formulaic. They refer to khurūj al-amr al-ʿālī ('the issuing …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Petition. In large Arabic script, wide space between the lines, in a chancery hand. This is a small fragment from the lower right corner of …
Verso: Fragment of a petition in Arabic script. The beginnings of ~6 lines are preserved. Contains phrases such as: "wa-l-kashf ʿammā . . . al-sharīfa …
Jottings and drafts of phrases both from a petition (yuqabbil al-arḍ) and an order of payment (yadfaʿ li-muwaṣṣilhā) addressed to al-Shaykh al-Makīn Abū l-Faraj (early …
Official correspondence in Arabic script. Maybe a petition (at least in the sense that the sender is buttering up the addressee and asking for a …
End of a petition in Arabic script. Asking for permission to enter Egypt on behalf of a group of people. In a different hand, there …
1 مناقشة
Right fragment: Letter/petition in Hebrew from the widow of the well-known judge Hiyya b. Yishaq (active in Fustat 1129–60s) to the Jewish congregation of Fustat. …
Letter of petition to Saʿadya the great prince, probably the father of Mevorakh b. Saʿadya. The writer complains that he and his family are hungry. …
Letter/petition from an unknown writer to the Head of the Jews. In Judaeo-Arabic. The writer complains about ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz and his mistreatment of a woman …
Recto: Petition, probably. In Arabic script, in a Fatimid chancery hand, with huge space between the lines. Portions of two lines are preserved: ...ʿalā yadih …
Petition (draft) from […] Mukhliṣ, in Minyat Ghamr, to an Ayyubid dignitary. In Arabic script. The petitioner complains about the young son of a neighbor …
[ ] Mukhliṣ, inhabitant of Minyat Ghamr.
(The slave) reports to the seat...
Probably a petition, but possibly a legal document. In Arabic script. On parchment. About 6 lines are preserved. Includes phrases such as "as your [excellency] …
Letter in Hebrew. Fragment, only the first few lines are preserved. Calligraphic and formal style. Probably the beginning of a letter of appeal.
Letter/petition to a certain Net[an'el]. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Little of the content remains; mentions household items (ḥawā'ij al-bayt) and the writer's shame.
Petition fragment. Contains part of a raʾy clause and a reference to Dīwān al-Shām al-Maʿmūr, and then perhaps "the response of the slave with what …
Petition from a man described as having many dependents (the first two lines read: wa-huwa ṣuʿlūk kathīr al-ʿāʾila wa-yasal al-inʿām ʿalayhi wa-al-iḥsān ʾilayhi bi-khurūj ilā …
Fatimid state document, perhaps a petition (...min iḥsānik...). On verso, Hebrew literary text.
Verso (original use): Petition. The bottom 10 lines are preserved. The specific request is hard to make out, perhaps for government employment. Needs further examination.
Petition opening to a vizier of al-Ḥāfiẓ. Dating: 531–33/1137–39. Al-Ḥāfiẓ had three viziers: the general Yānis (for nine months in 526/1132), Bahrām (529–31/1135–37 and Riḍwān …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
[صلوات] الله وبركاته ونوامى زكواته وافضل سلامه [و]تحياته
على مولانا وسيدنا وامام الحافظ لدين الله اميرالمومنين
The blessings and benedictions of God, his increasing benefactions and mostexcellent salutati...
Petition likely addressed to the vizier of al-Ẓāfir, al-ʿĀdil Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī Ibn al-Salār (r. 1149–53), regarding a fief worth 5500 dinars and a market …
صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامى وافضل تحياته و[سلامه]
ما اخذ لهم من طين اقطاعهم وهو ماية فدان احتوى عليها النايب
وقد خرجت الاوامر العالية با...
... what was assigned to them as ...
Petition to an Ayyubid sultan, possibly Al-ʿĀdil I (13th century), opening only. On verso there is a piyyuṭ, possibly for Yom Kippur. (Information from Khan …
[ ا]لهمام ناصر الاسلام غياث الانام سيف المومنين سلطان جيوش المسلمين
خليل امير المومنين وادام قدرته واعلى ابدا كلمته وانفذ احكامه
[ ] the heroic, the helper of Islam, the succour of mankind, sword of the believers, sultan of the armies of the Muslims,
the friend ...
Petition to the caliph al-Mustanṣir from a man seeking employment in the caliph’s service. Draft, opening only. Dating: ca. 427–87/1036–94. On the other pages is …
The benedictions of God and his blessings, his increasing benefactions and most excellent greetings be upon our master and lord
the imām al-Mus...
Fatimid fiscal report or account for the fiscal (kharājī) year 417, from the period of the Fatimid caliph al-Ẓāhir. Dated: 417 kharājī/419 AH. Document is …
عبد مولانا وسيدنا الامام الظاهر لاعزاز دين الله امير المومنين
صلوات الله عليه وعلى ابائه الطاهرين وابنائه الاكرمين
ومملوكه حس...
The servant of our master and lord, the imām al-Zāḥir li-Iʿzāz Dīn Allāh, commander of the faithful,
the blessings of God be upon him and upon ...
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة
Petition in Arabic script, in a chancery hand. The sender is saying, to paraphrase, "I am your most devoted servant, so don't force me to …
Petition from a Jewish man to a dignitary. In Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner). Opens with two lines of grand titles for the presumably …
بسم الله] الرحمن الرحيم
المملوك يقبل الارض امام الحضرة السامية الاجلية] القضائية السعيدة الماجدة الامينية
ذ]خيرة(؟) الدين جمال الروسا ص...
Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition from the group/community/tribe of Banū al-Thimāl(?). Only the opening blessings for the caliph are preserved. Someone has re-copied …
State document, in Arabic script. Fragment of a petition addressed to al-Ḥāfiẓ ʿAbd al-Majīḍ (1132–49). Apart from the opening formula and the blessings on the …
1 نسخ 2 مناقشتان
Petition, probably. In Arabic script. ~4 lines preserved. Refers to al-dīwān al-Mustanṣirī. On verso there is piyyut. Likely related to the cluster T-S H11.90 + …
..هذين الديوانين وهو يجدد السوال
…قام….من شي بما يجب فيها
]ـه الى الخدمة في ذلك ولولا ما يطمع به
….قدرته من [ ]يجب الديوان المستنصري
Petition in Arabic script to "the master of the viziers" (sayyid al-wuzarāʾ). The sender swears by Muḥammad and his family but is himself a Jew …
Letter addressed to Yosef ha-Kohen b. Simha, asking for help. In Hebrew. The writer was hit by a crisis that forced him into poverty and …
State document(s). In Arabic script. One column is probably a petition and the other the rescript (identical format to T-S NS 96.66, which was edited …
State document. Petition to the caliph al-Mustanṣir regarding a murder on a boat. The son of the petitioner was traveling with a young fellow-merchant from …
بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامى زكواته وافضل تحياته على مولانا وسيدنا الامام المستنصر بالله
أمير المومنين صلوات الله...
Poetic epistle addressed to the poet and man of letters Yehuda ha-Levi, who was also a well-to-do physician and devoted time to public welfare and …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Petition from Abū l-Ḥasan b. Dāwūd to a Fatimid dignitary. The petitioner is a poor young man, whose father died destitute and left him only …
His servant and slave,
Abū al-Ḥasan ibn Dāʾūd
The slave of the lofty, mighty, much-soug...
Fragment of a petition, two wide lines. The first line reads 'wa-ʿabd mawlānā,' then '[...] al-shāmil.'
Recto: Beginning of a letter of appeal for charity by an individual named Makīn who addresses his plea to an elder. Mentions the topoi of …
Draft of a beginning of a report to an official, possibly a vizier, from a lower official. Beginning formula and opening honorifics are preserved. Addressed …
Letter or report. In Arabic script. Mentions a man from Tiberias by the name of Baysān, wicked people (fa-kathura fasāduhum), people who mentioned that they …
ىعـ[]...الله تعالى واستناد الله……….
الـ]ـدعا الصالح و[الـ]ـصلوة والطلبه قبل….بما ارجو من الله
غير خاف عن حضرته كيف...
Beginning of a draft petition in Judaeo-Arabic. From a woman, Umm Shemuel of Tyre (al-Ṣūriyya). Dating: no earlier than ca. 1120 (includes taqbīl clause). On …
Recto: Petition, fragment. Perhaps involving the plunder and occupation of a house ( wa-nahabū... ikhrājuhum ʿanhu... fa-mā li-l-mamlūk illā marāḥim al-mawlā...). The form of the …
Petition in Arabic script. Begins with a taqbīl and praises for "al-majlis al-ʿālī... khallada allāh ayyām sulṭānahu....). Concerning "my father Abū Zikrī al-Ṭabīb (the physician)." …
Verso (original use): Petition in an elegant Arabic hand. The sender's name probably appears at the end of the tarjama, but it difficult to read. …
Bottom of a petition. In Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps Ayyubid-era, based on the titles. The addressee (the caliph or vizier?) is asked to issue (or …
Petition in Arabic, with two lines well-preserved. Medieval-era. The preceding shelfmark T-S AS 186.57 was reused for alphabetical practice by the same scribe as T-S …
Mamluk or early Ottoman petition.
Verso (original use): Petition in Arabic script. Four lines from near the top are preserved. Late Fatimid period.
Petition addressed to a Jewish dignitary. Dating unknown. The document is mainly in Arabic script but interspersed with biblical quotations and phrases in Hebrew. The …