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8 نتائج
عرض تفاصيل المستندقائمة/جدولMIAC 254
Files of Jewish families who are owed payment containing names, addresses, the members of each family, and their employment, wages, and neighborhood, the initial payment …
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قائمة/جدولT-S K15.63
Payroll account similar to T-S Misc.8.100, App. B 41, partly in the same hand and noting mostly the same names and sums for the 28th, …
- שׂבת אחרי מות וקדושׂים אלגאב[י
- אלשׂיך אבו אלחסן אלטביב ס ½ ר
- כבז אלחזן ר ידותון מן ען אסבועין
- יד ½ יד
- אלשׁמשׁ אבי אלטאהר מחאסן השׂמשׂ
- ד ב
- בית אלמב...
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
عرض تفاصيل المستندقائمة/جدولAIU VII.F.31
List of payments in Judaeo-Arabic dated as 14 Shvat 5595 or 13 February 1835CE. In both headings on the recto and verso Ḥayyim Griyani is …
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قائمة/جدولJRL SERIES C 29
List in Judaeo-Arabic of payments dated in the year 1207-1208AH which is 1792/93CE. Although the document itself is dated with the Hijri calendar the payments …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةMIAC 70
Confirmation from the Jewish hospital of in Cairo acknowledging that the patient will pay the cost of the free treatment if it is found that …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندرسالةMIAC 222
Letter to a doctor of general clinic under the supervision of the Agudat Israel explaining that the treatment of the patient will be completed with …
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قائمة/جدولENA 2591.18
List of weekly emoluments, preceded by the collection made for the purpose. Superscription: 'Statement about the revenue from the collection for the weekly payments, jibayat …
אלשיך הבה אללה אלתקה ב
אלגמלה קכד ובקיה לא
אנצרף מן דלך
ר' אנטולי ח
ר' יפתח ו
אלחזן בו סהל ו
אלחזן בו סחק ד?
בן ר' דניאל [
כאדם דמוה
גאליה בן ברכאת...
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة
عرض تفاصيل المستندرسالةT-S Ar.38.111
Letter in Ottoman Turkish addressed to Maʿallim Salmūn in Alexandria from Sulaymān Bostancı[?] dating from the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries. There is some damage to the sender's …
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