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عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 324.47
Court record in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan. Location: Fustat. Dated: first decade of Tammuz 1471 Seleucid = June 1160 CE, under the authority …
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ثيقة شرعيّةENA NS 7.65
Small fragment from an engagement deed, written under the authority of Netanel Halevi, based on the phrase נסיכנו ונשיא אלהים ב[תוכנו]. AA
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
رسالةT-S Misc.24.137.4
Leaf from a court ledger. On recto: Testimony of compliance with an order issued by the head of the Jews, Netanʾel ha-Levi. Dated: First third …
Response to a decree of the ra'is al-yahud Nethanel ha-Levi, regarding the proper conduct of a meat slaughterer. 1471 Sel. (1160). TS Misc. Box 24,...
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة