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Recto: Legal document. In Hebrew. Dating: No earlier than 15th century; mentions the currency muayyadi. This appears to be a rental contract for a portion …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated 1730 CE (8 Heshvan 5491), involving the partners Moshe ʿAzarya and Yosef Buntol (? בונטול) and a debt of 16,495 …
Legal document (right side only) dated 1701/2 CE (5462 AM) involving Yosef Yedid and an orphan girl Sitt al-[...] and payments on the order of …
Replacement ketubba dated 12 September 1802 (15 Elul 5562 AM) from "Kafr al-Nāqir" on the Nile. Line 6 notes that the couple's original ketubba is …
1 نسخ
Letter from Damascus to Fustat. Same hand as F 1908.44DD, which is very likely the end of the same letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: No earlier …
End of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Same hand as F 1908.44DD, which is very likely the beginning of the same letter. Dating: No earlier than …
Recto: Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated 1730 CE (1 Heshvan 5491), involving a debt of 5000 diwani medins owed by Moshe Benvenist to Shabbetay b. …
Legal: partnership agreement. Dated: Thursday, 10 Kislev 5319 AM (חושה), which is 1558/59 CE.The partners Yehuda Castro and Namir Viryuti (? וריוטי) enter into a …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Ketubba that has been badly damaged yet a portion of the dowry is still visible as "עשר אלף מיידיס כסף..." (10,000+ silver medin). The mention …
Incomplete late legal document in which Yaʿaqov Maṣliaḥ acknowledges that Meʾīr Ben-Naʿīm has invested 2000 medins with him.
Accounts in Ladino including for March 1722 CE (mentions Rosh Hodesh Nisan 5482). Currencies used are ducados and muayyadis. The handwriting is very close to …
Recto: Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated March 1819 CE (last third of Adar 5579 AM), in which Yiṣḥaq Zamiro acknowledges receipt of an investment of …
Ketubba dated 13 December 1799 CE (15 Kislev 5560 AM) from Cairo, for Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham Muḥibb and Palomba bt. Shalom ha-Levi. The me'ukhar is …