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5 نتائج
نوع غير معروفT-S Ar.18(1).146
Note in Judaeo-Arabic listing Talmudic tractates, perhaps those to be studied, and mentioning a string used to take the measurements of the books. The page …
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Credit instrument or private receiptT-S AS 148.157
Informal note from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu to Waliyy al-Dawla. The addressee is to give the masṭara (ruling board) to the bearer to bring back to …
- יא מולאי אלשיך ולי אלדולה תנעם בפצלך
- תדפע למוצלהא אלמסטרה אסטר
- בהא אלכראריס ואסיירהא ללמולא
- וחק דיני מא אעיקהא ענך אצלא
- ואן קצדת תמנהא ערפני כם הו...
1 نسخ
عرض تفاصيل المستندثيقة شرعيّةT-S NS 264.66
Legal query, possibly a draft, in Judaeo-Arabic. There is text at multiple angles, including faint text underlying the text that can be seen on the …
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عرض تفاصيل المستندنوع غير معروفT-S K11.54
Masṭara or ruling board, made from stacked, glued paper (cardboard) and string. Paper could be pressed over the raised string, leaving the imprint of straight …
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نصّ غير أدبيّMoss. IX,167
A ruling board (masṭara), made from layers of paper stuck together, incorporating what is probably a medical work in Arabic. There is Hebrew, probably originally …
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