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رسالةT-S 8J17.11
Letter from an unknown writer, probably in Hebron, to his wife (addressed as al-Sitt al-Jalīla), probably in Fustat. Addressed to al-Shaykh al-Muhadhdhab al-Khayyāṭ (the tailor), …
- בשמך רחמנה
- אלי חצרה אלסת אלגלילה אלראיסה אלכשרה אלצדקת
- אלדי ינהי אלי עלמהא באני קד צעפת פי אלכליל צעף
- צעב ולולא דעא בי וצדקתך וכשרותך ו...
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
رسالةT-S NS 321.93
Letter from Jalāl al-Dawla (or at least a person from the family of Shelomo b. Yishai the Nasi), written during an epidemic, and mentioning the …
TS NS Box 321, f. 93, ed. S. D. Goitein, "Chief judge R Hananel B.Samuel, in-law of R. Moses Maimonides" (Hebrew), Tarbiz, 50(1981), p.375, 06-06-9...
2 نسخين 1 مناقشة