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عوامل التصفية

4 نتائج

  1. 1

    رسالةMIAC 159

    Letter reassuring the correspondent about the affairs of the family – 1935CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 159) – in Arabic. (information from …

    لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر


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  2. 2

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S 16.35

    Court record of a legal agreement between a husband, Abū l-Ḥasan Shelomo b. Menashshe, and his wife, Sitt al-Nasab bt. Abū l-Munā, in which he …


    1. Testimony that took place before us, we the undersigned, as follows: when the Creator, exalted be His invocation

    2. and sanctified be His na...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  3. 3

    رسالةCUL Or.1080 J237

    Letter from Abū al-Riḍa, in Qūṣ, to Abū Zikrī, in Fustat, c/o the sugar factory (maṭbakh) of Abū al-Maʿānī. In Judaeo-Arabic with the address in …

    1 مناقشة


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  4. 4

    رسالةBL OR 5566B.1

    Family letter. In Arabic script. Maybe from a man in serious trouble with his wife, writing to his son who appeased or reached a settlement …


    1. ما(؟) حيث(؟) صالحت ستك السحاقة الذي ما رضيت مجي[ء] اليك حتى

    2. انفذت تسالها وسالتها قبحت عليها ست علم وغيرها يصوم (؟) تحتا . (؟)

    3. انفذ لنا ...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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