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This polemical letter, in a manuscript of which only one sheet has been preserved (T-S 8K6), shares features in common with Letters 1 and 2 …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Text from the Calendar Controversy of 921/2. What survives of this text consists mostly of an argument that calendrical decisions can only be taken by …
[ ] בחוצה לארץ ורבי עקיבא עיבר בחצה [לארץ] וששבט
[ ואין] משגיחין בעיבור החדש ובקידוש החדש [א]לא על בני
[ארץ ישראל] ...
Letter from Se’adya b. Yosef to his students in Fustat. Original letter was written in February or March 922. The date of this copy is …
2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة
Two double pages. Copy of a letter from Se’adya b. Yosef to Eli b. Tavnai’s sons in Fustat. Original letter was written in January 3, …
Partially preserved 11th century copy of second of three letters written by Saadya in the course of the 921-922 calendar controversy between Palestinians and Babylonians. …
3 نسخ 1 ترجمة 2 مناقشتان
One of two manuscripts of ben Meir's first letter regarding the calendar controversy of 921/22 CE. (The other one is ENA 2556.2 + Bodl. Heb. …
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. There is mention of the Qaraites and Ben Me'ir, suggesting that it might have to do with the calendar controversy. There is …
1 نسخ
Calendar manual with distinctive Palestinian calendar traditions, such as the rule of 641–642. Defers to Babylonian calendar rules, in a way that is inconsistent and …
Provides minimal information on the calendar. Perhaps intended as a aid for those who were already knowledgable about calendar calculations. Includes the Palestinian calendar rule …
Epistle regarding the calendar controversy of 921–22 CE, including a response by Aharon b. Meʾir, who writes from Palestine to Baghdad. The letter begins with …
שלום מעניף ע[ ] מרומים ומצליל עד יצוק הדומים
סובב ומקיף סב[ ]ים אפוד חן עטוף רחמים ממתיק
טעם כמו לרחו[ ] כסוחים כאיתן בא בימים כאה...
Birth record. On the final page of a copy of copy of Kitāb al-Tawriyyah, the Book of Covert Ambiguity, by the 11th-century Qaraite scholar Jeshuʿah …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Karaite document, compiled by a delegation of 12 Gaza and Jerusalem Karaites, regarding the state of fields in the spring in order to determine whether …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة