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Verso (original use): Unidentified document in Arabic script. Possibly the bottom of a tax receipt or other state document.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Pen trials, mentions al-amīr al-ajall ʿIzz al-Dīn. Needs examination.
Petition or report or letter, Mamluk era? A large magnitude from the top of the fragment is missing and a short strip from the right …
1 نسخ
Accounts in Arabic script. Listing some names, commodities (mainly food and drugs), and sums of money. Reused for Hebrew literary text.
Document in Arabic script. On verso there is Hebrew literary text. The same scribe reused numerous Arabic-script documents (e.g., T-S NS 111.63; see Joins Suggestions).
Recto: Letter to a man in Qalyūb. The writer excuses himself for not coming to Qalyūb, for he thought the addressee would not be there, …
Recto: Document in Arabic script, headed with a basmala and a note including a blessing for somebody (ṣalawāt allāh ʿalayhi), followed by many lines of …
Table in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Recto: Narrative text in Judaeo-Arabic. Relays a dialogue between Dāniyāl (al-Qūmisī?) and Yūsuf involving Qaraites. Verso: Two lines in Arabic script. Perhaps ʿUmar b. Yūsuf. …
Order of payment. In Arabic script (one line) and Judaeo-Arabic (three lines). The addressee is to give the bearer a sum of money.
Receipt in Arabic script. Location: Cairo or Fustat. Dated: before Muḥarram 561 AH, which is late 1165 CE. For Bū Najm Hilāl b. Mūsā al-Ḥarīrī. …
Document (receipt?) in Arabic script, remarkably calligraphic and carefully-written. Involves Friday, the 9th of some month, ʿAbdallāh b. Fallāḥ, wheat, 3 dinars.
Letter in Arabic script. Dating: Likely medieval. From a man probably to family members. There are many self-pitying phrases. Some lines are crossed out; may …
Table in Arabic script and Coptic numerals.
Document in Arabic script, probably accounts, probably late.
Document in Arabic script, probably accounts.
Recto: A few lines of an abandoned letter in Arabic. Verso: A page completely filled with Judaeo-Arabic writing practice (?) of standard phrases from letters, …
Table including many numbers. In Arabic script. Accounts?
Table in Arabic script and Coptic numerals. Accounts?
Recto: Legal document, probably. Bottom only. In Arabic script. Witness signatures are preserved.
Tables in Arabic script and Coptic numerals. Three folios. Needs examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, with one line of Arabic script. VMR. ASE.
Legal document or documents. The primary block of text on verso appears to be the original legal testimony, written in Judaeo-Arabic. Very faded. The second …
List of names of men and/or households, possibly in Cairo. The list fills a narrow bifolium. There are a few lines in Arabic script at …
Bifolium with four pages. First page: Legal record in Judaeo-Arabic. No signatures. Mentions the government (sulṭān). Dated Jumāda II 488 Hijri = 1095 CE. Second …
Document in Arabic script. Listing various sums of money in dinars.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Dating: late.
List of some sort in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Prognostications? In Arabic script.
Verso (original use): Document in Arabic script. The beginnings of 4 lines are preserved. Needs examination.
Unknown document in calligraphic Arabic script. Appears to be a small fragment torn from a larger document. There are also Hebrew pen trials.
Letter in Arabic script. Addressed to a maternal uncle (khāl). Only the opening is presrved. In the margin, in a different hand, Hippocrates's "vita brevis …
Document in Arabic script. There might be a person named Buṭrus. Needs examination.
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Mentions al-Shaykh Bū l-Faḍl.
Document in Arabic script. The name al-Mu'ayyad fī l-Dīn may appear. Also: "Inform me who. . . in the neighborhood. . . or if he …
Document in Arabic script, torn and reused for a Judaeo-Arabic literary text.
Letter fragment in Arabic script:ṣāliḥ dhakarū anna...; on verso there is also some Hebrew text.
Accounts in Arabic script.
Letter fragment in Arabic script.
Text blocks in Arabic script in between the lines of the document on the recto, in the margins, and on verso.
Jottings in Hebrew script and Arabic script, perhaps including some accounts.
List of names and corresponding numbers. In Arabic script.
Letter in Arabic script, it seems discussing financial matters and someone's absence. ASE
Document in calligraphic Arabic script. Maybe a state document. Needs examination.
Recto (secondary use): Letter from Abū Zikrī (b. Eliyyahu) to someone he addresses as "father." In rhymed, Judaeo-Arabic prose. Abū Zikrī is sick and hopes …
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Fragment filled with Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew written at all angles. The main blocks of Arabic script consist of lists, at least one …
The main block of Judaeo-Arabic text is a portion of a letter. The writer reports that he arrived safely in Fustat and yearns for a …
Medical prescription. In Arabic script.