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عوامل التصفية

4 نتائج

  1. 1

    قائمة/جدولT-S NS J570

    Bifolio in Judaeo-Arabic. Perhaps originally from a ledger of business accounts. Containing detailed records about the flooding of the Nile in 1054 CE and 1055 …

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة


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  2. 2

    رسالةT-S AS 180.140

    Jewish communal letter in Arabic script. Mostly in Arabic language, with at least one word in Hebrew (اليشوعا, v8). Opens with blessings for the caliph …

    لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر


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  3. 3

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.40.153

    Tax farming lease from the administration of al-Mustanṣir, dated 477 kharājiyya (1087–88 CE). Mūsā b. ʿĪsā takes upon himself a payment of 8 dinars in …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. ضمن لمولانا وسيدنا الامام المستنصر بالله امير المومنين صلوات الله عليه وعلى ابائه الطاهرين وابنائه الائمة

    3. الاكرم...


    1. In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.  
    2. Mūsā ibn ʿĪsā pledged to our master and lord, the 'imām al-Mustanṣir billah,  commande...

    3 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة


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  4. 4

    وثيقة رسميّةBodl. MS heb. b 18/21 + T-S Ar.30.278

    Eight rough drafts of a petition to the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustanṣir from the followers of Shelomo b. Yehuda, probably the end of 1041 (according to …

    1. קד כאנו אלעביד אסתגארו אללה
    2. סבחאנה ובאלחצרה אלטאהרה
    3. פי אן תתצדק עליהם באלתצרף פי
    4. אדיאנהם חסב [[אכתיארהם]] מא
    5. יתסע להם ואן לא ימכן בעצהם
    6. א [2]
    7. قد ك...

    2 نسخين 1 ترجمة 3 مناقشات


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