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عوامل التصفية

217 نتائج

  1. 151

    رسالةT-S AS 185.208

    Recto: Letter in Arabic script to Sitt Nadd, probably from her husband. The writer rejoiced at the news of her deliverance (khalāṣ) (childbirth? or from …

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  2. 152

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 178.230

    Petition to a Fatimid caliph, in Arabic script. The ends of ~8 lines are preserved from the upper left corner, including much of the preamble …

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  3. 153

    رسالةT-S AS 185.1

    Letter in Arabic, possibly from 'your father Futūḥ,' to an unidentified addressee, it seems asking him to obtain a specific prescription for one dinar and …

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  4. 154

    رسالةT-S 12.478

    Original use: Letter or petition in Arabic script, mentioning the caliph, witnesses, a document (wathīqa), and a legal or political conflict. The Arabic hand also …

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  5. 155

    رسالةT-S AS 177.239

    Letter possibly to a negligent landlord, written (satirically?) in the style of an ornate petition. Dating: Probably 12th or 13th century. After approximately 10 lines …

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  6. 156

    ثيقة شرعيّةCUL Or.1081 J59

    Legal testimony. In Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Yedutun ha-Levi (active late 12th and first part of the 13th century). Gives a very detailed report …

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  7. 157

    رسالةENA NS 31.13

    Business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Ca. 15th century (no earlier thah 1415 CE), as it mentions the currency niṣṣ/nuṣṣ/half (i.e., the muʾayyadī). Also mentions the …

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  8. 158

    رسالةT-S 16.54

    Letter describing a sea voyage from Tripoli to Sicily (CUDL). “Of another Jew we read in a Hebrew letter that in a large ship, in …

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  9. 159

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS J40

    Original use: State report or petition. In Arabic script. Nearly four lines are preserved, wide space between the lines. Refers to the arrival of a …

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  10. 160

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 149.39

    Verso (original use): Petition in Arabic script. Invokes the trope of a bad person "taking people's property" (akhdh amwālihim) and refers to the caliph (al-ḥaḍra …

    1. ] ازهر

    2. ] عليهم وباخذ اموالهم ولا احد

    3. ]ـه وىحوى الناس ويحلفون بالله

    4. ]صلوات الله عليه وبراس مولاي

    5. ]ـراه ويقال لي كان (دار؟) الترتيب //في//


    1 نسخ


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  11. 161

    وثيقة رسميّةHalper 474

    Petition, Fatimid(?). In Arabic script. Last 9 lines. With hamdala and hasbala at end. Not a lot of context can be gleaned from the preserved …

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  12. 162

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 132.42

    Petition addressed to a lower official: وقد عطفت هده الرسالة على . . . ولمولاي السيد الاجل ادام الله علوه . . . الراي العالي …

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  13. 163

    رسالةNLI 4°9463.9

    Letter from Ḥasan b. Isḥāq, in ʿAsqalān, to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllūn b. Yaʿīsh al-Parnas, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in both Judaeo-Arabic and …

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  14. 164

    قائمة/جدولT-S J1.42

    Detailed accounts in Arabic script. Unclear if it is connected to recto or not. Lists goods such as pepper, bamboo chalk (ṭabāshīr), a large and …

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  15. 165

    رسالةT-S K1.148

    Letter/petition of appeal for assistance written in a combination of Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic, and Arabic. (The Arabic is notable for the use of an ihmāl sign …

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  16. 166

    نصّ غير أدبيّT-S Ar.34.217

    Medical prescriptions for "the little one" (al-ṣaghīra) Sitt al-Bayt(?) and for her son. In Arabic script. There is a section at the top for what …

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  17. 167

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.40.84

    Recto (original use): Bottom of a formal petition, or most likely a report due to state related affairs discussed, in Arabic script, mentioning "al-thaghr" (=Alexandria?) …

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  18. 168

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.25.73

    Recto: Letter/petition in Arabic script to a qāḍī (al-majlis al-sāmī al-ajallī al-qaḍāʾī al-shamsī). The sender's name is given at the top but is tricky to …

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  19. 169

    رسالةT-S NS 313.6

    Letter in the hand of Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (ca. 1100–38 CE). Almost complete. Unclear if Ḥalfon himself is the sender; could be written on …

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  20. 170

    ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3032.2

    Legal document, in Arabic script. Fatimid-era. Begins with blessings upon the reigning Caliph who is al-Ẓāhir due to the year mentioned. May relate to an …

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  21. 171

    رسالةT-S Ar.42.70

    Letter, possibly a draft. In Arabic script. Fragment (bottom part only). The sender may be a merchant writing from Qūṣ (l. 3) or describing his …

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  22. 172

    نصّ غير أدبيّT-S K25.261 + T-S 10J28.6

    Popular literature in Judaeo-Arabic. Narrating a dispute apparently between a man named Sahl and a Kurdish man who both claim ownership over a ship (ghurāb). …

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  23. 173

    رسالةT-S Misc.25.71

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The writer reports that he still has to rest in the house for several days after every one day in the market. …

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  24. 174

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 321.100

    Verso (original use): Lower left corner of a petition in Arabic script, apparently asking for charity or assistance for a woman: . . . . …


    1. عاد اليها الصدقة[
    2. السجـ]ـل الكريم زاده الله شرفا ونفاذا بالصدقة عليها
    3. ]....ويسل الفسح عنها انعاما عليها
    4. ]......ادام امرها
    5. ]عليه الراي العالي...

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  25. 175

    رسالةNLI 577.10/3

    Recto: Letter draft in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. In Judaeo-Arabic. Containing his trademark phrase "when I had turned toward health." He says many …

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  26. 176

    رسالةENA 2727.29

    Letter from Aharon b. Naḥum ha-Tinnisi the scribe. The writer is in need. He lost his job and prices are high, so he left Tinnis …

    1. ] אעלם מולאי אלשיך אלגליל אטאל אללה בקאה ואדאם עזה
    2. ] סלאמתה ונעמתה אני רגל מן אהל תניס
    3. צ]אקת מעישתי ודאם עליי גלא אלסער פלם אגד לי מלגא אל[א
    4. אלכ]ר...

    1 نسخ 1 مناقشة


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  27. 177

    رسالةT-S AS 180.140

    Jewish communal letter in Arabic script. Mostly in Arabic language, with at least one word in Hebrew (اليشوعا, v8). Opens with blessings for the caliph …

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  28. 178

    قائمة/جدولYevr.-Arab. II 2204

    Notebook of a merchant and/or druggist. Bifolium from what was probably a larger notebook. Dating: Unknown. Catalogued as 16th century. A date is given at …

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  29. 179

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.41.83

    Long letter from one government official to another. In Arabic script. The name Abū l-Ṭāhir appears in the address (likely the addressee). It seems that …

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  30. 180

    رسالةENA 3616.12

    Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Aharon ha-Kohen to Moshe b. Maṣliaḥ. In Judaeo-Arabic. He reports that he has arrived safely after a terrible Nile voyage when …

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  31. 181

    رسالةT-S 8J26.14

    Letter of appeal for assistance from a dignitary. Begins in Hebrew, including a Hebrew taqbīl (העבד מנשק . . . . ידיו ורגליו), and ends …

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  32. 182

    رسالةT-S 12.286

    Letter from a certain Yosef to Yiṣḥaq he-Ḥaver, in Valencia (בלנסיה). In Judaeo-Arabic. The hand is Egyptian rather than Spanish (per Amir Ashur) though the …

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  33. 183

    وثيقة رسميّةENA 3923.2 + ENA 3923.1

    Original use: Two lines from a petition or report about property rights, mentioning an alley (zuqāq) in Fustat and something under the name of al-qāḍī …


    1. فـ[ـسطاط مصر بزقاق بني نكير بحافة جلنار يعرف بالقاضي السد[يد

    2. ]ـها …. في موضعها ومن حقوق كلية العبد كوم كان منها قديما صفية(؟) مرقل(؟)

    3.  ...

    1 نسخ


    • verso
    • recto
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  34. 184

    رسالةT-S NS 225.3

    Mercantile letter. On parchment. Dating: Early 11th century. The address is only partially legible and written in a confusing way. The sender appears to be …

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  35. 185

    رسالةT-S Ar.18(1).113

    Letter from Berakhot b. Shemarya, in Damietta, to his parents or at least elder relatives or in-laws (ואלדיה). The address is made out to his …

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  36. 186

    رسالةENA NS 48.26

    Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Describing the horrific tortures inflicted on the writer and his colleagues in the citadel at the hands of four jailers and …

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  37. 187

    رسالةAIU VII.A.43

    Letter fragment (bottom half) in Judaeo-Arabic, addressed to an important person (perhaps Avraham Maimonides). Dated: Middle decade of Elul 1541 Seleucid = August 1230 CE. …

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  38. 188

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 321.47

    Fatimid-era petition. From Muʿammar [...] al-Tūnisī. In Arabic script. He is in trouble on account of the capitation tax and says he does not have …

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  39. 189

    رسالةBL OR 5566C.13

    Letter in Arabic script from a father to his son Abū l-Majd. "The fire was in our hearts because of you, how you spent shabbat …

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  40. 190

    رسالةENA NS 48.29

    Letter addressed to Sitt Shaʿl, in Dār al-Nāqa, Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. The handwriting is distinctive, with stylized loops at the end of all the descenders. …


    1. . . . . . . . . . . . אדאם] אל בקאכם ואדאם עזכם ומן חסן אלתופיק
    2. לא אכלאכם גמע] אללה אלשמל ביננא עלי אסר אלאחואל במנה
    3. וכרמה אנה ולי דלך ואלקא...

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  41. 191

    رسالةT-S Ar.40.81

    Letters in Arabic script. Recto and verso are in two different letters in two different hands. Verso seems to be about a hunting dog which …


    1. وادام تاييده و . . . . . وسلامته ونعمته
    2. على هذه الاحرف يقدم حضوره
    3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . الخيرة(؟)
    4. الى حيث . . . . يشتروه و . . . ...

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  42. 192

    نصوص أدبيّةT-S 12.47 + T-S K25.162 + T-S AS 159.195 + T-S NS 224.176

    Story of illicit love involving a woman named Hind and her husband, a man named Bishr and an old woman. Cf. H. T. Norris, "The …

    T-S 12.47, recto:

    1. פמתא מא ראך ואנתי שאבה לא יצבר קלבהו ען אלשהוא
    2. . . רי מנה מא תחבין ולאכן סלי זוגיך מתא יכרג אלא ציעתה
    3. פאכברני פטאבת נפס הנד בכלא...

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  43. 193

    رسالةT-S AS 181.219

    Petition/letter of appeal for charity, in Arabic script, addressed to the qāḍī ʿImād al-Mulk. The writer mentions his distress (al-shidda wa-l-ḍīqa wa-l-khawf). Later (three lines …

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  44. 194

    رسالةT-S NS 327.93

    Letter from ʿAmmār b. [...] to al-Rayyis Bū l-Mufaḍḍal. In Arabic script. Dating: likely 12th or 13th century. The writer reports on a particular course …

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  45. 195

    رسالةCUL Or.1081 J51

    Most of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, probably from the Levant, to a dignitary in Fusṭāṭ. It begins by extolling the favor (iḥsān) that the Amīr …

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  46. 196

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 306.48

    Petition from the Jewish physician Sulaymān b. Mūsā. In Arabic script. He reports that he "was raised among the physicians of the hospital (māristān) in …


    1. عبدها ومملوكها سليمان بن
    2. موسى اليهودي المتطبب
    3. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    4. عبد حضرة مولـ[يين] الشيخين الاجلين حرس الله عزهما
    5. وثبت سعدتهما وادام عل...
    1. The slave Sulaymān b.
    2. Mūsā, the Jewish Physician
    3. In the name of God, the merciful and beneficial
    4. The slave, of two noble and eminent masters, may...

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  47. 197

    رسالةBL OR 5566B.10

    Letter of condolence on the death of a woman. From an unidentified sender, probably in Qūṣ, to Abū l-Karam and his son Abū Isḥāq b. …

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  48. 198

    رسالةMoss. II,123.2

    Fragment of a business letter, probably sent from Qūṣ (between lines 1 and 2). Mentions "the 8th of Shawwāl, which is Shevat"; the writer's preoccupation …

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  49. 199

    رسالةT-S NS 320.6

    Letter from Masʿūd b. Mawhūb to his brother Sābiq b. Mawhūb. In Judaeo-Arabic. The sender is agitated about the news he heard from Umm Subayʿ …

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  50. 200

    ثيقة شرعيّةJRL Gaster ar. 54

    State document in Arabic, an order of payment from the bureau of silk looms (dīwān anwāl al-ḥarīr), a branch of the state silk monopoly. Dated …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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